Greetings, guys.
Look, this is going to be a bit disorganized, but I'm
in kind of a stream-of-consciousness mood here, so pardon me if I just
sort of ramble on a bit. I am genuinely wondering about some things that
are obvious to me and have been for a very long time, but which
apparently are really and truly obscure to most of you. I am going to
throw out some questions here, in no particular order of importance, but
they are serious questions and I'd like some serious answers.
1. In the past several weeks I have forwarded a number
of articles to NWNet and Whitespeak detailing some demographic
realities. California is now majority non-White. Texas may already be
majority non-White, they're not sure, but in any case it will be in a
couple of years without doubt. London will be majority non-White in ten
years. [It was. - HAC] Ireland is planning on bringing in two million "skilled"
immigrants from Asia over the next eight years. Great Britain and Europe
as a whole is expected to be majority non-White by the year 2100 if
current trends continue. What is odd is that these articles have
produced virtually no response at all from the NSNet list.
QUESTION: Does anyone actually read what I send out?
If so, how much of it? Ten percent? 25 percent? 50 percent? I am genuinely curious as
to how much of what I send you ends up ignored or being deleted. How far
do you read? At what point do you move on? After the second paragraph,
the third, what? I need to know these things.
QUESTION: How, exactly, can you read information like
this and have no response at all? I don't understand that. Help me
understand it.
2. Now, on this business of dressing up in costumes,
allowing ourselves to be chased down the streets by mobs of thousands of
Reds and scum or cowering behind barricades while we are protected by
hundreds of disgusted police....dressing up in costumes and having
surreptitious photos of ourselves in Gotterdammerung poses with arms
folded across our chests, photos taken in our bedrooms or garages, then
circulating said photos in small mimeographed 'zines....trying to "Adopt
a Highway"...jabbering about "White civil rights"....the rallies in the
cow pastures of the same 100 or so people, most of them driving in from
out of know, basically all this crap we've been doing for
the past 30 years...
QUESTION: Am I really, truly, honest to God the only person who has noticed that this does not work?
QUESTION: After 30 years of complete and total
failure, how is it that anyone among us can possibly advocate that we
keep on doing more of the same? I don't understand that. Help me
understand that.
3. Has anyone other than myself noticed that the internet isn't working for us? That is produces nothing except more internet? That we are weaker, more confused, more demoralized, and more
timid than ever before now that we have the cathartic release of playing
with our computers? Am I honestly the only one who has observed this?
[Interestingly, we have a very good comrade in
California who recently voluntarily withdrew from the internet and
announced his intention of selling his computer because he understood
that the virtual world was pulling him in and he wanted it real. - HAC]
4. All these things with Pierce, the dozen or so times
he has pirouetted away like Tinkerbelle on tip-toe leaving chaos and
destruction behind him, his ability to stroll through Germany at will,
all the times his name hovers in the air around serious federal
felonies, all the times he gets away with stuff the merest fraction of
which would get the rest of us locked up under the jailhouse and the key
thrown away...surely, surely I am not the only one who sees these
things? Or seeing them, draws conclusions regarding The Great Man's
breathtaking immunity? [Section redacted here due to security considerations. - HAC] Do these things honestly happen in some kind
of Phantom Zone outside space and time, seen but not seen, known but
not known, suppressed by a kind of internal reality control among us
all that would astound Orwell himself?
QUESTION: Dead serious, guys---what is the secret of Pierce's teflon and how can I get some of it?
5. QUESTION: How, exactly, do we justify to ourselves
having "leaders" who do not reflect in their personal lifestyle and
behavior the values we are supposed to champion? I have never understood
that one. Help me understand it.
6. This anti-Christian crap---does anyone besides
myself understand what utter poison it is to our cause? How utterly
impossible it is to let even so much as a syllable of such drivel be
whispered in public in any relation to racial politics? Do we have some
kind of death wish that we keep on shoveling this stuff out in front of
Joe Six Pack? Are we that completely devoid of any sense of political
and human reality? Really?
7. This Lone Wolf crap, Alex Curtis Version---is there
anyone out there besides myself who understands that it is lunacy? Is
there anyone out there who seriously believes that the most massive act
of liberation in human history can be accomplished by sick men who hear
voices in their heads, shooting down children and total strangers at
random? Surely, surely no one takes this seriously?
Do you?
8. The only way that we are ever going to change
things is through genuine, non-Curtisian armed struggle. I know that. You know that. I won't insult your intelligence by pretending that there
is one single person reading this who does not know that in your heart,
however afraid you may be to say so. I understand also that at least a
certain degree of circumspection is necessary and that more may become
so later. I will not insult your intelligence by implying that there are
any of you who do not understand the difference between, say, the
Provisional I.R.A. as opposed to Buford Furrow. I really don't believe
any of you are quite that dumb.
QUESTION: When do we come to an understanding about
this and start acting on it, at least by speaking of it aloud in a
serious and adult manner? Next week? Next year? Five years from now?
When Hillary's goons crash in our door some time in 2006? When? When,
people? When do we finally start getting our act together?
9. Mr. Jones over there vows and swears that he will
fight to the death like a true "Aryan warrior" in that safely far-off
"when the time comes." You know, the time that never comes. But right now he will not even
kick in ten dollars a month to try and keep some very faint semblance of
resistance in existence.
QUESTION: What is wrong with this picture?
10. QUESTION: Dead serious. Am I totally wasting my time here?
As said before we are living in pre-revolutionary times. At organic process is at work that can neither be accelerated or decelerated. There are Natural Laws that govern the affairs of politics and nations as assuredly as gravity governs the Cosmos. Before the Boer wars the Afrikaners were not a people. After British persecution of their women and children by putting them in concentration camps Afrikaner nationalism was born. By 2040 whites will be a minority and racial consciousness will increase.By 2019 the majority of public school children in the United Sates will be majority non-white for the first time in our history. We all know the whiter an area is the less racially conscious it is. That is why Scandinavia is being overrun. Remember in the days of the ANC the Scandinavian nations were their greatest contributors. The more diverse an area becomes the more racial consciousness grows among whites.