[This is from May of last year, and unless I'm becoming genuinely senile it's the last "media" type interview I did, with two graduate students from the University of Michigan. Since then the media have started making stuff up out of whole cloth and I don't even respond to their inquiries any more. - HAC]
Mr. Covington:
What is the relationship between ideology and individual within the alt.right? Do leaders of the various groups and factions also act as ideological interpreters? Aside from internet chat boards/forums is there a single source for alt.right ideas? Should there be?
You are giving us far too much credit. The racial right has always been far less about ideology than the Marxist and Cultural Marxist, politically correct left, where ideology has become a kind of dogma comparable to medieval Catholicism, complete with the burning of heretics. Our little slice of life has always been much more about individual ego, dysfunction, and revenge-seeking.
This is one of the primary reasons for our 70 years' worth of failure. The overwhelming majority of the people who approach the radical right, in North America, at least, are doing so out of personal reasons, seeking to write personal wrongs suffered at the hand of the dictatorship and/or the monkoids, but mostly seeking White strength, i.e. somebody who will actually shoot these motherfuckers, make them stop doing what they are doing, and save us. They sob and wring their hands instead of resist when they are sodomized by Obama's Amurrica, and they want Daddy to come and kiss it better.
Alt.righters, to use your name for us, want to wreak revenge on the evil people who have hurt them so badly and destroyed their lives and families. I get this. The people who rule us genuinely are evil, you know. They deserve no mercy or sympathy, and White people are certainly morally entitled to blood revenge--but this doesn't really make for overmuch ideological subtlety or complexity. Name Donald Trump ring a bell?
Also, there is the pansy factor. We tend to distrust excessive intellectualism, ideology and theory, because in our real little world it is so often associated with buggery. Of course, there are our "Movement modernizers" who want to okay buggery and Jewishness in our ranks as well, as bizarre as that sounds.
We also get a lot of just plain kooks, although fewer than our Salonista attackers claim. People who have been driven mad through years of torture, humiliation, deception, abuse and contempt from Obama and his thugs can sound crazy, right enough, but that doesn't mean they're wrong.
What you need to understand is after almost a century of economic pillage and Jewish social engineering, American society has become sick, deranged, insane, and is suffering from a kind of collective national psychotic break with reality. What other nation on the face of the earth has a serious debate on whether or not men wearing womens' clothing should be allowed to use women's rest rooms?
The American people are hurting, they are in agony, they have ideas on who is causing their pain to varying degrees (largely correct ideas) and they want to see blood on their television and computer screens, so long as it is safely distanced from them personally and there is no risk or responsibility involved.
The American people want to see a long list of specific individuals running down the street screaming, with with burning rubber tires around their necks. They are afraid to take the 300 million privately-owned guns out of the closet themselves because the Bad Men in the black body armor will hurt them (which they will, so long as they're still being paid.) At some point the American dictatorship will no longer be able to pay their mercenaries for protection, and then the fun starts. Obama and as of next year the Hildebeest rule by fear and naked force now. If it weren't for the police and military they wouldn't last a week.
The point I'm trying to make with all this ranting and raving is: don't be deceived by all the limp-wristed "Occidental" blogs and quasi-intellectual websites. That's just a small number of wispy middle-aged men who think they're a cross-breed between Julius Evola and Oscar Wilde. The real alt.right is about blood and finding someone to do the killing so they can enjoy it vicariously without risking their own precious skins, which I understand and accept is disgraceful and one of the reasons we have failed. God does not reward cowards.
It appears to us that the 1990s and earlier were dominated by an American National Socialism that was highly diverse in terms of interpretation/praxis but had a common referential in the figure of George Lincoln Rockwell (as well as various German National Socialists, Hitler, Goebbels, etc.). The alt.right similarly has a wide array of ideologies within it but regularly touches upon one or several individuals (such as Julius Evola, Ernst Junger, the French New Right, etc.) as prominent thinkers and reference points. Is the wide array of interpretations and ideological centers a strength or a weakness for the alt,right in your opinion? What is the place of figures such as George Lincoln Rockwell in the modern alt.right?
Okay, first thing I need to explain is that I've only been on Twitter for about three months, and I'm not that much of an expert. I never bothered with it until a short time ago, although since then I have seen how addictive it can become. It seems that alt.right is now pretty much all Twitter; Facebook pages for our kind of people don't last long here and certainly not in Europe. Zuckerberg and his Jews don't allow me to have a Facebook page under my own name, which is fine--one less thing for the secret police to monitor. I have a Facebook account under a false name to keep up with what's going on there, but for obvious reasons don't use it for anything political or racial.
George Lincoln Rockwell was the iconic Movement figure for my generation, no question--I named my son who died in Rhodesia after him--but he is generally less known to our "younger generation," insofar as we have one, which I find it difficult to get a take on through all the internet code names and redditing and rabbiting and yadda yadda yadda. These days 95% of everything is internet and the first rule of the Net is that you never know who you are talking to.
I would imagine most younger people find Rockwell dated, and he is--hell, he was dated when I was coming along, the national situation was changing so fast. His recorded speeches and his life are inspirational still and I sometimes play his material on Radio Free Northwest, but the world he lived in no longer exists.
In the 1990s the American White Power milieu was undergoing a period of intense transformation. Large political organizations in Europe and America disappeared and with the demise of the Soviet Union it seems that every ideological center short of neoliberalism was momentarily thrown into disarray. Could you please reflect on what organizing was like in the 1990s and is it possible to isolate one or several causes for the implosion of Right (and also Left) Political Projects (failure to adapt, changing conditions, etc.)? Was there actually an implosion or can the 1990s be viewed instead as a generational turn-over point and the confusion/dissolution of many political forces really just the chaos associated with the changing of the guard?
I can do that in one word: internet. The internet basically created a fantasy world that White people as a whole and young White males especially can live in to a large extent and escape the toxic ooze of Obama's Amurrica, soon to be the Sea Hag's Amurrica. When things get too bad in the real world we just go home to Mom's basement and log on. We spend our 20s and 30s delivering pizzas and playing World of Warcraft.
There is no need for any attempt to organize in the real world because the fantasy satisfies; it soothes and salves the conscience that you're "doing your bit," when in fact all you're doing is generating words that almost no one will ever read. The biggest leap forward has been the increase in non-textual media like graphics, audio, and YouTubes; American Whites below the age of about 35 are now mostly functionally illiterate. We are now back to drawing on the walls of our caves, except instead of clay pigments we use digitized pixels and mp3s. The idea is that we will "do our bit" in this safe manner allowing us deceive ourselves (although not the enemy) and eventually some guys will come along who have the balls to kill the people we want to watch die on our electronic screens, and entertain us. We think we can vicariously partake of their courage and their glory.
This hasn't happened yet, apart from the odd Dylann Roof or Craig Hicks, who are not resistance fighters but hysterics who threw a hissy fit. I mean, Jesus, condemning yourself to decades in the dictatorship's prison industrial complex over a stolen parking space? Criminy!
But that's the "Project" most of the alt.right is working on, even if they won't admit it to themselves. They're waiting for some must-see TV, although so far all they're seeing is White people who dare to attend a Trump rally fleeing and cowering and bleeding. If anyone feels any sense of shame over that, I haven't picked up on it.
These more or less young yo-yos (younger than me, anyway) think there's going to be this big revolution, and that when it's over they will be the heroes of it, and they will join in receiving the acclaim and the chic and the spoils of victory as everyone rides off into the sunset headed for a weekend at Six Flags. And they think they're going to reap the rewards of valor without displaying valor, all just for tapping on a keyboard without ever hearing the splintering of a door kicked in in the dawn, or feeling the steel on their wrists, or alternatively pulling a trigger and all of a sudden the screaming stops but you've got red and gray ooze dripping down the wall.
That isn't going to happen. My own theory is that when "it" finally does come it's going to be more Mad Max than I.R.A.
In my last major job at Decision One in Texas, about 16 years ago, I used to stand in the smoke hole and listen to guys in their late 20s and 30s, with masters' degrees in IT, talk about their after-hours secret lives as dwarves and warlocks and giant-killers, while the women looked on in disgust. No husbands and providers or fathers for their children there. No wonder so many of them marry wogs of various kinds; some wogs at least have some kind of work ethic.
Another thing you need to realize is the virtual certainty that many of the identities on alt.right Twitter are cyber-transvestites, middle-aged men using female names and female anime avatars on the internet, and don't ask me to speculate on that pathology.
What was the question?
What were the most influential/inspirational ideas/books/thinkers within the American White Power milieu in the 1990s? Where did the ideology come from? Was it a product of organizing, did it come from Europe/abroad? Rockwell was influential but how important are his books versus his actions?
Mmmmm .... Okay, bear in mind I'm trying to generalize and speak for others here, but ...
The Turner Diaries and Hunter by William Pierce, definitely. Pierce's American Dissident Voices, the first real racial podcasts. For all the crazy shit he was doing organizationally and in his disorderly and louche private life, Pierce was definitely the Man of the Hour back in the Nutty Nineties, and to give him his due, he was one of the best we ever had. Seems to me the Nineties was also when I first came across the Evola craze.
This was when we first discovered the internet, remember. At the beginning of the decade everybody was still using paper and postage stamps and by the end, everybody and his dog had a website. Stormfront appeared about '96 or so and from that point on people weren't just getting their inspiration from books; they were getting it from a whole host of their favorite posters on the VBulletin boards, most of whom are unknown to this day and for all anyone knows could have been cognitive dissonance ops trying to shape the course of the Movement, which may have been done.
After speaking with several members of various organizations within the alt.right, it seems to us that the milieu is changing. While it may have a starting point (in America) with National Socialism and figures such as Rockwell, it appears to us that it underwent a significant transformation in the 1990s as a result of Skinhead culture. Today it we think that the milieu is in many ways recovering from the Skinhead period and rediscovering it’s ideological heritage be it National Socialism or Radical Traditionalism (or other various tendencies). Could you please explain the relationship between the ideological elements of the milieu and the skinhead movement? Are/were skinheads actually devoid of ideology?
"Recovering from Skinhead" isn't a bad way to put it. What there is left of it has now mutated into a form of organized crime, just like the Hell's Angels is no longer about riding motorcycles. Some of our best people today are those who survived their Skinhead period, who learned the lessons it taught, grew their hair, hid their tattoos and now function in society. Some of them, as John Metzger said 30 years ago, are now carrying the briefcases.
Certainly, a lot of them had an ideology, a number of ideologies--there were NS Skinheads, Odinst Skinheads, Christian Identity Skinhead, etc. It's just that once you got in you got loaded up in double-quick time with all kinds of bizarre baggage, some of which you never shook off, and there was a quantum leap in your chances of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and ending up dead or in prison, as many did.
How serious is/was federal infiltration?
Pass on this one. I am so restricted by a federal court order from discussing this topic that there is no point in my attempting it if I can't tell the truth. And no, I can't tell you about the court order, because, you see, that would be telling. Seriously, there's no point in my talking about this if I can't speak freely, which of course is the object of the whole exercise.
What do you perceive to be the ideological and/or structural limitations of the alt.right?
It is almost completely internet, has no existence in the real world, and the people in it are functional illiterates who are incapable of forming a genuine revolutionary movement and who are involved for all the wrong reasons. It is possible that the alt.right might inspire some of what the left-loons call "stochastic terrorism," but as satisfying as this might be for all the ghouls who hang onto every word and post hoping to sniff left-loon and SJW blood, it will not change anything.
Is the Northwest Front tied to you in a personal way? Would the Northwest Front still exist as a project without you?
The Northwest Front is just a name used to designate my wee little operation. It sounds better than "that thang Hurrold's doin'"
The Northwest Imperative, on the other hand, is an idea, essentially the ideal of White freedom, peace, and prosperity in a land comprised only of other White people, with nary a monkey-face or a slanty eye to be seen. As such the Northwest Imperative expresses the innate longing and desire and Will of an entire race, even stupid left-loons who think they're completely deracinated, but I don't think they are. I simply don't buy that a White man or woman can ever have their mind washed completely squeaky clean of every bit of genetic and biological instinct, although looking at some of these #BlackLivesMatter niggers' pathetic, weak, repulsive little "White allies," I admit I have my doubts.
The Northwest is basically the only viable plan for White racial survival, or else some form of White separatism. This is now becoming recognized by a lot of people; I covered this on Radio Free Northwest only last week with some stuff about the American Redoubt and Ingathering plans, wherein others have basically re-invented the wheel and removed my name from it, which is fine by me.
Do you see any similarities between your project and the South African Orania mentioned in Kemp’s Nova Europa? Have you seen or heard of any other PLE style political projects and would you say that that style of political action is ascendant? Is it worthwhile struggling in the various white parts of the country (Appalachia, New England, the Midwest, etc.) or would it be best for the milieu to focus its resources on one part of the present country?
Officially, the only people actually forming White communities are the Northwest Front. That's openly and officially. Unless you want to count that Craig Cobb Three Stooges' act in North Dakota as a PLE, which I don't.
Unofficially, I know of several areas where there are a lot of "us" and where there is a certain tendency for people of like mind to move there. With one exception, these are all in the Northwest. My guess is there are others, but very much on the down-low. The people there are adamant about my not even mentioning them. They are terrified that they will be targeted by the media, and so there is nothing printed, no web sites, nothing official at all, all purely world of mouth and private communications, so as you can imagine, recruiting is difficult.
I know of one couple who had a definite plan for building a Beaver Cleaverville in a little town in Idaho, and they struck me as having the resources and the clear head to do so. I actually visited them out there. Then the guy was somehow "outed" and targeted by the SPLC, and he fled screaming into the night denying all and denouncing wicked racism and "my jawb, mah jawb, pleeeeze don't take mah precious JAWB from me!" They fired him anyway and he disappeared. I think his wife dumped him as well once the shekels were no longer coming in.
Basically, the NF is it. It will either go the way I describe in my novels or else the way of Mad Max.
Before the Internet, a lot of white "men" would escape into a fantasy world by immersing themselves in sports on TV or the radio, to the point where they would literally go into declines if "their" team did not do well, or did not win some asinine championship.
ReplyDeleteOf course, sports also allowed niggers a way to ingratiate themselves with the humans. That may have been why ZOG pushed it so hard.