Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Harold's List (Updated)

Harold's List

Remember, this is a list of Good Guys, not Bad Guys. It is shockingly lean. Inclusion here does not necessarily imply endorsement or approval or even personal liking; it just means that those listed appear to be free of the Big Four No-Nos.

Thus far, I believe I can state with some assurance that the closets of the following Alt.Right and White nationalist personalities are free of the following Big Four depravities:

*Buggery, including toleration or trivialization of buggery;

*Jewish blood or toleration of Jews as "part of the European tradition"; trivializing or minimizing the historic role of the Jewish Question in human events;

*Mudsharking, "sport-banging brown pussy," interracial marriage, mulatto or mestizo children, or race-mixing of any kind. (Includes weird sex stuff of any kind);

*Informing, in that no one here has testified in open court against anyone else in the Movement or been named as an informer by any credible source. (Anti-White NGOs, media, internet, law enforcement and judiciary are not considered reliable sources for the purposes of this list.)

Harold A. Covington (myself)
Andy Donner
Bill Roper
Dr. Tom Sunic
Chris White (U.K.)
Matt Heimbach*
Dr. Kevin McDonald
Brad Griffin

Louis Beam
Kyle Hunt
James Edwards
John De Nugent
David Duke**

*Matt Heimbach is currently being heavily slandered by anonymous trolls. This is to be expected since Matt is currently getting his 15 Minutes and as such is subject to the bitter jealousy of our wee little Movement's assorted creepy-crawlies.  So far no one has come up with anything verifiable.

**Big Four only. Many, many caveats on Double Diamond beyond that.

This list is subject to update and correction. Comments should be e-mailed to and will not be approved on this blog.

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