Wednesday, May 31, 2017

HAC And Advocating The Overthrow of the Government

(A Handy Guide for Ambitious U.S. Attorneys)

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.

Really looking for that little gold star on your forehead from the bizarrely misnamed Justice Department, guys and gals? Here's a handy-dandy road map for you.

*Do I advocate specific acts of violence against specific people or targets? No. There would be no point in my doing so. No one would respond. White people just don't have the chops for it. Anyone who did respond would be either a lunatic or an undercover federal agent.

*Do I say flat out "the government of the United States must be overthrown by force and violence?" No, because that's not the result I'm after. The result I'm after is a White ethnostate somewhere on the North American continent, almost certainly in the Pacific Northwest, but it's theoretically possible it could be someplace else. It's entirely conceivable that such a White ethnostate could come into being without the United States government being "overthrown" in the process, as witness the scenario in my Northwest independence novels.

I will say what I have said before. I am not threatening anybody. I am threatening everybody. 

I make simple observations about current events based on my knowledge of history, realpolitik, and human nature. So far as I am aware, I have said nothing that cannot be found in many books written by men who lived down through the centuries and saw the same things I am seeing now, only in the context of their own place and time. It's just that I say these things out loud in front of the goyim.

I speak of the death of the king, which in medieval times was an oil-boiling offense. I am threatening to bring an end to the present corrupt and dysfunctional social order and bring about a resolution to the current crisis which will cause the wealth and power of the people now ruling us to be substantially diminished. 

This is indeed treason, but until things get even weirder than they are now, you U.S. Attorneys can't come right out and admit that's what's got your lords and ladies all hot and bothered. At least I don't think you can. Hell, maybe you can. I guess I'll find out.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The NF Contact Process

Hi, guys:

This is how one goes about getting in touch with the Northwest Front and participating in our activities:

The first step required of you is that you must commit that first minor act of physical courage. You must step out from behind the computer and let us get a look at you so we know who the hell we’re talking to. The Party e-mail address is You will have to respond to a spamblocker message; this is necessary because of the thousands of robo-spams that address receives every week.

We need a name and a postal mailing address from an internet contact. The address can be a post office box or PMB #, that’s fine, just someplace where the post office will deliver mail. The name needs to be a full name, not just “Joe” or “Veronica” or an acronym from some little Hollywood Nazi group with all of three members, two of whom probably don’t know they’re members. 

In the first place, the post office usually will not deliver mail without a full name. Mail packets are expensive, and every time one is returned marked “undeliverable as addressed” we are out money. In the second place, the refusal to supply a full name shows me somebody’s trying to jack us around from the get-go, and is most likely just an ICI (Idle Curiosity Inquiry), a looky-loo trying to get some free stuff, which is a very common attitude in the White nationalist movement.

Remember: the Northwest Front is the real thing. Paranoia has to stop and trust has to start somewhere, and it starts with you. If you don’t trust us, then we don’t trust you.

Your intro packet will include a copy of the Northwest Migration Manual, otherwise known as the White Book. This manual is important. Read it carefully, and study it. It contains the answers you claim to be seeking. It is also available free in .pdf format on the internet, for those of you who don’t mind reading a book on a computer screen.

The next step after receipt of an individual packet is internet or snail mail correspondence. How long does this go on? I don’t know. How long is a piece of string? We need to check out your vibe. During this period you will be looked over first off for basic compos mentis, and after that for intelligence, communications skills, presentation, and general personality and cop-on.

We recommend you participate in the Northwest Front's internet forum at 

Then comes chat rooms, then possibly phone calls. I do not give out my phone number extensively, because if I did I would spend eight or ten hours per day talking to people on the phone who essentially are calling because they are lonely and they want to chat to a fellow White Nationalist. Understandable, but I really need to use that time for other things, so please, no one take offense.

I never respond to imperious and peremptory demands that I call a total stranger at such-and-such a number. Anything you need to say to me can be said via e-mail, and if it can’t be said in a hard-copy format, you probably shouldn’t be saying it.

You will need to give me or the unit leader in your area a short introduction and bio. Anything you say can and will be used for an actual background check, unique in the Movement, and I don’t just mean Googling somebody’s name. (Although you’d be amazed at what only that can turn up.)

In view of who we are and what we envision for the future, it is entirely logical and reasonable for me and other NF people to want to know who the hell we are talking to when we sit down together. A photograph of yourself and your wife, husband, or significant other will be helpful, as well as any children. Suffice it to say that we have on occasions turned up some unpleasant surprises along that line.

I once considered flat-out asking for Social Security numbers and dates of birth, with which two items of information one can find out anything about anyone, but I recognize that there would be legitimate security concerns with that. While I don’t know you, neither do you know me, and considering all the crap on the internet about me, a request for a SSAN would probably fuel the Goat Dance and make it worse. Besides, if you really are a federal cop or SPLC spy of some kind, that could easily be faked.\

This system is crude and imperfect, and the FBI or whoever could dummy up a fake background easily, but I intend to force them to do just that. These people are getting paid taxpayer money to violate the Constitution and I mean to make them work for it. I mean to make them cover all the bases, dot their i’s and cross their t’s. Never make anything easier for these people who are spying on us and seek to do us harm.

We’re doing it for two reasons: A) to get ourselves used to the concept of doing things correctly and competently as revolutionaries, something White Americans have no previous experience in, and B) to weed out Movement kooks and dysfunctionals of the kind whom the late Pam Emmerich described as “not cops, not kikes, not spies, just trouble.

I am specifically looking for past Movement background. Obviously, we can’t and won’t disqualify everyone who has ever taken part in other groups’ activities just for that reason, but I need to have a general idea of who you’ve been hanging with on the internet and otherwise, and what kind of Movement contaminants and toxicities you may have picked up. Yes, this is important. I need to know what baggage you are bringing to the Northwest Front.

Then comes actual meeting. The first meeting should be a one-on-one with myself or some other senior person I trust to make the evaluation. The idea here is to put a face to the URL and the e-mail address, to make sure you really exist, that you really are White and that you’re not really the Holy Rabbi Hyman Heeblebaum from Temple Schmuck-el jacking us around on the internet. (Crap like that has happened before, although not to me and not to the NF.)

Once someone has been met individually and checked for all the basics (i.e. White skin, no obvious negroid or Asiatic racial characteristics or grossly Semitic face, sound mind, not falling-down drunk or high, no body odor or tics or obvious indications of instability, etc.) only then do you get invited to a larger meeting and get to meet some of the others. The basic rule is: no strangers walking through the door. At least that’s the rule insofar as we can enforce it.

Bear in mind that these few simple protocols are the result of many years of bitter experience, including many years of prison time for some of us. These rules are for your protection just as much as ours.

Everyone on this list should ideally be involved in some stage of the above process. If not, we need to get started.


Monday, May 22, 2017

How To Recognize A True White Leader (2005, I Think)

[This is a guest article by "Keith Fulton," who is my old Arlington and Rhodesian buddy Joe Bishop, whom I have not heard from in something like 20 years.

Yes, I know, I myself cannot meet the standards laid out in this article, and frankly I never have. No one since Commander Rockwell has ever even approached this level of personal and moral qualification, and yes, I know this is a bitchy piece by a minor Movement name nobody remembers any more. But I have to admit that this is the standard to which we should aspire, and as such it is one of the most significant essays ever written in the Movement. - HAC]

Comrades in Struggle:

There have been many articles and exposés written over the years on the many dubious and dishonest leaders that we have in the White Aryan Movement. All of these articles tell you how to distinguish a false leader. But how do we know a true leader when (or should we say if) we ever see one?

I believe that our long experience can point the way towards recognizing the good as well as the bad. Based largely on the many bad experiences we have had down through the years, here is what a genuine, true White Aryan Leader will look like:

I. Accessibility

Beware, beware, beware of any sign that the Leader figure is attempting to avoid, evade, or hide from his own people! A true Leader does not hide from his people. He walks among them. He embraces them. He is always surrounded by them. Look at Adolf Hitler, unafraid to go on foot anywhere in Germany, his bodyguards there mostly for crowd control to keep the Fuhrer from being overwhelmed by well-wishers. In almost every photograph ever taken of Hitler, he is surrounded by people. How many of our own self-proclaimed "leaders" can say the same?

The White Aryan org's mailing address should never be a post office box or mail drop, and never simply an e-mail address. It should be a street address, where if one goes to that address one finds people from that org, not a mail drop.

If this address is not actually the Leader's home, then it should be an open and public headquarters or office, clearly marked, with no attempt at concealment from friend or foe. Nor should the Leader's actual residence be any kind of secret. Every member in good standing of the org should know where their Leader lays his head at night. True, the Leader should be treated with the common courtesy of not showing up on his doorstep at all hours unannounced, but he should welcome visitors. His home and his lifestyle should be humble, utilitarian, clean and manly.

If a Leader is not willing to invite you into his home and let you observe his mode of living for yourself...then why not? What is it that he does not want you to see?

The Leader's home and the headquarters of the org, and all its offices, should be located in easily accessible cities or suburbs, not way way way way out in the boondocks to where one has to mount a major expedition to find the place. No revolution or serious political movement of any kind can be organized from way out in the wilderness. Politics means people, and people mean population centers. A true Leader runs to his people, not away from them.

A Leader always uses his real name, never any kind of pseudonym or nom de guerre. Only Reds do that. Joseph Dzhugashvili called himself Stalin. Adolf Hitler called himself Adolf Hitler.

A true Leader publishes or makes available a telephone number where he himself will pick up the phone.

Not an answering machine, not a recorded message. The only excuse for a member of an org calling his Leader and getting an answering machine is if there is really, truly no one at home, in which case a true Leader returns calls at his own expense as soon as he can. I understand that in later stages it will become necessary for a Leader to screen his calls to some extent due to bona fide time and scheduling constraints, but this should be done only when unavoidable and the Leader should never be too busy to at least have a few words with a rank and file member of his org. That personal touch is what distinguishes the Caesars and Napoleons from the William Pierces and Thom Robbs.

II. Visibility

All members and supporters of an org should know what their Leader looks like.

A true Leader is never afraid to publish a recent photograph of himself, on his web site, on his literature, etc. None of this Benny Klassen crap about publishing fifty year-old pictures from one's college yearbook. (Several unauthorized photographs of Klassen taken in his seventies explain why he was so insistent on not letting his followers get a glimpse of his face. Rumors aside, it cannot be denied that whatever Klassen's actual heritage might have been, in his old age his physiognomy looked extremely Jewish.)

A true Leader is never afraid to publish a full body photograph of himself. If a Leader will not publish a full body photo of himself, what is it that he is afraid you will see?

III. Image

A true White Aryan Leader presents a neat, clean, and manly image to the world.

He may not be as handsome as a Greek god (although it would be nice if he were!) but he is height-weight proportional. He is in good physical condition, and he works out and plays sports when he gets the chance.

The Leader is never obese. (No Harold Covingtons or David Pringles or Bill Whites need apply.) He is never vegetarian- scarecrow thin, spindle-shanked or sunken-chested. There is never any kind of deformity, skin condition, hose nose, liver lips, jug ears, hairy facial warts, excessively curly hair, or any other physical abnormality. There is never any scruffy beard or long, greasy ponytail like the abominable Andrew Greenbaum. The Leader looks normal.  There is never a chrome dome; a Leader always has a head of hair. Tom Metzger has been much criticized for wearing a toupee to hide his baldness, but I believe this was absolutely the correct decision on his part. There must never be any physical or visual oddity associated with the White Aryan Leader.

The Leader dresses well, casually when called for, but 80% of the time he appears in public in a subdued business suit. When he is in his office and he works at his desk with his jacket off, he keeps his tie on. Never, never, never never never does the White Aryan Leader appear in public wearing any kind of costume or home-made "uniform." Nor do members of his organization.

The Leader has no tattoos, or if he does they are always kept concealed by a long-sleeved shirt. He is always neatly groomed and recently showered or bathed, and he wears deodorant and cologne. When eyesight correction is necessary, he wears contact lenses if at all possible, and rimless or gold-rimmed spectacles as a last resort. Never nerdy-looking horn-rims or big thick Coke-bottle lenses.

IV. Lifestyle

Drugs and sexual perversion should not even be mentioned in this section; under no circumstances whatsoever are these things compatible with any concept of Aryan honor or basic human decency. Under no circumstances whatsoever should any White Aryan Leader ever portray himself in any context, or engage in any conduct, that might be even remotely perceived as sexually ambivalent. (Are you listening, Kevin Alfred Strom?)

The true White Aryan Leader does not drink alcohol.

The true White Aryan Leader does not smoke or use tobacco in any form.

The true White Aryan Leader never, ever gambles or is seen in any lowlife surroundings such as a casino, a bar, a brothel, etc.

A true White Aryan Leader does not use the foul potty-mouthed language of the negroid.

A true White Aryan leader is married and is raising, or has raised, a family of multiple White children. Anyone who proclaims himself a Leader of our people and who does not fulfill this requirement should be immediately rejected and dismissed; it is the most basic of all racial duties and for anyone aspiring to leadership of our people to shirk this basic duty is absurd and calls into question his very dedication to the ideals we are all supposedly fighting for. [I've got fix or six kids kicking around out there, if that helps. - HAC] 

The Leader's wife supports his racial activities, clearly and unambiguously. She demonstrates this support by appearing with him in public as often as her family obligations allow. The Leader's wife need not be a fashion plate or super-model, but she should be at least nominally attractive, she should dress well, and the same rules against physical deformity apply. No fat chicks, no buffalo butts, no big biker mamas, no sluts, no drunks, no suspiciously dusky olive skins or long pure-black hair, no Mammy Yokums, no Daisy Maes, no trashed-out burned-out ex-druggie skanks. No 50 year-old "leaders" cavorting in public with nubile teenaged nymphettes. No polygamy. No David Dukes who can't keep their trousers zipped.

The Leader regularly publishes recent photographs of his wife as well as himself. If a Leader is unwilling to let you see his life's partner, then you need to ask why.

 V. Integrity

A true White Aryan Leader never lies, except where it is tactically necessary to lie to the enemy.

A true White Aryan Leader never, ever uses the police or court system of ZOG to pursue his private vendettas or accomplish his own personal agenda.

A true White Aryan Leader under no circumstances whatsoever, ever willingly reveals the names, addresses, or other information about his members and supporters to the Zionist authorities or anyone else. He will if necessary go to prison to protect their privacy.

A true Aryan Leader works at gainful employment for a living until this becomes no longer realistic. He then draws a salary from his org which is paid on a regular basis, by an independent treasurer or accountant, all completely on-paper, all witholding taxes paid, all above board and righteous from top to bottom. Any perks or expenses he is granted are all recorded and are all legitimately political or work-related. Beyond this, the Leader does not touch a single thin dime of his org's money.

In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety, the Leader never opens his org's mail himself. Also, he insures that the org's mail is always opened in the presence of at least two trustworthy individuals from different departments and that these individuals do so wearing clothing that has no pockets or have had the pockets sewn shut. This may sound like an eccentric thing to stipulate, but it must be clear from the very beginning of any org's operation that cash arriving in the mail goes into the org's bank account and never goes from the envelope into anyone's pocket or wallet, the Leader's or anyone else. No racial organization in this century has ever been able to give its members this primary, vitally important assurance.

The Leader in no way controls the org's finances and cannot spend a single dime without some kind of consultation and oversight. In light of the David Duke scandal, the Movement will never get anywhere until orgs can provide their members and supporters with concrete assurance of complete financial integrity.

VI. Leadership

A true Aryan Leader leads from the front. He never asks anyone to do something he has not done or will not do himself.

A true Aryan Leader demonstrates his leadership through mastery and application of the spoken word, not the written word. The written word is for Reds and bureaucrats. Lenin and Marx wrote long books and pamphlets. Hitler gave speeches.

A true White Aryan Leader has a plan, a plan which he lets his people see. He does not just say "Follow me!" He shows his people where they are going, rather than telling them.

A true White Aryan Leader is never afraid to invoke the name of God or beseech His intervention.

In conclusion: a false Aryan "leader" of the self-proclaimed variety may be distinguished by:

*Inaccessibility, in person or by phone;

*Excessive secrecy as to his whereabouts, his physical appearance, his lifestyle and his day to day activities;

*Financial secrecy and lack of accountability;


A true White Aryan Leader:

*Is accessible to his people. He does not seek to hide from them, either by burying himself in the high mountains or by surrounding himself with a cordon sanitaire of flunkies a la Matt Koehl;

*May be contacted at a telephone number where he picks up the phone.

*Imposes complete personal and financial accountability and discipline on himself;

*Visibly and publicly practices what he preaches, in both his political and his personal life.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Problem of Petty Power (2005)

October 27th, 2005

Hi, guys:

Quick tip for local revolutionary activists:

One of the main symptoms of this society's disease is the proliferation of weak, arrogant, incompetent and silly people in positions of petty power over people's lives--bureaucrats, supervisors, teachers, thugs from the badly misnamed Child Protective Services agencies, attorneys, judges, "administrators" of various kinds, the 101 little commissars of political correctness that White males and, increasingly, White females as well have to put up with in their day-to-day existence. 

Most White people probably don't bear any kind of personal grudge against, say, President Bush or Dick Cheney or Jesse Jackson, just a generalized and impersonal resentment. These are celebrity figures, far above their personal orbits, and in most minds there's a disconnect. Jug-Ears isn't really a real person, he's just someone you see on TV, if you get my meaning.

But the asshole "supervisor" at work, the stupid nigger clerk at the grocery store, Apu in the turban behind the counter at the DMV, the Mexicans who visibly take White people's jobs, the ex's vicious attorney and the judge who never listens--this puts a human face on the evil.

Use this in your grass-roots work. Let White people know that our victory means all those monkeys off their backs--and punished for what they've done. Always try to slip that in. Personal revenge is going to be a major motive in our initial recruiting. It's humanly understandable and it's a perfectly acceptable motive at first. Use personal wrongs as a hook to get people in and get them in a frame of mind so they'll listen to the ideological stuff, and educate them from there so they know why all this has happened.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Say Good Night, Hot Shot! Sayonara To A Sodomite

[The following famous obituary from the September 1993 RESISTANCE is reproduced by special request of a comrade from Australia.]

"...Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it." - Macbeth, Act I, Scene 4 
Benny Klassen is dead, and it's a Whiter and Brighter world without him.

The founder of the "Church of the Creator" sodomy cult, the man whose deviate sexual lifestyle was so notorious that American Skinheads nicknamed him "Old Benny Buttfuck," the self-proclaimed greatest Aryan genius who ever lived---most likely a rabbi's son from Vilna---came crawling back to his cult's ashram in Otto, North Carolina in the last week of July. Over a year ago he had fled into hiding, in fear of prosecution for a cult-related killing in Florida.

In the early morning hours of August 7th, Klassen swallowed the contents of four bottles of sleeping pills. The Macon County sheriff reports that the quondam Maximum Pontoon left a rambling and incoherent suicide note on a yellow legal pad by his bedside. Considering Klassen's wonted verbosity, the sheriff was lucky he didn't decide to turn it into another lengthy, excruciatingly boring book. One account states that Klassen changed his mind after he had taken the pills and crawled into the bathroom trying to make himself vomit, and was subsequently found dead with his head stuck in the toilet. If so, there is something very Zen about his death.

For twenty years, Benny Klassen performed one gigantic act of psychological and political sodomy on us all. He never had any real religious or political message. It was all a gull, warmed-over classical anti-clericalism framed in the manner of Talmudic responsa, mixed with crude race-baiting and pseudo-scholarship, garnished with soft-core pornography and served up on a bed of crap. To paraphrase Mark Twain, Klassen's works are both good and original, but the parts that are good are not original and the parts that are original are not good.

Yet the turgid gibberish in his interminable books was reverenced as inspired wisdom; the most arrant nonsense in his so-called theology was seriously debated; and flaming bird-brained idiots that we are, all but a few of us accepted the liver-lipped old baboon at his own estimation of himself. 

The reason is simple and shameful: money. Klassen was a millionaire, and with pitifully few exceptions Movement people and Movement leaders in particular genuflect in the presence of wealth. Our public spokesmen and most prominent personalities are largely self-seeking, venal frauds who are incapable of distinguishing between the cool riffle of a roll of hundred-dollar bills and the Voice of God.

And so we tolerated among us a Moloch who devoured our children. The roster of Klassen's victims is a long one. COTC business manager Barry Edwards, bound and gagged and shot to death in the trunk of his car in 1978. Harry Kelly, dead of a mysterious heroin injection in July of 1989. Dennis Witherspoon, one of the first of Klassen's sexual victims to speak out, kidnapped and murdered in October of 1990. Steve Martell, a suicide in August of 1991 after being inveigled into a homosexual liason with COTC "minister" Jerry Michael Pace. South Africans Jurgen White and Jurgen Grobbelaar, killed in a shootout with police. Skinhead Brian Kozel, murdered in a gang fight with Mexicans. Matt Hayhow, doing 40 years in Federal prison for a Klassen-inspired bank robbery. George David Loeb, doing 25 to life because Klassen sheltered and paid the main prosecution witness against him. The eight victims in Los Angeles framed by FBI informer and COTC "minister" Joe Allen. Chip Myers and Eddie Dagler, who blew the whistle on Klassen's sexual peccadilloes and were betrayed by a prominent Movement writer and video producer whom they trusted for the sum of $1,000 apiece, to be beaten and vandalized by the cultists. The list goes on and on.

Given the general depravity of our so-called leaders, I can understand why many of them kept their lips firmly pressed against Klassen's withered buttocks in hope of catching some of the dribble from his overflowing bank accounts. But you'd think they might at least have managed a mumble or two of protest when the vile monster started killing kids.

Enough. The already depleted remnants of his cult are collapsing like a house of cards even as I write. Let it perish along with he who gave it life. This has not been an edifying chapter in our people's chronicles, but good can yet come of it if we will demonstrate that at long last we are capable of learning from our past mistakes. We sank low during the Klassen years. Now let us see how high we can rise.

-Harold A. Covington

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Song, Not The Singer (1997)

[20th anniversary of this one. Damn, time flies when you're having fun! Chillingly prophetic, if I do say so myself. - HAC]

Our people are dying. White people throughout the Western world are aging inexorably, our heads growing grayer and our bodies weaker as the years roll on, years in which we have done nothing to stop the slow encroachment of racial death and extinction.

We have fiddled while the Rome we knew burns around us. Every year fewer and fewer White babies are born, to the point where some desperate European countries are at long last offering financial bounties to the dwindling number of young married couples to produce White infants— while at the same time we slaughter millions more through abortion. Every year more and more mud-colored spawn swarm across our open borders, in North America and in Europe. Every year more Whites are butchered like hogs by the blacks and Third Worlders. Their victims are mostly White women, children, and elderly, the very most precious people that any sane society would strive to protect.

The corruption of our government and the loss of our Constitutional rights are now so far advanced that neither can be stopped. In our lifetimes we will see the United States transformed into a Third World tyranny, a de facto one-party oligarchical state like Mexico or Singapore. Racial integration, bureaucratic meddling and political correctness in the public schools have wrought havoc, destroying two whole generations of young White people, turning our sons into illiterate Beavis and Buttheads, and our daughters into air-headed, Clueless Valley Girls who will present us with mulatto grandchildren. We are dying.

For fifty years, a number of us in each generation have understood and fought against the problem. Hundreds of thousands of people down through the past five decades have been involved in a vast spectrum of right-wing and racially oriented attempts to stop the slow coming dark. From John Birchers to Klan to National Socialists and Christian Identity, we have all failed. We have failed wretchedly, miserably, pathetically. Every attempt at organizing a White racial resistance in this country and throughout the English-speaking world has collapsed into a welter of internal bickering, chaos, recrimination, treachery, betrayal, and comic opera incompetence.

Always remember this one key fact: every major right-wing or racial organization in the past fifty years has without exception been destroyed from within by its own members, not by the government. We are a joke. Our Movement is to real politics what professional wrestling is to real sports—a form of slapstick entertainment.

For twenty-five of those fifty horrible years, I have observed this pathetic Movement from within. I have written article after article, commentary after commentary, arguing, expostulating, ruthlessly exposing those among us who have been and still are guilty of the most contemptible crimes and despicable behavior.

Over it all I have raised my voice time and time again, arguing, persuading, castigating, pleading, sometimes almost weeping as I have begged my dying people to stop the madness, to think what they are doing, to change their behavior and to return to sanity. 

I have remained largely unheard, and for all my efforts I have in return been subjected to the most false, vicious and hateful personal smear campaign in the history of American alternative politics. 

The internet has accelerated this campaign of abuse and defamation against me to levels which have appalled even neutral or liberal observers who do not agree with National Socialism and don’t particularly like me. I cannot count the number of emails, letters, and phone calls I have gotten in recent months, sometimes from people who have not spoken to me in years, to the effect of “Harold, this has just gone too far. How in God’s name do you stand it?”

I stand it because it is my duty to do so. But there comes a time when one has to sum up a life’s vocation, and that time has, I think, come upon me now as far as the Movement goes. This document will be my definitive statement on the Movement—on why it has failed in the past and on what can be done to turn things around, if only we as a people can summon the necessary effort of will to do so.

One final time, I will offer to all of you what I have seen and learned over this past quarter century, as a guide to you who will come after and who will be as horrified, perplexed, and saddened by it all as I have been. I fully understand and accept that once again, I will be largely ignored and shouted down by those who have a vested interest, personal and financial, in maintaining the status quo. But I will have done my duty. You can only lead a horse to water for so long. If he does not want to drink, the time comes when you must let him die. After this I intend to avoid the subject of the Movement as much as possible, or at least as much as I am allowed to do so by the GUBU. The Movement has a tendency to drag one down into the mire no matter how desperately one attempts to break free. But for this one last time, I will try to get through to you. We must change our behavior and our thinking. We are dying.

The Great Paradox

The secret of the Movement’s failure for the past fifty years can be summed up in a single sentence. I call it Covington’s Paradox: “The Cause is so right; the people in it are so wrong.”

Yes, I know I have said this before, but it bears repeating. The Great Paradox must become part of the political and racial thought of our Movement, for without acknowledging and understanding it, our Folk will perish. 

Our problem is not one of ideology, of tactics, of money, or of propaganda, although all of these have proven woefully deficient. At its very root, our problem is one of people. We simply do not attract and retain the correct caliber of human material to White Right, and until we can correct this problem we will continue to be a grotesque joke. 

We do not attract and retain mature, responsible adults. We do not attract and retain young people in sufficient numbers. Above all, we do not attract women in any significant numbers. The surest giveaway that something is badly, intrinsically wrong with the Aryan racial nationalist movement is our near total failure to attract any women at all. No human enterprise can hope to succeed with one half of humanity missing from its ranks. 

I will attempt to explain why the Great Paradox exists, what perpetuates it, and how it can be overcome, and again I must remind you that all of this is based on twenty-five years of first-hand experience. But before I do, let me play devil’s advocate with you, as I have often done with myself:

The Jews and the liberals are very much aware of the Great Paradox, and their response down through the years has always been along the lines of: 

“Your people are all wrong because your cause is wrong; because you oppose and persecute the Apple of God’s Eye, the Jews; because you are based only on empty hate; because Jews and non-Whites are really superior to White people and all the history of the past thousand years which looks contrary to that is just a kind of accident which is now being corrected; because destiny has selected the White man for extinction and therefore will only allow you the dregs. You people screw up all the time because you are fools, because you have set yourselves up against the manifest will of God, which is that all human beings will someday be coffee-colored and mostly homosexual, except for the Jewish people who will rule over you forever because we are superior and chosen by God. You don’t attract women because you are weak and stupid and ugly and lazy and dysfunctional, poor genetic material, and Nature will not allow you to reproduce. You are losers! ”

More times than I care to remember, in my despair and my anguish at what I see and hear and experience in our floundering around, I have sat down in the dark night of the soul and gone over it all again in my mind, starting with the proposition “Could it be that the Jews are right? Could it be that they really are God’s chosen and we have lethally erred in opposing them? Could it be that it really is part of some inexorable cosmic plan that all of the races of mankind shall be mixed up into a kind of coffee-colored soup, all distinct cultures destroyed and melded into a worldwide consumer society, and that the Aryan should disappear like other extinct species?”

First, I look at the Jews, and without meaning to be blasphemous, I simply say that if they are indeed God’s Chosen People, I want no part of a God who would choose a race like this as His representatives on earth. 

I am not a Christian, but I think the Christians may be onto something when they assert that the Jews are the spawn of Satan. I think it entirely likely that the Jews are in some way psychically or genetically linked with those cosmic forces which are destructive and evil and inimical to human life. Losers we may be, but if the price of becoming a winner is to submit to the implied and oftimes directly stated superiority of these creatures, I don't want to win at such a price.

Then I look at my own people and our incredible, magnificent, unbelievably breath-taking past. I read the words of William Shakespeare. I listen to the sounds of Mozart, of Gregorian chant, the Irish uillean pipes and the bluegrass banjo. I see in my mind’s eyes the wooden sailing vessels on which our forefathers crossed the mighty Atlantic, and remember the time I saw a Saturn V lift off from Canaveral. We are the race of the Gothic cathedral, the steam engine and the laser; we are the men who stood in the pass at Thermopylae and charged with Pickett; ours are the sonnets of Petrarch and ours the tongue that all the world now seeks to speak; ours the minds that conceived the very idea of the railroad, the supremacy of law over man, the ideal of freedom itself. 

We White men, with our sisters at our side, made the world, for good or for ill. Why on earth would the Creator who made and guided us this far cast us aside now? I am one of these people who believe that man was given the rational faculties of the mind in order to use them, and I cannot find any rational, logical reason why my people should perish from the face of the earth just because a loathsome little race of parasites and human serpents hates and envies us. 

The death of Aryan man is not the will of God, my friends. It is the will of the Jew, and him we can fight. So let’s get out of our heads right now any idea that we are wrong to want to save our race, or that we are pre-destined to lose. We are right, and the Jew is wrong, and we can win back our world if we decide to exert the necessary effort of will to do so. Period. End of story.

The Last Real White Men Lived 100 Years Ago

The generation of men born in the Western world during the 1880s and 1890s was the last completely spiritually healthy generation of our race. Every generation since then has been increasingly tainted with Judaism, applying Robert Miles’ definition that Judaism is a state of mind.

Those who survived the butchery on the Somme and at Verdun gave us Fascism and National Socialism as a kind of moral vaccine, in order that Western man would never go through another such holocaust. They failed, in my opinion because they underestimated the sheer evil of the enemy we face. 

Theirs was the last generation who truly believed that good must inevitably triumph simply by virtue of being right; sadly, we now know better. Good does not always triumph over evil; if that were true then the Stars and Bars would be flying over my local post office and we’d be reading about National Socialist Germany’s Martian colonies in our newspapers. 

White generations since then have been progressively weaker, flabbier, duller, confused, and poisoned with Judaic values of materialism, ego, and selfishness. It is no surprise that we lack the strength of character our grandfathers and great-grandfathers possessed, and I have come to realize down through the years that it is in fact unrealistic to expect someone raised on MTV to think and behave like a whole, mature man.

The entire apparatus of modern Judæo-capitalist society is devoted to denying the White male his manhood and the White woman her womanhood, to reducing us all to economic units of production and consumption devoid of personality, religion, culture, or personal honor. It is no coincidence that the best comrades we now have are by and large the oldest; they were born into a lost time when moral and ethical standards had not yet completely disappeared, and they still retain some vestiges of Aryan pride, honor and personal integrity.

A Paradox in Three Parts

The Great Paradox is a product of the moral and emotional weakness of post World War Two Aryan man. It has three parts or facets to it, all of which come into play at various times within the Movement.

These weaknesses are intrinsic to the character of the twentieth century White man who has been raised and conditioned to material luxury, high technology, the immediate gratification of all whims and desires, and during a slow erosion of moral standards which is now almost complete. 

White men born after 1940 are all pretty much amoral. We behave as we do, and not like our brave and honorable ancestors, because we are not spiritually the same men our ancestors were. We are all a product of late twentieth-century America (or Europe), not the generation of one hundred years ago. Our values are largely those of the Jews who shaped and who control the world in which we live. The result is that in our attempts to resist we invariably display the following three character weaknesses:

I. Ego. People enter the Movement for the wrong reasons, seeking to get something out of it, not put something into it. I have noticed down through the years that virtually everyone who comes into racial political activity brings with them some kind of agenda, be it religious, financial, or political, covert or openly proclaimed—and more often than not, that agenda has little if anything to do with securing the existence of our people and a future for White children.

The overwhelming majority of the weird and dysfunctional behavior commonly manifested by people within the Aryan racialist movement is due in some way to ego, and to these destructive and diversionary personal agendas. 

Racial people find more often than not that they are working with others who have their own clashing agendas. When these egotists are unable to implement their personal agendas, when they cannot create whatever fantasy world they have decided their Movement involvement must fulfill, they become angry and frustrated and begin lashing out at their leaders and their comrades who are all so stupid and self-centered that they refuse to recognize the urgency and overriding importance of our little personal agenda over theirs. 

Ambrose Bierce defined an egotist as “A cad and entirely unworthy fellow, who is more interested in himself than in me.” He could have been talking about the typical White racist.

Movement people also tend to share another ego-related character defect in common: we either become convinced, or have been convinced from birth, that we are bee’s knees. Our ideas are the best, our minds are the most brilliant, our views are the only correct ones, we are totally cool and clever beyond words, we know it all, been there, done that. 

Anyone so presumptuous as to deny or denigrate what a fine fellow altogether we are, or who is so rude and crude as to hint that we might actually be capable of error—why, such a person is an enemy of the White race! Anyone who so much as suggests that we might make a mistake—blush at the very words! —must of course be an enemy agent! You might call this the Pierce Syndrome; I sometimes think Bill has Ich bin Göttlich embroidered on his underwear.

What we have witnessed over the past fifty years, as time after time our Movement has degenerated into a three-ring circus with a cage full of baboons, is largely the result of trying to put together a working team of people, all of whom have Mount McKinley-sized egos and are convinced that they are bee’s knees. The inability of right-wingers, racists and otherwise sincere National Socialists to get along with one another in groups of more than three or four people at a time has become a byword in the Movement; hence the NSWPP’s strict adherence to the cell system. Right now, I frankly don’t dare get even our group’s relatively high quality people together in one room in more than handfuls.

To be fair and complete about this, there is another, slightly more charitable explanation to the question of why we are unable to get along together without squabbling like fishwives, again ego-related. It may legitimately be said that the American Right is the last refuge of the genuine, rugged individualist, the man who marches to the beat of his own drum and makes his stand against all comers, the independent thinker, the true non-conformist, the cracker-barrel philosopher and lone wolf.

That, as I have said, is the more charitable explanation, and there is some truth in it. The sad fact is, however, that most of the people who disrupt, destroy, undermine and cause all this ego-related GUBU in the Movement are not independent thinkers or nonconformists. They are assholes. There is a difference: independent thinkers create, while assholes merely destroy.

There is a strong case to be made that the racial enemy is aware of this characteristic of our people and has in the past employed deliberate disrupters—and that they are doing so now, in at least one case, I have no doubt. But we give them a hell of a lot to work with. There’s an old saying which cuts to the heart of the Movement’s personnel problem: “Great minds talk about ideas; average minds talk about events; little minds talk about people.” Most of you reading this will have some Movement experience. What kind of mind comprises the groups you are familiar with?

II. Cowardice. For some reason which defies rational analysis, we have convinced ourselves that there can be such a thing as risk-free revolution.

I know of no other ostensibly revolutionary movement in history, of any kind, who have entered into their struggle with the idea that they would incur no personal risk, and that somehow or other the tyranny they were opposing would simply go away, without any armed forced being applied and without any physical or political struggle. Yet that is apparently what most of our Movement people believe is going to happen as regards the United States government. Apparently, most of us have this touching faith that one day the purity of our ideals will simply overwhelm our enemies, our problems will vanish in a puff of smoke, and the days of Ozzie and Harriet will return.

Our ancestors fought Indians and bears, weathered prairie blizzards, climbed the Rockies and carved homes out of the wilderness. Today, threaten a White man’s precious job with some multinational and he crumples like paper. I have witnessed grown men become little short of hysterical when they are exposed to the mildest degree of heat, shrieking to be removed from mailing lists and demanding that the Party never contact them again, ever—and yet these same men would often bitch and moan at me that I wasn’t “doing anything” and they wanted “action”.

What these people really want, of course, is not “action” but entertainment, which is not the same thing. Anyone in the Movement can have all the action they want—but the catch is you have to make it yourself. 

I cannot comprehend the mindset of someone who embarks on a course aimed at removing and destroying an entire power structure, that of the most powerful and destructive tyranny the world has ever seen, and yet who is genuinely stunned and horrified when that power structure strikes back violently to defend itself. 

We have this delusion that some tacit understanding exists between ourselves and ZOG, an unspoken agreement that it’s all just for laughs, that we won’t really do anything to annoy the powers that be and they on their part will kindly refrain from crushing us. Then when the system lashes out and punishes us, we are honestly amazed that they’re taking it all seriously. Don’t they understand that we don’t really mean it? Yes, they do understand that most of us don’t really mean it, but sometimes they crush us anyway just to show us who’s boss. Ask Randy Weaver.

We scribble and rave in our little cut-and-paste newsletters and shabby tabloids about “Aryan warriors” while declining every opportunity to become a warrior ourselves, even through the gentle warriordom of a computer or through passing out a handful of leaflets. Whenever things get hot in our own Movement, the Aryan warriors scurry for cover. Let a few guns go off or let some FBI agents in expensive suits come to our workplace and do Clint Eastwood impressions, and almost without exception our people start screaming “Stop the merry-go-round, I want to get off!”

Sometimes, of course, they find themselves on a roller coaster instead of a merry-go-round. I cannot count the times I have witnessed people get themselves into trouble through their own stupidity and then blame the Movement because we cannot provide thousands of dollars for lawyers, and blame the leader (sometimes me, sometimes another; this behavior pattern is universal) because the leader cannot wave a magic wand and make it all go away. When the leader proves unable to pull a rabbit out of a hat, we hear the bleated refrain, “You betrayed me! You got me into trouble!” 

No, fool, you got yourself into trouble because you did something idiotic —just what the devil did you think would happen?

III. Irresponsibility. Another illusion we cherish, even more than the chimera of risk-free revolution, is that of the Man on the White Horse. We long for the mighty leader figure who will descend from the clouds on his snowy steed, waving his shining sword aloft (or possibly his magic wand), and who will do it all for us. 

We need never incur any personal risk, just write this Man on a White Horse the occasional token donation check, sit back, and applaud while he vanquishes the hordes of ZOG for us. We commit what is, in this degenerate and self-absorbed society, the worst mistake of all—we place our trust in living men instead of in ideas. And the men we trust, almost without exception, turn out to be fatally flawed idols with feet of clay, because this modern world in the main produces only weak and self-centered men. 

My own feet thus far have not turned clay, but I am amazed and angered and a little frightened by the number of people who seem to see me riding on a White Horse. I of all people know how terribly dangerous that idea is. I have no such steed and make claim to none, I have no magic wand, and I cannot accomplish a damned thing without the active, participatory help of every one of you.

For all practical purposes, the White man worldwide has no leadership, and has not had any since the murder of George Lincoln Rockwell in 1967. There are no actual organizations anywhere on the White racial right, only individual personalities, sometimes reaching the level of small mail-order businesses with a staff of two or three dogsbodies to fill book orders. The closest thing we have to an organization is still the National Alliance, but their public activity has all but ceased in the past three years as they have devoted themselves completely to selling books over the magical internet.

William Pierce himself admitted in his October, 1996 NA Bulletin that the entire raison d’être of the NA was to sell books, and all NA activity is now geared towards selling books. They have virtually abandoned the printed word; the last stickers went a year ago and I understand they will not be re-printing Who Rules America in hard copy form once those run out. Pierce and the others have discovered the Great White Leader’s dream implement, the computer—that versatile tool which allows them to function by interacting with words and machines rather than people. 

I have been trying desperately to change this situation for the past four years and build a genuine organization. I have experienced only limited success, because this would demand intense personal participation from supporters and thereby incur some risk of public identification with National Socialism, at which point panic and paranoia sets in and they charge off like lemmings hurling themselves over the cliff.

But at least I try. The other Great White Leaders don’t even try. They simply pretend to be organizations in order to shake the shekels out of the supporters, their financial livestock. 

(It is a long recognized Movement truism that the racist couch potatoes kick in more shekels if they think it’s going to an organization; actually, all they’re doing is supporting the work of one man, be it good or bad, and many of them realize it. They are in a sense paying for a fantasy, an illusion, and the GWLs provide it.) 

Most Great White Leaders quickly learn to avoid any actual organization or formalized structure, because this involves delegating authority and allowing other people to have access to critical information such as mailing lists, correspondence, financial records, etc. which are the source of the Great White Leader’s true power.

How Our Leaders Become Corrupt

The personality of every Great White Leader, almost without exception, becomes corrupted through exposure to the Movement itself and the dysfunctional people in it. By the time the actual sellout occurs, the timbers of his soul have been rotten for a long time. This process can take years, but it seems to be virtually inescapable. Eventually his objective ceases to be racial in nature and becomes personal and economic. The personal goal of almost all Great White Leaders becomes the same: to live without working. Aryan leadership becomes corrupt when, in the mind of the leader, the Movement ceases to be a sacred Cause, and becomes a business.

Of all the Great White leaders of the 1960s and 1970s, Dr. William L. Pierce of the National Alliance is the monarch and exemplar. Pierce is 63 years of age and aside from possibly waiting tables or some such while he was in college, he has never worked a day in his life. From 1965 until the present day, he has lived off the donations and book orders of racially conscious White people. He presently resides on the 345 rolling acres of his West Virginia estate, where he thinks Great Thoughts and diverts himself with a series of Eastern European mail order brides brought to this country with his supporters’ funds. 

His is the standard to which all the others aspire. Matt Koehl, James Warner, Thom Robb, Dan Gayman, and a dozen others are now living out their declining years in modestly comfortable circumstances, having spent their entire adult lives with their snouts in the Movement trough. This process whereby White leadership becomes hopelessly corrupted and compromised is instructive, and I will outline it for you.

Yes, Me Too

Ah, you say, but Harold—what about you? How is it that you have not been corrupted by all this?

The answer is that I have been corrupted by it all. You can’t spend 25 years playing with toxic waste without becoming contaminated to some degree. I have observed these telltale weaknesses in myself as well as in the others. The main difference between me and them is that I recognize these symptoms of Great White Leader syndrome in myself and consciously fight them, more or less successfully thus far, I think—but I still might turn into a Metzger or a Pierce if you folks won’t help me stay on the straight and narrow. The others are so self-absorbed that they seem incapable of understanding what has happened to them and probably are genuinely unable to understand that they have been corrupted.

I don’t doubt that at least some of their anger against me is genuine and that they honestly believe that my criticisms are false, although I suspect Pierce is capable of sufficient introspection to understand the process whereby he has become a traitor, possibly even deplore it in the privacy of his own thoughts. I hope so; I always admired his work. Robb, Metzger, Koehl, and the lesser mopes? Naaaah. They wouldn’t recognize introspection if it walked up and belted them in the mouth.

In The Beginning, Idealism

I have never disputed that people like Thom Robb, Matt Koehl, Tom Metzger, William L. Pierce, and many others were perfectly sincere when they first entered racial politics and were motivated only by the desire to solve the terrible historical problem with which we are faced and create a new and better world. If anyone has even a mediocre level of ability, political instinct, and organizational talent, they can rise in our Movement very rapidly indeed. The trick is simple: say out loud what White people think and believe in their hearts, and they will love you for it. Bingo! Congratulations, you are a leader!

But once you are a Great White Leader you run into two factors which begin the process of your moral and political corruption. 

First, there is that old bugaboo, ego. People write you letters, send you e-mails, call you on the phone and come to your house, all telling you what a fine fellow you are, what a brilliant leader you are, how much they adore you because you say out loud that which they are afraid even to whisper. Like all celebrities, our public personalities attract flatterers and ass-kissers, and since we are all products of twentieth century Judaic materialism, we have not been conditioned from birth to disdain flattery as did our real warrior and pioneer ancestors, to whom flattery was a sign of weakness and dishonesty.

When leaders hear all this stuff about how great they are for long enough, they start believing it. This is compounded if the leader is getting regular media attention. We have been conditioned all our lives to accept television as the ultimate reality and purveyor of truth and celebrity—and if you’re constantly on television, and reporters are constantly calling you up and asking you what you think about things, you must be someone special, right? Above the common herd. A Man of Destiny, no less. 

Since you are a Man of Destiny, you deserve special privileges. You are above the ordinary, run of the mill ethical considerations and obligations that constrain the little guys. Right? You want to tell a lie or pocket some money or stab somebody in the back, it’s okay. You’re a Man of Destiny, an übermensch, and it’s all for a greater good. It is in fact your duty to tell that lie, steal that money, or betray that former friend. Right?

The first stage of corruption sets in: the Great White Leader comes to identify his own self-interest with the interests of the White racial struggle. He loses whatever prior sense of right and wrong he may have possessed. Like Louis XIV he decides that L’etat, c’ést moi.

The Fatal Attraction

The second corrupting factor is money in the mail. One of the great ironies of the Movement is that the very source of life for us, the very wellspring which makes all racial activity possible, is also our greatest cancer.

When someone starts yelling nigger, other White people who have been thinking nigger all their lives but never dared to say it out loud love him for it. One day the newly-minted Great White Leader experiences an epiphany: he opens an envelope and something green and folding falls out. A little light bulb comes on over his head: “Hey, if I can get enough people sending me money in the mail, I won’t have to hear that alarm clock go off every morning!” 

Most of our Great White Leaders aren’t much out in the real world. To be sure, Pierce has a physics doctorate, but he is an exception. Don’t know what Thom Robb did before he was Exalted, but Virgil Griffin runs a gas station, Metzger repaired TVs, Allen Vincent lived off a government drunk check, Bob Brannen was a janitor, David Duke ran Amway style pyramid schemes, the Trochmanns have a ranch but apparently were living on welfare before the militia thing came along, James Mason was a petty slumlord living off rental property he inherited, and I myself have been everything from a professional soldier to a cab driver to a Dilbert clone in a cubicle. An amazing number of people involved in the Movement in leadership positions have never held any kind of gainful employment at all that anyone knows about.

You can understand why the discovery that people are willing to send these marginal, frustrated failures money in the mail for hollering nigger strikes many of them like a divine revelation. The lure of being able to do something you enjoy for a living, and do it at your own pace, without having to hear that alarm go off at five thirty in the morning and stumble around getting dressed in uncomfortable clothing, then driving through morning rush hour traffic to a job you hate, surrounded by people you despise—to the average Middle American, this is sheer nirvana, and to a real working stiff who has been subsisting on minimum wage labor jobs it becomes the Holy Grail. 

In a humanly understandable reaction, these men will do anything to achieve full-time Movement status, and they will then do anything—anything at all —to maintain that lifestyle and never have to obtain and hold down a real job in the real world again. To achieve full-time Movement is to live the revolutionary fantasy, and it is incredibly exhilarating. They like it. I like it myself.

Before you say it, yes, I depend on money coming in the mail as well; without it I’d still be a stock clerk in a nursing home like I was in 1977 before I became a Fearless Leader in my own right. The irony of the situation has not escaped me; again, what makes me different is I am aware of the addictive, corrupting effect of money in the mail and I actively set my mind to fight it off. Yet I feel its allure every day. I understand why these men do what they do. But that doesn’t make it right.

The Rubicon of Disillusionment

The final step in the corruption of the Great White leader comes when he loses his idealism, i.e. when he finally looks around himself and realizes with a shudder: “These people are never going to do anything.” 

It is here that he faces his Rubicon. He is about to give up—and yet he wants to maintain his reality-free lifestyle. He does not want to hear that alarm clock at five-thirty in the morning, ever again. How will he do it?

The Great White Leader has come to understand that Middle Americans are not Vikings or frontiersmen. He has come to internalize the knowledge that the people on his mailing list are not the steely-eyed veterans of Verdun and Passchendaele who wore the brown shirt of the SA, nor are they the Confederate army veterans who rode with Forrest and the Klan. 

He has come to grips with the fact that his mailing list consists mostly of middle-aged men with big bellies and elderly conservatives who send him money so that he will continue to entertain them by crying nigger and by speaking out loud the hate and rage and pain which is in their hearts, but which they dare not speak themselves. 

The GWL now knows that these people have not the remotest intention of ever doing anything that will incur any personal risk on their part, and that if they are backed into a corner they will turn on him and disavow him so fast it will make his head spin, anything to save their jobs and material lifestyle.

The Great White Leader has also come to understand that of the younger people on his mailing list, a small handful have genuine potential and desperately need to be taken in hand, guided and instructed and mentored and motivated—and a larger number have been so badly mentally and emotionally damaged by the filthy society they grew up in that they are dangerous to themselves and others. In short, there will be no revolution, at least not of the kind that will carry him into the White House on the shoulders of a mob shouting “Heil Jones!” or whatever his particular fantasy is.

Let me tell you something, people: every Great White Leader without exception reaches this stage, at some point in his career, and every Great White Leader articulates this situation in his own mind more or less as I have stated above. 

Matt Koehl went through this. William Pierce went through this. Tom Metzger went through this. Thom Robb went through this. I went through it. Everyone does. The only thing exceptional about me is that I will discuss these things in public, with you. These other men will not, and the fact that I say in public what they dare not utter about our trade is one reason why, among other things, there is now a special website run by the National Alliance for the sole and express purpose of libeling and defaming me.

You give up trying to change the world and substitute racist psychobabble for serious propaganda and political work in the real world with real people. You run away from the real world both physically and politically, going off to some isolated locality where you can breathe fresh country air, think Great Thoughts, and watch that money roll into the post office box down in the little nearby town. 

But once the rolling acres and the mail-order empire have been achieved, once the Great White Leader has reached the top of the Movement heap, he cannot simply rest on his laurels. Like Pierce, like Metzger, there is no comfortable retirement for him. He must spend the rest of his life fighting off threats to his secluded, comfortable lifestyle. 

Threats from guys like me who point out in public that the emperor has no clothes, but even more threats from within his own sect from the younger ones who haven’t yet lost their idealism and who keep on demanding that the Great White Leader do something to justify the money sent to his post office box. 

That’s the problem with pretending to be an organization instead of admitting you’re just a mail order book and video company—these pesky idealists who don’t get it, who keep demanding that you do things, rock the boat in ways that might make the government angry enough to step on you.

So you look for ways to divert people away from the fact that you’re just sitting up on your mountain clipping coupons and waiting for those checks in your mail—and that’s all you ever have any intention of doing. And one of the ways you can divert your people’s attention away from that fact is to dissipate their efforts against soft targets, get them involved in harmless make-work like writing letters to the editor, have a few pointless meetings in rented motel banquet rooms—and sic them on those who dare to criticize and express their skepticism openly. Like Horrible Harold, for instance.

Then the feds come to you and start making demands, or else they’ll start rattling your cage and take away your retirement estate, throwing you out on the street in your 60s—and you cut whatever deal they demand, terrified that you will lose it all. And if a federal building ends up getting blown up and 168 people killed, you cringe and hang on for dear life, hoping it will all just somehow go away.

Can Anything Be Done?

Yes, it can be done. But you have to do it. I can’t do it for you.

1. Recover your courage. We have no leaders in part because we have no followers. No real leader is going to waste his time on cowards and poltroons who run for cover at the first breath of heat.

You are of Aryan blood, and valor is part of your genetic makeup, no matter how deeply it has been buried by a lifetime of Judaic conditioning and intimidation. Look into your heart, and make the decision that from this day on you will no longer allow fear to rule your life. 

To allow fear to rule your life is to disgrace yourself, to be less than a man, and I want every one of you to stop disgracing yourselves and our Folk. 

Make the deliberate, conscious decision that your self-respect and your racial duty are more important than your job, your salary, your standing in a community of stupid sheep—and if necessary, your duty and your honor are more important than your relationship with some brainwashed, spiritually dead woman who views you as a meal ticket and nothing more.

There are more important things in life than money, material things, and occasional sexual gratification which you must buy with your soul. Our ancestors understood that the things of the spirit matter far, far more than things of the body. We as a race must recover that ideal.

2. Do not tolerate betrayal. Any people who allow themselves to be publicly represented by yellow dogs who make deals with Morris Dees, do real estate and book transactions with Jews, file lawsuits against those who criticize them, commit acts of petty vandalism and defecate on doorsteps—such a people are yellow dogs themselves. Aryans are not dogs, and we will no longer tolerate dogs as our leaders.

We must establish a bottom line below which any person who claims to represent the Aryan race in a leadership capacity is not allowed to sink, and enforce the strictest penalties of financial, political, and personal boycott and ostracism against those who do.

3. Do not tolerate mediocrity. Until we begin demanding only the best from our political and racial leaders, we will continue to get only mediocrity. We get constant mediocrity because we have demonstrated, time and again, that we will allow it to flourish. 

This has to stop. You have the power to turn this Movement around, the only power that affects these idiots’ behavior—the power of the purse. 

Do not subsidize mediocrity, inaction, or Great White Leaders’ private retirement estates. Patronize legitimate book dealers only, men who admit that they are book dealers, rather than Great White Leaders selling books while pretending to be revolutionary organizations. It is time to end the pernicious practice of soliciting money for Aryan revolution and then using it to pay mortgages on large rural estates or legal judgments to Morris Dees

4. Live in the real world. A group needs a headquarters. I agree, we need one as well. Fine, set up a headquarters—down here in the urban lowlands, accessible by interstate and a short run to a major airport, not high on a mountaintop so the leader can hide from people. 

Do not tolerate any leader who attempts to flee into the hinterlands and sell you books and toys by mail; the revolution will be fought and won where the people are. 

Wherever feasible, demand that the leader obtain and hold a job. I myself have been full time for fifteen months now, and to be frank I wouldn’t mind going back to work myself; I understand I need that contact with the real world. Isolation from the real world where people live and work and have to pay bills and raise kids can warp a leader’s outlook and make him go funny in the head, and I don’t want that happening to me.

5. Kill your ego. Stamp it out. Eradicate it. Surrender forever any idea that you will ever get anything out of the Movement; spend the rest of your life seeking new ways to put something into it. 

Corny as it sounds, people, I am dead serious about what I am about to say, and it is based on 25 years of experience: 

The people who get in trouble in this Movement are those—far too many—who enter into this with personal agendas. They crash and burn in a hundred different ways. God will not allow this most holy and sacred cause to be used to advance a personal agenda. 

On the other hand, it has been my observation that those who enter into this service with a genuinely pure and open heart, selflessly and without a thought for their own egos or their own advantage—those people are sustained, and they come through it all by and large unharmed.

The most shining example we have is that of the late Pastor Robert Miles: study his life and work and you will understand. It’s kind of a Zen thing— like Kane in the Kung Fu television series, we must sacrifice the body to the spirit and walk the earth. Until it is ours again.