Sunday, December 10, 2017

NF Basics: Who And Why?

The Northwest Front is a movement to establish a sovereign and independent Homeland for all White people here in the Pacific Northwest. This concept is based on the idea, fairly obvious by this point in our history, that any recovery of the entire North American continent all at once is now demographically impossible. It’s time for the White man to stop wasting time on endless dead ends that don’t work. The fact that you are in contact with the Northwest Front and that you are reading these words at all indicates that you probably already have some idea as to what we’re about, but I’ll do what I can to tell you about us in this short time available here.

It is a matter of the utmost urgency that you make this vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you come to the Northwest Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order. The White race in North America is in danger of literal, physical extinction. If current destructive demographic trends continue, White people will be a minority in the United States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will have vanished completely from North America by 2100. The real point of no return, however, is far nearer in time. By the year 2030, the median age of the White population of North America will have become so high that we will no longer be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient numbers to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration which has been unleashed on North America by successive U.S. presidents, Canadian prime ministers, and a century of globalist political manipulation.

Radical dangers require radical solutions. Many White people placed their hopes in the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, but it didn’t take long for them to become disillusioned. Trump campaign promises such as the building of a border wall, the repeal of the catastrophic Obamacare, banning Muslim immigration, and the criminal prosecution of Hillary Clinton seem to have been forgotten. Instead, he is playing grab-ass with North Korea and apparently trying to provoke World War Three with Russia. For the first time in history, Jews are actually living in the White House, and several them are standing behind the president whispering in his ear, almost like some old cartoon out of Der Stürmer.

We have only ourselves to blame. We knew that Trump was as kosher as lox and bagels before we voted him in, and only the fact that his opponent was a kind of liberal Jabba the Hut in the form of a humanoid female persuaded many of us to vote for him. We chose the lesser of two evils; the trouble is that lesser evil is pretty damned bad and now we have to live with it. Or die by it.

We as a people have wasted the past six decades on pointless, futile and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative organizations and strategies. The overwhelming majority of these past organizations and movements refused to recognize the vital central importance of race in all issues, and they refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race. We spent entirely too much time standing on street corners in laughably tiny groups holding signs and chewing on rubber chicken in rented motel banquet rooms with several dozen people at a time, most of whom were over 60. The result of the past decades of right-wing failure and impotence is that we are now out of time.

There is only one strategy remaining to us that may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the continent of North America for White people only, where we can raise a few more generations in physical health, mental sanity, and moral safety. Considerations of demographics, economics, (such as the need for a coastline) and a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, Richard Butler, Jeff Hughes, Edgar Steele, and many others, dictate that the territory for this sovereign White republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest. 

The First Step To Freedom: Read Things 

The first step toward the establishment of the Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing racially aware White community to the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana. Hispanics and Third World immigrants aren’t the only ones who can change demographics. The settlers in this mass migration must then form communities of responsible and functional-in-society White nationalists, people who live within half an hour’s drive of one another, and who regularly interact face-to-face in the real world as opposed to tapping or clicking on an electronic device. The internet and social media, etc. are potentially invaluable tools for the establishment of this White ethnostate. They cannot replace human bodies with brave hearts and iron spirits.

You need to get hold of a copy of the Northwest Front Party Manual, which is called the White Book, and any other literature the Party can provide. If you didn’t get this material from the same source where you obtained this copy of NF Bulletin, go to and either contact us through the website, or else by direct e-mail at, and we’ll get that material to you. Or you can always write to the address at the bottom of this bulletin. In the White Book is a recommended reading list of books on all kinds of subjects, including race, political science, Communism, and the Jewish Question. There is also a section explaining about the five Northwest Independence novels.

The fact is that in order to fully understand what I am saying here, and in order to ask the right questions and get the right answers, you need to be familiar with a whole body of knowledge that White Americans are usually denied access to by the media and the public education system. The NF is in rather an unfortunate position, in that in order to bring you fully up to speed on everything we’re saying and convince you of the fact that we are right—and we are right, by the way—you have to sit down and read at least one or two big, thick books, and that’s a problem with 21st century White Americans. A large number of us, especially younger White people who were trapped in public schools as children, and whose parents could not afford to give them an actual education in private school, no longer have the ability, the concentration, or the basic literacy to read a long block of text for content. White people are kind of regressing into the past before reading and writing was invented, and we’re now reliant once again on pictures on electronic screens or in so-called graphic novels, rather like our prehistoric ancestors who drew pictures on the walls of caves.

The Party aren’t total Luddites. We are trying to adapt to audio and visual means of communication, hence our YouTube videos, DVDs and CDs, etc. We also have a weekly podcast called Radio Free Northwest, which can be downloaded from, but the fact is that the bulk of the knowledge you need to know, and which we need to try to make you understand, is contained in actual, physical books.

You’re really going to need to read these books, especially the Northwest independence novels. Those were written with the specific intention of answering every question anyone might come up with, in as much detail as possible. It’s really hard to give detailed answers to questions with people who haven’t read those five Northwest novels, because the answers you’re looking are almost all there, spelled out in much greater specific detail than we could ever give you in 25 words or less here. 

Thoughtcrime In Obama’s America 

Yes—despite the election of Donald Trump as president, this is still very much Obama’s America. Obama’s America transcends Obama himself, if you understand what we’re getting at. The liberal democratic power structure which has spent the past century embedding itself in American government and society is still very much entrenched. Even if Trump was sincere and can even become somewhat effective, this is going to be Obama’s America for a long time.

We need to talk about language and the concept of thoughtcrime, which we’re sorry to say is a very real factor in 21st century American life. A racially conscious White man and a free man as well does not allow the present dictatorship to control or to command what we think or say or write, and that includes a number of forbidden words. You will hear on Radio Free Northwest and read in our publications that the Party  routinely uses words like nigger. kike, beaner and faggot. We use these words specifically because our lords and masters have forbidden us to do so, because the Jewish and liberal ruling élite does not want men and women of our race to use these words, and whatever the régime wants White people not to do is something, then we are under a moral obligation to do as often as possible.

This isn’t quite as simplistic or infantile an assertion as it sounds. There is hard reasoning behind it. I know we keep telling you guys to sit down and read big, thick books, but if any of you haven’t read George Orwell’s historic novel 1984, we recommend in the strongest possible terms that you obtain a copy and do so immediately. Even though the novel was written in 1948, it’s timeless. It explains much about the world we live in today. When you get your copy of 1984, start with the appendix at the end of the book which discusses something called Newspeak. It’s an essay on the use and perversion of language in order to control thought, and it is even more applicable today that it was 70 years ago when it was first written.

Long story short, it’s not racial insensitivity or hurting the poor little monkoids’ feelings or anything like that which are the régime’s concern. The wealthy and powerful liberals and Jews who run this society don’t give a rat’s ass about some street nigger’s hurt feelings. What the liberals want to do is to control our very thoughts, by making us so afraid to speak certain words out loud for fear of economic retaliation, in Europe fear of legal punishment, or fear of psychopathic black violence, that we censor our own selves so effectively that we don’t even think such words—or think about the concepts and the ideas of racial difference and White superiority that those words convey.

The empowered liberal and Judaic élite in Western society doesn’t only want us afraid to say nigger, they don’t want us to even think nigger, or be able to think it. The wealthy liberals and Jews who rule us don’t want White people to think any thought that contradicts what we are taught in our politically correct classrooms, loony-left universities, or our state-controlled liberal media. The régime does not want White people to have in their minds words which can even so much as formulate forbidden thoughts, never mind express them. The long term goal, as stated in Orwell’s 1984, is to make so-called thoughtcrime impossible, because we will lack even the language necessary to formulate forbidden thoughts in our minds.

It is absolutely essential that White people break through this thought control process and recover true freedom of speech and thought, and that first and foremost represents the freedom to say nigger and kike and faggot. Because you see, the liberals who rule us are not just vicious and evil, they are wrong. There is no such thing as an “African-American.” There is no such thing as a black person—the term “person” implies an equality with White people which does not in fact exist anywhere in the real world. They are not people, at least not in the same sense that we are. They are a more primitive and rudimentary species of the genus homo than White people, true, but they are biologically and genetically different in many more important ways other than skin color. Skin color is merely the most obvious of racial differences; the most significant  ones are genetic.

Negroes have inborn differences from White people that cannot be altered, including among other things lesser intelligence, lower cognitive skills generally, and a brain incapable of developing moral thought to the same level as White people. One example is their inability to empathize with anyone outside their own immediate family grouping. It is no accident that all cannibalistic cultures in Africa and Papua New Guinea are black-skinned. On the other hand, it is significant that the green eco, tree-hugging movement is entirely White. White people are the only humans on the face of the earth who seem even to care about the environment.

These are not “black people,” they are niggers, and they know it even if we don’t. Why do you think they call themselves nigger all the time? They don’t respect themselves, so why should we respect them? Then again, we don’t respect ourselves either, since White people won’t fight for what we have and we let them do us such terrible harm, while we cower in a corner like whipped dogs, so why the hell should anyone respect us?

There is no such thing as a “gay” person. There is nothing gay about filthy and unsanitary perversions that spread loathsome diseases. The word homosexual is simply a descriptive term for certain unnatural sexual acts; it does not describe the people who commit those acts. Those people are faggots, queers, bugger boys, dykes, and other terms I won’t use but which are more colorful and descriptive. To refer to these people as gay or homosexual or without any pejorative wording at all is to imply that they and their perversions are somehow acceptable in civilized society. They are not.

You see what I’m getting at? White people and the defenders of Western civilization have to stop letting the enemy define the parameters of discussion and determine what is and is not acceptable by way of thought and language. We need to force that power out of the hands of the liberals and their media and their law, and back into ours. There are a lot of things we need to force out of the hands of the globalists and back into our own.

That’s another thing; we need to be free to at least think in those terms, to encompass in our imaginations the concept of liberals and Democrats and the government being forced to do things, being compelled to change their behavior, and being punished for what they have done in the past, and I don’t mean by being scolded on blogs. The thought is father to the deed, as liberals know full well. If we are free to think disrespectfully of minorities and perverts and the system itself, then it’s only a matter of time before we start thinking about other things. And that’s what they’re really terrified of. There is nothing that frightens a Jew or a liberal more than a White man whose mind is not under their control.

Let’s get your mind out of control, shall we? Contact the Northwest Front today. It’s time we got this show on the road. The genetic and demographic clock is ticking and we need to take heed. Otherwise a century from now, there will be no one remaining on earth who looks like us, and North America will resemble either a Chinese ant farm or Brazil.  We know what we’re going to do now, so let’s get on with it.

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