Tuesday, July 25, 2017

White Nationalism and Character [circa 2002]

NB - This is approximately 15 years old, I think, so it's a little dated. - HAC  

[This is probably the most controversial essay I have ever written for the internet. I will be re-posting it periodically, because nothing has occurred in the past year which has in any way changed my mind as to its basic validity. - KF]

by Keith Fulton

1. In any political, social, or revolutionary movement, it is always a good idea if both the leaders and the rank and file members of that movement reflect the ideals and principles that the movement publicly advocates, in their personal lifestyle and in their personal behavior.

2. This is not the case in the White nationalist movement.

3. A very large percentage of the people involved in White nationalist politics have no business whatsoever being involved with this or any other cause, because of their personal character defects.

4. Many of the people involved in White nationalism, arguably a majority of them in fact, are mentally and emotionally damaged or dysfunctional in some way.

5. The majority of White nationalists have joined the Movement because we want to get something out of it, not because we want to put something into it.

6. Most White nationalists are not revolutionaries. They are what is known as paleo-conservatives. They do not want to change the entire political, social, and economic order in America. They want the existing order to work for them personally and give them money and success.

7. Most White nationalists are, to put it politely, of "dull normal" intelligence.

8. Being Americans of the 20th and 21st century, White nationalists have no oral history and in many cases have no idea where they came from, beyond the generation of their grandparents, and some not even that. White Americans as a whole are essentially a people without a past.

9. Because of this and other factors, White nationalists as a group are almost entirely lacking in any kind of spiritual or moral values, unless you want to count Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell-style Protestant evangelicalism as a moral value, which it isn't. (Protestant evangelicalism is a political ideology, not a religious one.)

10. White nationalists are completely materialistic and driven by money and consumerism. Their real beef with America is that America has not kept its promise to them personally and showered them with wealth, or else in the case of conservatives America demands that they pay taxes on the comparatively small amount of wealth they have managed to accumulate.

11. Most self-appointed Movement "leaders" are or were janitors or gas station attendants in real life. Some, like David Duke and William Pierce, have never actually held a real job in their entire lives. Virtually no self-appointed White racist "leader" has ever demonstrated any personal success in the real world. The White nationalist movement is a very small arena wherein dysfunctional people attempt to compensate for the fact that they are failures in life.

12. Active White racists are almost without exception dirt poor, and so personally dysfunctional that they are incapable of getting or holding a job and remaining economically viable in a competitive economy.

13. The majority of White nationalists are dishonest. Lying is a routine practice in our world. Very few White nationalists can be trusted with even small amounts of money. The spreading of slanderous rumors, petty theft of one another's personal property, and personal betrayal of every kind are standard practice, the rule rather than the exception.

14. White nationalists have no loyalty to one another or personal sense of honor.

15. White nationalists are bone-idle lazy and sloppy, both in their personal habits and politically.

16. White nationalists crave, respect, and worship money, because they have so little of it. Let's be honest, people. Give your typical White racist something to lose--give him a $100,000 a year job, a house in a nice suburb, and three cars in the garage (one an SUV)--and he would be outta here. Give a White nationalist a taste of wealth and in a heartbeat he will be voting for President Bush, cheering on the American invasion of every small country, hollering to "reform" Social Security, and watching Fox News with his slack jaw hanging down. It has to be said again: the overwhelming majority of so-called White nationalists are simply blue-collar conservatives who have gotten the shaft from the system. If the need ever arose, they could be bought, and bought cheaply.

17. A very large number of White Nationalists are involved in the Movement because of their own personal resentment at the crappy lives they have led. Granted, sometimes it's not their fault. In fact, a lot of times it genuinely isn't their fault. But the fact is that petty personal resentment simply isn't a very good political or revolutionary motivation, with the result that Middle American Whites don't make good revolutionaries.

18. A very large percentage of White nationalists, possibly the majority of them are, er, uh, how can we put this? Sexually odd in various ways.

19. A huge number of White nationalists, possibly a majority, are closeted homosexuals. This especially applies to the NSM and other costumed "Nazi" groups. Homosexuals have always been so predominant in White nationalism that in the past year there has appeared a kind of "gay liberation movement in the Movement" led by certain prominent White "leaders" who have for all practical purposes come out of the closet. It is a myth that gays are largely left-wing and liberal in their politics. In fact there is a lot about the claustrophobic and paranoid closeted gay lifestyle that is similar to, and attracts, strong rightist and racist elements.

20. The White nationalist movement is characterized by personal and political failure, by mediocrity, by a low level of intelligence, by personal and political ignorance, by hypocrisy, by massive dishonesty, by sexual perversion, by cowardice, by childishness, and by an almost total lack of any kind of direction or any kind of strategic plan.


It is an undeniable fact that the vast majority of all White Americans believe in most of the basic principles of White nationalism, and agree with the general idea of White racial superiority, if (important proviso) these ideas are expressed gently, subtly, and correctly without outward symbols and appurtenances of violence and extremism. It is entirely possible to slip White nationalism in under the radar, so to speak, if it is done with a bare minimum of psychological skill and subtlety.

WHITE NATIONALISM COULD STILL WIN despite all of the above character defects, if an intelligent and realistic strategic plan ever appears, and if a collective leadership ever makes an appearance who are willing to accept the above twenty points as a real-life truth and correct these problems by eliminating self-appointment, setting serious and high moral and mental standards, and who dare to make demands of White nationalist personnel, and who dare to swiftly and effectively sanction misbehavior and poor character.


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