you know, I've been searching for some way to increase our
income by allowing electronic payments, taking credit and debit
cards, etc. You will also be aware of the recent spate of PayPal
and Patreon and YouTube cancellations among "alt.right"
personalities or anyone who might be considered to be right of
center or a supporter of President Trump.
practice has both positive and negative aspects which we've
discussed, and I won't re-visit that discussion here, except to
clarify that what we need---what our "public" seems to be
demanding---is a PayPal-like electronic "donate button" we can
attach to websites and YouToobs and whatnot. This is largely so
we can attract spontaneous impulse donations, and so alt.right
types can continue to pretend they are remaining hidden under
false names from the government. (Our people love
to play Secret Squirrel. I'm sure the secret police find it
amusing and even charming.)
course, what they're actually doing by using services like
PayPal or Patreon is creating a digital paper trail right back
to themselves. If they really wanted to remain
anonymous, the old Bob Mathews-style paper bag full of cash
dumped out on the table is what's called for, but never mind.
Anyway, after some searching, and with some reservations
regarding the company I'm keeping, I have opened a Hatreon
account. I am still navigating it and trying to figure out
exactly how it works. I think you have to create "projects"
there. Will get back to you on that. Don't know even if it does
function whether it will allow for the "donate button" that
everybody keeps yelling for. It may just be something you do via
a simple URL.
(What we really need, of course, is for the Jews at PayPal to
come down off their arrogant horse, respect the rights of other
people, and do their damned job, but evidently that's not going
to happen.)
However Hatreon turns out, I would like to let you guys in on
one electronic remittance system that some of our people have
been using for years to pay their Party dues. It is called,
which is apparently a subsidy of something called FIS Global.
Yes, I'm sure they're owned by Jews just like just about
everything financial on earth. What can I tell you? Unless we're
going to hide all our money in my mattress, if we use any kind
of banking facilities, we deal with Jews. It is what it is.
you can do at, apparently through your own
bank, is to arrange for a paper check made out to Northwest
Publishing Agency to be cut and mailed once a month to Northwest
Publishing Agency, P. O. Box 2188, Bremerton, Washington 98310.
I could if I wished set up my own account with these people, and
the money could be transferred to the Party bank account
directly, as is so often the case these days, but to be frank A)
I'm not comfortable handing out my banking information to every
Tom, Moishe, and Izzy like people are falling into the habit of
doing, and B) I prefer to get an individual check so I know who
is sending what, and I can acknowledge everyone's contribution,
even if only through a brief e-mail. It has always been an
iron-clad rule of mine from my earliest days in "this thing of
ours" that no one sends me one thin dime without an
acknowledgement and thank-you note of some kind. I suspect that
practice has kept me out from under the bridge on more than one
Anyway, that's where we are now on the electronic remittance
Doubleplus ungood crimethink on such forbidden topics as race, politics, and the Ninth Crusade.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
White Nationalism and Character [circa 2002]
NB - This is approximately 15 years old, I think,
so it's a little dated. - HAC
[This is probably the most controversial essay I have ever written for the internet. I will be re-posting it periodically, because nothing has occurred in the past year which has in any way changed my mind as to its basic validity. - KF]
by Keith Fulton
1. In any political, social, or revolutionary movement, it is always a good idea if both the leaders and the rank and file members of that movement reflect the ideals and principles that the movement publicly advocates, in their personal lifestyle and in their personal behavior.
2. This is not the case in the White nationalist movement.
3. A very large percentage of the people involved in White nationalist politics have no business whatsoever being involved with this or any other cause, because of their personal character defects.
4. Many of the people involved in White nationalism, arguably a majority of them in fact, are mentally and emotionally damaged or dysfunctional in some way.
5. The majority of White nationalists have joined the Movement because we want to get something out of it, not because we want to put something into it.
6. Most White nationalists are not revolutionaries. They are what is known as paleo-conservatives. They do not want to change the entire political, social, and economic order in America. They want the existing order to work for them personally and give them money and success.
7. Most White nationalists are, to put it politely, of "dull normal" intelligence.
8. Being Americans of the 20th and 21st century, White nationalists have no oral history and in many cases have no idea where they came from, beyond the generation of their grandparents, and some not even that. White Americans as a whole are essentially a people without a past.
9. Because of this and other factors, White nationalists as a group are almost entirely lacking in any kind of spiritual or moral values, unless you want to count Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell-style Protestant evangelicalism as a moral value, which it isn't. (Protestant evangelicalism is a political ideology, not a religious one.)
10. White nationalists are completely materialistic and driven by money and consumerism. Their real beef with America is that America has not kept its promise to them personally and showered them with wealth, or else in the case of conservatives America demands that they pay taxes on the comparatively small amount of wealth they have managed to accumulate.
11. Most self-appointed Movement "leaders" are or were janitors or gas station attendants in real life. Some, like David Duke and William Pierce, have never actually held a real job in their entire lives. Virtually no self-appointed White racist "leader" has ever demonstrated any personal success in the real world. The White nationalist movement is a very small arena wherein dysfunctional people attempt to compensate for the fact that they are failures in life.
12. Active White racists are almost without exception dirt poor, and so personally dysfunctional that they are incapable of getting or holding a job and remaining economically viable in a competitive economy.
13. The majority of White nationalists are dishonest. Lying is a routine practice in our world. Very few White nationalists can be trusted with even small amounts of money. The spreading of slanderous rumors, petty theft of one another's personal property, and personal betrayal of every kind are standard practice, the rule rather than the exception.
14. White nationalists have no loyalty to one another or personal sense of honor.
15. White nationalists are bone-idle lazy and sloppy, both in their personal habits and politically.
16. White nationalists crave, respect, and worship money, because they have so little of it. Let's be honest, people. Give your typical White racist something to lose--give him a $100,000 a year job, a house in a nice suburb, and three cars in the garage (one an SUV)--and he would be outta here. Give a White nationalist a taste of wealth and in a heartbeat he will be voting for President Bush, cheering on the American invasion of every small country, hollering to "reform" Social Security, and watching Fox News with his slack jaw hanging down. It has to be said again: the overwhelming majority of so-called White nationalists are simply blue-collar conservatives who have gotten the shaft from the system. If the need ever arose, they could be bought, and bought cheaply.
17. A very large number of White Nationalists are involved in the Movement because of their own personal resentment at the crappy lives they have led. Granted, sometimes it's not their fault. In fact, a lot of times it genuinely isn't their fault. But the fact is that petty personal resentment simply isn't a very good political or revolutionary motivation, with the result that Middle American Whites don't make good revolutionaries.
18. A very large percentage of White nationalists, possibly the majority of them are, er, uh, how can we put this? Sexually odd in various ways.
19. A huge number of White nationalists, possibly a majority, are closeted homosexuals. This especially applies to the NSM and other costumed "Nazi" groups. Homosexuals have always been so predominant in White nationalism that in the past year there has appeared a kind of "gay liberation movement in the Movement" led by certain prominent White "leaders" who have for all practical purposes come out of the closet. It is a myth that gays are largely left-wing and liberal in their politics. In fact there is a lot about the claustrophobic and paranoid closeted gay lifestyle that is similar to, and attracts, strong rightist and racist elements.
20. The White nationalist movement is characterized by personal and political failure, by mediocrity, by a low level of intelligence, by personal and political ignorance, by hypocrisy, by massive dishonesty, by sexual perversion, by cowardice, by childishness, and by an almost total lack of any kind of direction or any kind of strategic plan.
It is an undeniable fact that the vast majority of all White Americans believe in most of the basic principles of White nationalism, and agree with the general idea of White racial superiority, if (important proviso) these ideas are expressed gently, subtly, and correctly without outward symbols and appurtenances of violence and extremism. It is entirely possible to slip White nationalism in under the radar, so to speak, if it is done with a bare minimum of psychological skill and subtlety.
WHITE NATIONALISM COULD STILL WIN despite all of the above character defects, if an intelligent and realistic strategic plan ever appears, and if a collective leadership ever makes an appearance who are willing to accept the above twenty points as a real-life truth and correct these problems by eliminating self-appointment, setting serious and high moral and mental standards, and who dare to make demands of White nationalist personnel, and who dare to swiftly and effectively sanction misbehavior and poor character.
[This is probably the most controversial essay I have ever written for the internet. I will be re-posting it periodically, because nothing has occurred in the past year which has in any way changed my mind as to its basic validity. - KF]
by Keith Fulton
1. In any political, social, or revolutionary movement, it is always a good idea if both the leaders and the rank and file members of that movement reflect the ideals and principles that the movement publicly advocates, in their personal lifestyle and in their personal behavior.
2. This is not the case in the White nationalist movement.
3. A very large percentage of the people involved in White nationalist politics have no business whatsoever being involved with this or any other cause, because of their personal character defects.
4. Many of the people involved in White nationalism, arguably a majority of them in fact, are mentally and emotionally damaged or dysfunctional in some way.
5. The majority of White nationalists have joined the Movement because we want to get something out of it, not because we want to put something into it.
6. Most White nationalists are not revolutionaries. They are what is known as paleo-conservatives. They do not want to change the entire political, social, and economic order in America. They want the existing order to work for them personally and give them money and success.
7. Most White nationalists are, to put it politely, of "dull normal" intelligence.
8. Being Americans of the 20th and 21st century, White nationalists have no oral history and in many cases have no idea where they came from, beyond the generation of their grandparents, and some not even that. White Americans as a whole are essentially a people without a past.
9. Because of this and other factors, White nationalists as a group are almost entirely lacking in any kind of spiritual or moral values, unless you want to count Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell-style Protestant evangelicalism as a moral value, which it isn't. (Protestant evangelicalism is a political ideology, not a religious one.)
10. White nationalists are completely materialistic and driven by money and consumerism. Their real beef with America is that America has not kept its promise to them personally and showered them with wealth, or else in the case of conservatives America demands that they pay taxes on the comparatively small amount of wealth they have managed to accumulate.
11. Most self-appointed Movement "leaders" are or were janitors or gas station attendants in real life. Some, like David Duke and William Pierce, have never actually held a real job in their entire lives. Virtually no self-appointed White racist "leader" has ever demonstrated any personal success in the real world. The White nationalist movement is a very small arena wherein dysfunctional people attempt to compensate for the fact that they are failures in life.
12. Active White racists are almost without exception dirt poor, and so personally dysfunctional that they are incapable of getting or holding a job and remaining economically viable in a competitive economy.
13. The majority of White nationalists are dishonest. Lying is a routine practice in our world. Very few White nationalists can be trusted with even small amounts of money. The spreading of slanderous rumors, petty theft of one another's personal property, and personal betrayal of every kind are standard practice, the rule rather than the exception.
14. White nationalists have no loyalty to one another or personal sense of honor.
15. White nationalists are bone-idle lazy and sloppy, both in their personal habits and politically.
16. White nationalists crave, respect, and worship money, because they have so little of it. Let's be honest, people. Give your typical White racist something to lose--give him a $100,000 a year job, a house in a nice suburb, and three cars in the garage (one an SUV)--and he would be outta here. Give a White nationalist a taste of wealth and in a heartbeat he will be voting for President Bush, cheering on the American invasion of every small country, hollering to "reform" Social Security, and watching Fox News with his slack jaw hanging down. It has to be said again: the overwhelming majority of so-called White nationalists are simply blue-collar conservatives who have gotten the shaft from the system. If the need ever arose, they could be bought, and bought cheaply.
17. A very large number of White Nationalists are involved in the Movement because of their own personal resentment at the crappy lives they have led. Granted, sometimes it's not their fault. In fact, a lot of times it genuinely isn't their fault. But the fact is that petty personal resentment simply isn't a very good political or revolutionary motivation, with the result that Middle American Whites don't make good revolutionaries.
18. A very large percentage of White nationalists, possibly the majority of them are, er, uh, how can we put this? Sexually odd in various ways.
19. A huge number of White nationalists, possibly a majority, are closeted homosexuals. This especially applies to the NSM and other costumed "Nazi" groups. Homosexuals have always been so predominant in White nationalism that in the past year there has appeared a kind of "gay liberation movement in the Movement" led by certain prominent White "leaders" who have for all practical purposes come out of the closet. It is a myth that gays are largely left-wing and liberal in their politics. In fact there is a lot about the claustrophobic and paranoid closeted gay lifestyle that is similar to, and attracts, strong rightist and racist elements.
20. The White nationalist movement is characterized by personal and political failure, by mediocrity, by a low level of intelligence, by personal and political ignorance, by hypocrisy, by massive dishonesty, by sexual perversion, by cowardice, by childishness, and by an almost total lack of any kind of direction or any kind of strategic plan.
It is an undeniable fact that the vast majority of all White Americans believe in most of the basic principles of White nationalism, and agree with the general idea of White racial superiority, if (important proviso) these ideas are expressed gently, subtly, and correctly without outward symbols and appurtenances of violence and extremism. It is entirely possible to slip White nationalism in under the radar, so to speak, if it is done with a bare minimum of psychological skill and subtlety.
WHITE NATIONALISM COULD STILL WIN despite all of the above character defects, if an intelligent and realistic strategic plan ever appears, and if a collective leadership ever makes an appearance who are willing to accept the above twenty points as a real-life truth and correct these problems by eliminating self-appointment, setting serious and high moral and mental standards, and who dare to make demands of White nationalist personnel, and who dare to swiftly and effectively sanction misbehavior and poor character.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
The Garbage Book
I got an e-mail suggesting that in order to raise funds for the Great Project, I use my allegedly brilliant writing skills and write a purely commercial novel solely to make money, and publish it under a pseudonym.
Well, actually, been there, done that.
In the autumn of 2014 I wrote a short (90,000 words) piece of dreck I call my Garbage Book. Loony events intervened, but I finally published it in the spring of 2015. I call it my Garbage Book because that's what it is. All told, it's probably a good thing that my name isn't associated with it, if for no other reason than it has [heterosexual] raunchy sex scenes in it, what is known as "commercial dirt," which still seems to upset some of our people. I still have to send out a disclaimer sheet with Fire and Rain and Bonnie Blue Murder any time I send out a signed copy to a Movement HAC fiction fan.
I have been told by the few NF people who have read it that the book actually contains a serious racial and cultural message, which I can kind of see now that they point it out, but it was unintentional. Apparently I’m incapable of writing anything completely apoliticial or nonracial any more, even when I try to write crap.
The royalty simoleons never came. I was trying to glom onto a specific literary niche market, but without success. Where I fell down was that my avalanche of secretarial and sound editing and production stuff, which has become chronic over the last two years, means that I simply do not have time to promote the damned thing for sales, nor am I able to do the things that most self-published authors do to promote their work, like show up in person at book signings and network properly on the internet, etc.
It remains a curiosity item, most likely the last piece of fiction I will ever write. [sigh ... ]
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that yes, like so much else, that idea of trying to write for money under a pseudonym has been tried.
April 20th, 2002
On Saturday, April 20th, National Socialists and racial nationalists the world over will once again gather as they always do to celebrate the birth of the Führer Adolf Hitler. Many of these assemblies will of necessity take place in secret, due to the relentless persecution of an establishment which still fears Hitler's legacy 57 years after his death. Many a private party in homes and the back dining rooms of restaurants, in forests and in out of the way locations, will have a secret and joyful purpose. Every year it happens, and every year there are more of us.
To be honest, the past few Führertags haven't been very
uplifting. These have been depressing and profitless times, as the last
tattered remnants of the old and failed Movement of the post-1945 era flop and
splatter and bleed the last of their thin, senile blood in their death throes.
There's nothing left of that time any more. It's all gone, and frankly, good
riddance. The Racially Conscious Community haven't had much to be upbeat about
recently, and that's a fact.
But things are changing. I am actually much more optimistic
than I have been for many years. This April 20th, I believe I can honestly say
that for the first time in a long time, there is at least a ray or two of hope.
Those rays of hope are glimmering in the Pacific Northwest.
Slowly but surely, you are beginning to respond. I can
finally see the glacier move. The message I have been hammering home for the
past eighteen months is finally sinking in. The writing is on the wall and at
long last, you folks seem to be reading it. In the past few months I have seen
a number of indications that finally, at the eleventh hour, White people in the
Racially Conscious Community are starting to wrap their minds around the idea
of a sovereign, independent Aryan nation on the North American continent as the
only way forward to racial and cultural survival. The Northwest message is
starting to fall on fertile ground, as the need for an Ingathering of the Folk
into a new Homeland becomes understood and accepted. I have received the
ultimate confirmation of this in the form of at least four White families to my
knowledge and maybe more, who have immigrated into the Homeland. Every envelope
I get with a Washington or Idaho
postmark instead of Pittburgh or Georgia is a vindication. I know there will be
many more. It is beginning.
The birthday of National Socialism's founding genius seems
to me to be an appropriate time for me to address something that has come up
recently, as the time for my own Homecoming draws near. I refer to the
accusation that I have in some manner betrayed true National Socialism by
becoming an advocate of a new nation for our people in the Northwest, a
Homeland for all White people regardless of their personal, political, or
religious views.
In the minds of the purists (and we do still have a few
left, Lord love ‘em!) this betrayal consists of three sins of omission: 1) My
failure to spangle all my literature with Swastikas and portraits of the
Führer; 2) My failure to disport myself in public wearing a Third Reich-ish
costume and my refusal to engage in infantile publicity stunts which cause
National Socialism to appear ridiculous to the general public; and 3) My decision
some time ago to abandon any pretense at reviving a formal party which
eventually even I had to realize that no one beyond a minuscule handful ever
really wanted. In short, I insist on at least trying to live in the real world,
making me virtually unique among White racial nationalist advocates. (I no
longer refer to myself or anyone else as a leader. We have no leaders.)
This is neither the time nor the place to re-hash the very
old argument as to when the historical symbols of National Socialism are
appropriate for display and when they are not. I not only have heard all of
these arguments, I wrote most of them. For many years, I myself and many others
tried the “orthodox” approach and the results were...hell, the results were
dismal, and we all know it. Nor has anyone else had any greater success. The
simple fact is that while the ideal of National Socialism is eternal and
applicable wherever White people are found, the political terminology and
outward manifestations of National Socialism from the 1930s by and large simply
don't translate into the context of modern day America.
This is not 1932, this is not Germany,
and Middle Americans are not Europeans. It has taken me almost thirty years to
internalize this simple and obvious truth, so great was my love and admiration
for the Führer and the Reich. I speak as one who has spent most of his life
trying to perform that very transmutation. It didn’t work, and it will never
work. Does this admission of a simple fact of life in any way make me a “traitor”
to National Socialism? There are those who believe it does.
We simply cannot afford to wallow in nostalgia any more.
Letting our race perish is hardly the way in which to honor Adolf Hitler.
Insofar as we have historical examples to follow, we must look in a very
limited manner to the Ireland
of 1916-1923 and the creation of the Zionist state of Israel,
and we had best be very leery of carrying even those parallels too far.
We come now to a very pertinent topic. If Adolf Hitler were
here today, once he understood the situation in which we presently find
ourselves in this country, and once he had a clear idea of what little we have
remaining to work with in the realm of human and financial resources, what then
would he advise us to do? Continue with the status quo, scattered and powerless
and inchoate and utterly unable to defend the few remaining liberties we once
had? Or would he advise us to come together and form a modern version of the
old Teutonic shield-wall, standing side by side instead of hiding behind the
screens of personal computers? National Socialism is first and foremost about
race, the Aryan race specifically. The survival and improvement of the Aryan
race must be the first concern of all who call themselves National Socialists.
This is not an ideological point. It is the very basis of the National
Socialist world view. It is a practical problem, and Adolf Hitler was probably
the world's greatest pragmatist as well as being one of history's most notable idealists, a combination seldom
found in the course of human events. How would this greatest master of realpolitik
in the annals of our civilization respond to the crisis which confronts us
I am completely convinced that if the Führer were present in
2002 America,
he would be the very first to urge us to adapt to the conditions of the 21st
century rather than to look back at the heroic time of the 1930s and 40s. The
geopolitical dynamic of our time is globalization and the efforts of the
world's many peoples to resist that soul-destroying economic and cultural
juggernaut. So far small nations like Serbia
and Palestine and Rhodesia
have had little success in beating back the the combined and merciless
onslaught of Money, Murder, and McDonalds. But that does not mean that the struggle
cannot be won, when eventually the New World Order overreaches itself. The
dynamic of the 21st century will also be expressed as the ancient one of God
versus Man, of material things versus the things of the spirit. This struggle
is presently being led by the forces of militant Islam, and for all my respect
for the valiant and fierce Palestinians, we cannot in all honor allow
non-Whites to monopolize the side of the Light. National Socialism must join
and then take command of the struggle against Darkness of Zion which will be
this coming century's leitmotif.
The iron laws of evolution dictate that a species under
threat must adapt or die. Through our own failure to adapt, we risk condemning
our Folk to horrible death and genetic extinction. We can no longer afford the
endless debate and introspection which has occupied us all for the past thirty
years as we have desperately sought some way to have our cake and eat it too,
to preserve our race and our civilization while never incurring any personal
risk or inconvenience. We have before us a magnificent prospect, a land watered
with the noblest martyred blood of both Aryan man and woman, Bob Mathews and
Vicky Weaver. We are confronted with an unspeakable crime against all decency
in the theft and destruction of Pastor Richard Butler's longtime home by the
yellow dog Morris Dees, a crime which we cannot allow to remain unanswered and
still call ourselves men. Were he here today, the Führer Adolf Hitler would
understand this.
But he is here today. On the morning when I get into my
battered car and head out on Highway 6 for the Homeland, I will not just be
following our ancestors who went before me, taking months in their wagons to
cross the distance that I will cover in four days. I will be following the path
that my Führer has pointed out to me in my heart and my mind. In serving the
survival of our Folk in the coming Northwest
Republic, we are serving the legacy
of Adolf Hitler.
Wednesday, July 05, 2017
Harold's List (Updated)
Harold's List
Remember, this is a list of Good Guys, not Bad Guys. It is shockingly lean. Inclusion here does not necessarily imply endorsement or approval or even personal liking; it just means that those listed appear to be free of the Big Four No-Nos.
Thus far, I believe I can state with some assurance that the closets of the following Alt.Right and White nationalist personalities are free of the following Big Four depravities:
*Buggery, including toleration or trivialization of buggery;
*Jewish blood or toleration of Jews as "part of the European tradition"; trivializing or minimizing the historic role of the Jewish Question in human events;
*Mudsharking, "sport-banging brown pussy," interracial marriage, mulatto or mestizo children, or race-mixing of any kind. (Includes weird sex stuff of any kind);
*Informing, in that no one here has testified in open court against anyone else in the Movement or been named as an informer by any credible source. (Anti-White NGOs, media, internet, law enforcement and judiciary are not considered reliable sources for the purposes of this list.)
Harold A. Covington (myself)
Andy Donner
Bill Roper
Dr. Tom Sunic
Chris White (U.K.)
Matt Heimbach*
Dr. Kevin McDonald
Brad Griffin
Louis Beam
Kyle Hunt
James Edwards
John De Nugent
David Duke**
*Matt Heimbach is currently being heavily slandered by anonymous trolls. This is to be expected since Matt is currently getting his 15 Minutes and as such is subject to the bitter jealousy of our wee little Movement's assorted creepy-crawlies. So far no one has come up with anything verifiable.
**Big Four only. Many, many caveats on Double Diamond beyond that.
This list is subject to update and correction. Comments should be e-mailed to and will not be approved on this blog.