Monday, January 23, 2017

America's Peasants

[From February 1996]
One of my hobbies is medieval history. Some years ago I was reading a scholarly volume on the Middle Ages when I came across a translation of a textbook or primer used to teach children of the nobility to read, kind of a fourteenth-century “See Dick And Jane” kind of thing. The book described all the various people who existed in the medieval world and their functions: the king rules by divine right, the baron gives justice and protection to his people, the knight does deeds of valor for his lady love, the priest intercedes with God for the souls of men, the merchant brings goodies from foreign lands. 

It continued on down to the tradesmen such as the weavers, the butchers and bakers and so forth, you get the picture. At the very end was a single sentence thrown in almost as an afterthought which described people who in those days were at least 90% of the entire population. It was a phrase which has stuck in my mind from that day to this: “And the peasant works so that all may eat.”

I can think of no better way to describe the role of the White man today, and many White women excluding the artificial affirmative action created female managerial class. We are peasants. Our function in this society is simple. The peasant labors so that all may eat. 

White men build and drive the trucks that deliver the consumer goods, manufacture and package the junk food, maintain the power plants that keep the air conditioners and televisions running, cut down the trees and make the paper which keeps the bureaucracy going. White police and soldiers loyally carry the guns and pull the triggers for ZOG, everywhere in the world. 

Above all, White men pay the overwhelming bulk of the taxes which keep the whole rotten system afloat. We are serfs on the great worldwide consumer plantation, producing the wealth and keeping everything going while our multifarious masters sit on the veranda eating and drinking the products of our labor and spinning their pointless little intrigues. Like all peasants, we have no place in the political process. Our role is to work so that all may eat, accept with gratitude such consumer goodies as our betters see fit to fill our bowls with, shuffle, tap dance, tug the forelock, vote the way we are told to vote by our natural superiors the liberals, and apply our lips in the prescribed manner to whatever derrières are presented to us. Finally, we must keep our minds squeaky clean of any impure doubt or racist thought.

But peasants have been known to revolt. Think guillotine, my brothers, with a pile of heads on the Capitol steps higher than Tamerlane’s. Think gallows on the White House lawn, with rows of bodies in thousand dollar suits with pedicured toes turning slowly in the wind. The French did it. The Russians did it. The Germans did it. Even the Iraqis and Iranians did it. So will we.


1 comment:

  1. Amurricans wont do it. Back to the couch they will go because "thier guy" won.
