Sunday, May 12, 2002


"Times have changed since the days of Hitler/Rockwell ." How often have we heard that refrain ? Most of the time, this refers to the practice of holding mass meetings and/or the wearing of Nazi-style uniforms. There is, however a more profound and fundemental change that has taken place since the 1960's, namely, (to quote the late, great Joseph Tomassi, Captain of the National Socialist Liberation Front): "The White man has lost! We are an occupied people in our own land who must now develop a totally different outlook on revolution."

Jew Alan Greenspan runs the federal reserve that controls YOUR economy and cash supply. Affirmative action is official government policy. This country has (in the words of part jew former U.N. secretery Madaline Albright) a "moral obligation to israel." Many portions of major cities are 'no goes' for Whites. The men and women in government who pass for 'our' representatives openly champion the 'browning' of America via unrestricted immigration and out of control non-White births. Anti-German propaganda (disguised as 'holocaust education') is now mandatory in many school districts. Corporate honchos gleefully 'downsize' native born workers only to move production to Mexico, Honduras or some other foreign nation (all the while pocketing large bonuses for themselves, of course...). Does this sound like our country ??

To again quote a deceased movement elder statesman: "We have determined that the political state has left us. It boasts that it will leave us even further behind." (Pastor Robert E. Miles, lifetime advocate of racial separation.)

Let us review two brief statements from a book published during a time when America was still predominately a White nation and a small number of patriots were attempting to warn the masses of enemy subterfuge:

"We have a well organized political action group in this country determined to destroy our Constitution, and establish a one party state. This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government and its own propaganda apparatus." (Page 209 of 'None Dare Call It Treason', originally stated by Senator William Jenner of Indiana)

"The aim of our party...among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class...and connect them with the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby further the cause of world revolution." (Page 25, 'Death of A Nation', as quoting a 1925 Communist party directive.)

Now, let's modify the above quotes to fit the present time and our own purposes. Imagine our enemies (who exercise a high degree of influence in the government, media and financial institutions and have essentially become the establishment they once conspired against) making these statements about our side:

"There is a well organzied political action group in this country determined to destroy our internationalist/integrationist/zionist system, and establish a one party state. This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government and its own propaganda apparatus."

"The aim of our party...among the White masses is to create a powerful racialist movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the White race against exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American White race...and connect them with the struggles of other Whites of all the world and thereby further the cause of a pro-White revolution."

Other quotes could be cited, but this author feels these two should suffice to perk the reader's interest. Once again, comrades: The differences between Hitler's/Rockwell's times go deeper than tactical considerations. Those who advocate pro-White theories and positions in today's world are the subversives of the 21st century. It would be missing the point to argue that we do not have the under the table funding and/or tacit approval of the powers that be that the Reds had in the 1950'. This is a valid point, however there is nothing that can be done to remedy it. In any case, even the enemy had to start somewhere long, long ago.

The point of this letter is to make it crystal clear to all that there is no more country (much less 'our country') worth saving, only our Folk. As such, it would behoove us to study the examples of the 5th columnists who came before us. They may have been/are our mortal foes, but by using the tactics they employed, we can effectively overthrow THEIR regime and subvert THEIR power.

-John Steele

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