from the Northwest Homeland, comrades. It’s March 25th, 2010
, I’m Harold Covington, and this is Radio Free
I’m going to begin this week’s
show with a subject I’m very reluctant to broach. I spent
most of this weekend debating with myself over whether or
not to speak of this in public at all. I know a number of my
associates and our Party supporters will disagree with my
decision to do so, and I can understand their viewpoint.
This is about the fifth time I have re-worked this part of
the show so as to convey to you folks to the best of my
ability, exactly what it is I want to say without simply adding to
the confusion by going off into long pointless digressions about
things that happened 20 and 30 years ago where the majority of you
won’t have a clue as to what in hell I’m talking about.
I refer to a systematic and growing campaign of
defamation, slander, harassment, and abuse which has been
conducted against me personally and against the Northwest
Migration concept on the internet for quite some time. Not
by the Jews and not by the left and not by the government or
the SPLC, but by people who claim to be White Nationalists
who more or less believe as we do. In my view the validity
of that claim to be one of us is open to serious question,
but when you come across this happy horse dung, which I am
sure you will eventually, judge for yourself. I call this
hysterical campaign of abuse and vilification by several names in
my own writings, GUBU, Space Madness, but most often I call it the
Goat Dance.
I chose that name because one
of the so-called White groups I criticized in the past that
started all this taradiddle used to have a kind of ritual
involving virtually nude young men wearing only jock straps
with green leafy things stuffed in them, while the leader of
the group presided over the festivities wearing a kind of
robe or toga made out of a bedsheet, kind of a racist John
Belushi. They called this the Goat Dance, and since this took
place on a rural estate, yes, there was a live goat involved. Don’t
I understand why a lot of you feel
I should be maintaining public silence on this mess. I have
been told that I need to "take the high road,"
that I should be a big man and rise above it all, that I
shouldn’t dignify this defamatory drivel with an answer, and I
get all that. I also understand also that by responding I am to a
large degree giving these people what they want. Like all
stalkers, what they want most of all is for the object of their
weird desires to respond to them, acknowledge their existence.
They don’t want this to be about the Northwest Migration, the
Northwest Republic, or even about Harold Covington. They want it
to be all about them. They’re some pretty sick puppies.
The reason that after much reflection I decided to
include this segment in our podcast this week is because the
fact is, the decision has been taken out of my hands. The
things I am going be talking about are already being
discussed in public, by which I mean on the internet,
although perhaps bellowed and howled and cackled in public
would be a better term for it. It’s already out there
whether we like it or not, and to new people who don’t know
what the hell’s going on and have nothing to guide them, it’s
weird and confusing, and they are coming to me wanting
At least once a week, I get an
e-mail from somebody asking me the question “Harold, why
does everybody in the Movement talk bad about you and the
Northwest Migration?” The first thing I do when I get these
questions is I fire back another e-mail in response saying
“define everybody.” Because the fact is that no, “everybody”
does not bad-mouth me and the Northwest Migration. This
bird-brained and pathological behavior is confined to five or
six specific individuals who have made a career out of it. Their
identities are known to me, including most of the false e-mail
addresses and internet sock puppets they employ.
I regret to say that one of these individuals is my
own brother, but in his case his motivations are personal,
financial and family-related and have nothing to do with
White Nationalism or anything racial. So not counting my
brother, roughly 80 to 90 percent of the toxic waste which
is circulating about me on Movement internet boards and
whatnot comes from about half a dozen specific, known
individuals, none of whom are acting out of any legitimate
racial and political motive.
The rest of
it is just mindless repetition by silly people who don’t
know any better but who just like gossip and scandal. They
hear this stuff and they shoot it all over the internet just for
shits and giggles. Someone once said that great minds talk about
ideas, average minds talk about events, and little minds talk
about people. We have an awful lot of little minds in the
Movement. The internet really facilitates this kind of childish
tantrum. I mean, look at Lindsay Lohan and Twitter.
One of the odd things I have noticed about this
phenomenon down through the years is that any time I try to
speak of White character in general terms, everyone nods
sagely and agrees with me, but when I cite and analyze
specific examples, by name, a lot of people jam their
fingers in their ears and shout "LA LA LA LA I’m not
listening…." In our rather eccentric collective mindset,
it seems to be okay to discuss our many moral and personal
failings so long as one does it in very broad terms, so whoever’s
listening can convince themselves that Harold isn’t really talking
about them.
But the minute I start naming names and citing
specific examples of disgraceful and counterproductive behavior,
especially on the part of those who claim to be our leaders, all
of a sudden I am “fighting a feud.” This is very
much a shoot the messenger kind of thing. So don’t
worry, I won’t upset anyone by naming names here. In any
case, I am really not comfortable with perpetuating the
names of these assholes in any connection at all to what I
view as a sacred and holy cause.
I’m an
old hand at this; I have been subjected to this kind of
gossip and abuse for well over 30 years now, dating back to the
pre-internet days when we put our smears and slanders in little
single-sheet newsletters run off on mimeograph machines in
Another one of my old Movement
mentors, Major William Gaedtke, the last head of the old
America First committee, once warned me about this. He told
me, quote, “Harold, the problem is these people who are
spreading lies and rumors about you are basically
mediocrities. We are so used to mediocrity and incompetence in the
Movement that anything else makes us suspicious. These people who
slander you simply can’t understand why anyone with your education
and talent would devote themselves to this dinky little Movement
of ours instead of using your abilities to make all kinds of
money, because that’s what they would do themselves if they had
your chops.” End quote. Or words to that effect.
So yeah, they started laying this crap on me long
ago, back in the days of yore. I have some real favorites
from those days, especially the rumors where I was supposed
to have magical powers kind of like Lord Voldemort in
the Harry Potter series. I was supposed to have sacrificed
my cat in a Satanic ritual in the Nazi headquarters on North
Street in Raleigh, and I am also supposed to have sent
poltergeists to haunt Michael Hoffman the Second. Wait,
that’s naming a name, isn’t it? Screw it. I was also supposed to
be an alcoholic Indian.
Plus of course
the usual big three: Jew, Fed, and queer. I still get called
a Jew, with of course no documentary proof at all. In point
of fact my family line has been traced back to 1727 when a
Scotch-Irish immigrant named John Covington landed in Charleston. That was actually done by the Raleigh News and Observer newspaper
editor, a liberal named Claude Sitton, who hired a genealogist in
1980 to try and find Jewish ancestry in my family tree, but he
came up dry. Nope, nothing but Germans and UIstermen. I get called
a fed all the time as well, of course, again without one shred of
evidence for the past 38 years. Queer I’m glad to say they’ve
pretty much left alone; it would be kind of hard since I’m the guy
who got Frank Collin put away for seven years on a buggery rap.
Everyone who has ever been prominent in the racial right has been
subjected to this to one degree or another; this kind of
dysfunctional behavior seems to be part and parcel of the kind of
personalities that are attracted to the Movement.
Some people say that if you just ignore this nutty
personal stuff it goes away. Unfortunately, in my experience
that’s not true. If you just ignore it, people assume you
don’t answer it because you can’t answer it. My policy when
one of these moronic allegations pops up has always been to
make one definitive statement per rumor or accusation and
afterwards refer anyone who inquires back to that statement as a
kind of “canned answer.” I haven’t bothered to do that for
many years now, and that may be one reason why all the toxic
waste has been building up, so this podcast is going to have
to constitute my “canned answer” for a while.
Now, as to why they do this nonsense? Lordy, lordy, where to
begin, where to begin?
First off, I am
sure it is no news to most of you that our movement has a
lot of people associated with it who have no business within
a hundred miles of any kind of alternative politics. We have
serious character issues, and since those character issues
are largely what have been preventing us over the past 50
years from mounting an effective resistance to the crisis in
our civilization, I have in the past refused to be polite and
look the other way. I tend to say out loud what has to be said and
let the chips fall where they may. I hold up mirrors, and a lot of
people don’t like what they see. So that’s one reason some of
these people are giving me all this crap on the internet. In the
past I caught them with their fingers in the cookie jar or I
caught them with their pants down, in one case quite literally,
and I let everybody know it.
as the late Dr. William L. Pierce once put it to me in the
last civil letter he ever addressed to me, “The problem is,
Harold, that we are all chasing the same buck.” Bluntly put, a lot
of the anti-Covington mess originates either directly or
indirectly from certain Fearless Leaders who don’t appreciate even
my limited competition for that same buck. I think a little
research will reveal that a large part of the somewhat misnamed
Movement “in-fighting” over the past 50 years between all manner
of personalities and groups on the right has its roots in
competition for the donation dollar. We have been afflicted for
many years with so-called leaders who view this sacred and holy
cause as a business, and who use gangster-like tactics to steal
supporters for themselves and undermine the support of other
groups and so-called leaders. This kind of thing has been standard
in the Movement since Colonel Simms and the Second Empire Klan in
the 1920s.
Third, a lot of these people
who are doing this are simply insane. The internet has
allowed too many people to get in touch with their Inner
Nut, and when some of us sit down behind the computer
keyboard we get a visit from Mr. Hyde. I know because I am
susceptible to this myself, and I concede there have been times
when I have let the badger loose to howl at the moon, if you will
pardon my mixed metaphors, so I know whereof I speak.
If you will peruse some of these internet attacks on
me, you’ll notice that most of them read like they were
written by Beavis and Butthead or the characters on South
Park, but they weren’t. Believe it or not, the overwhelming
majority of this childish twaddle is written and circulated
by middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s, whom you would
think should by now have outgrown adolescent toilet humor
and "nyaah nyaah nyaah." It always astounds me,
the sheer childishness of some of this stuff, and the fact
that it comes from men with gray hair in their heads. You’d
think these men would be able at least to show a little bit of
dignity while they were lying about me, but apparently for them
the internet seems to serve as a kind of sick Fountain of Youth,
or perhaps I should say Fountain of Childishness.
You have to bear in mind that most
of these specific teapot tempests are decades old, lies and
misrepresentation about crap going back to things I said and
did and wrote in the late 1970s in some cases. I have often
wondered why none of it ever seems to die down, why someone
always seems to go to great effort stirring it up again
every couple of years, especially whenever it looks like the
Northwest idea is starting to gain momentum and we’re starting
to get some people in and get some things done. Like now, for
One thing I will address
specifically is that I allegedly wrote this history of the
White Nationalist movement that has all manner of unkind
things to say about certain individuals in our past. The
document referred to has been floating around the internet for
something like four years now, and I believe there are also hard
copies in circulation that people have run off on their printers
as well. It is a roughly 30,000-word monograph or pamphlet
entitled A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement.
In point of fact, no, I did not write the Brief
History. At least not all of it, and not for that specific
purpose. What happened is that somebody came along and
plagiarized, collected, and collated a number of articles
and bits and pieces from the past 50 years on Movement
internal matters and melded them all together into a single
report or long article. Some of that “borrowed” material is
mine, yes, such as the Huey Long segment, the bulk of the section
on Glenn Miller and a good bit of the material on Benny Klassen.
And there I go naming names again. Oops!
But the Brief History also contains sections which were either
written or paraphrased from works by Bill White, Louis Beam, the
late Rick Cooper, Dr. Edward Fields, the late David McCalden, the
writer known as “Maguire” and a number of other writers and
However, I will say this:
whoever wrote the Brief History, they know their Movement
beeswax. While to be sure, some of it is opinion and
editorializing, I have been able to find only one single
factual inaccuracy anywhere in the report. (They refer to
"the late [Revisionist] Bradley Smith when Smith is in fact
still alive.) I think that’s another thing that’s driving
the Goat Dancers nuts—they can’t refute anything in the
report factually, so they scream “HAC wrote it! HAC wrote
it!” in order to make it all about me and to distract people
from what the document actually says.
The irony of it is, the Brief History is not in fact all that
pro-Covington or pro-Northwest. The author makes clear that he is
not a supporter of the Northwest Migration and that he thinks I’m
foolishly wasting my time.
people ask me, “how do we know who to believe?” Look at my
work, look at my life, look at the people who are saying these
things, look at the world around you, and wonder why we have
gotten nowhere in our efforts to resist. What can I tell you? If
you’ve read my novels, everything I have to say is in there.
That’s it, people, that’s me.
Now, after
this podcast hits the site, there will probably be some
responses to the effect that except for the Brief History document
I did not answer specific charges, and that’s quite correct, I
didn’t, and I have no intention of doing so and wallowing in the
mud with these people. I didn’t answer them, for one thing,
because when I do they simply ignore it and bring more deranged
accusations. They keep moving the goal posts, because serious
discussion of fact is not their true agenda. I also usually don't
bother because most of their specific charges against me are
simply deranged nonsense, and if I were to repeat them in order to
refute them, then I would be perpetuating them.
Many of you guys listening to this still probably
have no idea what on earth I’m talking about, and that’s
good. You’re not missing anything, believe me. Chances are
you will eventually run across this excrement on the
internet on your own, and when you do just remember what I
said here.
However, in order to refute
the charge that I am only presenting one side of the story
here, I have decided that I will give my critics and my
enemies some brief time of their own on this podcast, so
that you can hear their case against me in their own words,
and from their own lips.
[Music break -
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha! by Napoleon the
(Laugh) People, I’m sorry.
So much for my comments about middle-aged men showing
dignity, but that was just too much to resist. I’ve been
looking for an excuse to play that one since these podcasts
started and the Goat Dancers finally gave me an excuse.
But you see what I mean about the
internet making us childish? It’s just so much fun to play
with these machines every now and then. But at least I
understand the fact when I am yielding to my inner child or
whatever on here. These other idiots honestly don’t seem to
realize how what they’re doing looks to other people. They
have no sense of shame.
Anyway, enough of
that. [Program goes on.]