[Caveat: This article refers to the situation in North America, not in Europe, where different conditions and strategic situations apply. - HAC]
One of the Racially Conscious Community’s most durable and sacrosanct sacred cows is the street-walk, otherwise known, almost always incorrectly, as a rally. (18 people do not constitute a rally of any kind, although the leftist counter-demonstrations are often sufficiently large to merit that designation.)
We recently had an example of this in Gainesville, Florida. Since my duty station within the Racially Conscious Community is to ask questions regarding sacred cows that no one wants to answer, and to discuss things in public that the self-appointed leadership do not want discussed, I reckon it’s about time I pointed out the nudity of this particular emperor, i.e. the idea of street-walking, again. Quite a few of us seem to be politely and deferentially averting our eyes from the fact that he’s butt-nekkid.
To begin with, let me explain the official rationale behind streetwalking, point by point. Street-walking in theory is essentially an attempt to reproduce here in America certain specific objective conditions which apply to Europe today, or which have applied to Europe in the past, or which to a limited extent applied to America in a largely idealized and incorrectly perceived past, viz. the 50,000-man Klan marches of the 1920s, etc. More specifically, street-walking is an attempt to replicate here, in the 21st century, certain key periods in European history which provided windows of opportunity for revolution, specifically Weimar Germany and to a lesser extent Petrograd in 1917 for leftists. (They have this same obsession as well.) It’s a form of what anthropologists call sympathetic magic. The belief is that if we emulate the behavior of certain political movements from these historical epochs, and put on an approximate pastiche of the costume of the period, then somehow the year 2003 will become these historical epochs. Or maybe 2004 or 2010 or 2020.
Here’s how it’s supposed to work, in theory:
1. We begin with a small number of people, mostly socially dysfunctional young men plus a few older right-wing cranks. (Guys, I’m sorry, but those of you who have actually attended these gigs will recognize the truth of what I say. There is no longer anything to be gained, and much to be lost, by glossing over uncomfortable truth.) This small handful of people then goes out in public, often oddly dressed and waving signs and flags from the various historical epochs they are trying to invoke. Under the protection of the government’s police, they exchange shouts and shoves and largely harmless missiles with various Reds, mud people, bugger boys, etc. So far, so good.
2. This street theater generates Establishment media publicity, which according to orthodox Movement thinking is the be-all, end-all, and absolute lifeblood of our struggle. According to this school of thought, to be on TV is to be real, the goods, the real stuff, the right stuff. True, we can usually get a few sound bytes on the six and eleven o’clock news with these activities, and sometimes a couple of hourly mentions on CNN and a few mangled newspaper quotes as well.
3. In theory, other White people will see this publicity, admire the hell out of us, and come clamoring to join our grouplets and go on the next such activity. Here’s where the whole concept starts to wobble and slip, but let’s leave that for later.
4. With every new street-walk, there will (in theory) be more and more White people wearing the costumes, waving the signs and flags, and screaming and shouting at the Reds and muds and bugger boys. Eventually there will be thousands of us and we will outnumber the scum. Up to this point, all of this is theoretically possible, and on a handful of occasions such as Gage Park and Marquette Park in Chicago, Glenn Miller’s White Patriot Party, etc. we have even gotten to within faintly audible shouting distance of this point on the horizon.
5. On those few occasions when we have reached that point, the whole project has always fallen apart due to one of two causes: A) The issue of character, which we as a community steadfastly refuse to confront. (Glenn Miller is a good example here.) Then there’s B) The complete and total lack of anything remotely resembling a plan to transmute large gatherings of racially aware Whites into a political force that will transfer state power from the hands of those who presently hold it into our own.
But usually the process has broken down long before, at Step 3. The necessary connection is not made in the minds of the White masses; the necessary desire to emulate and to join the street-walkers never makes its appearance.
Why not? There are two reasons for this.
First off, there is the fact that the ZOG media controls what, if anything, the White population is allowed to see and hear of such activities. Like all serious stories nowadays from the monkoid sniper in Maryland to the coming invasion of Iraq, our activities are presented not as news, but as entertainment, which is what the masses (or Them Asses as an old Wobbly called them) expect from television. “Look at the funny racists in the funny clothes! Now stay tuned for That Seventies Show!”
Does this mean that we would get any better results if all the streetwalkers wore suits and ties? No. Because secondly, there is again that issue of White character which we refuse to address.
This particular uncomfortable manifestation of it is the fact that the overwhelming majority of White people are simply morally incapable of giving us the kind of reaction we want from them. We are speaking to their grandfathers, not to them.
Modern-day Boobus Americanus is a moral void. It is useless to appeal to the nobler natures and better instincts of the White majority. They have none, and have been deliberately made that way. They will never respond to any kind of mass movement tactics because the necessary moral instincts, frames of reference, and cultural motivations have been socially engineered out of them. We are beating a dead horse.
The Twisting of Rockwell’s Legacy
Okay, that’s street-walking in theory. But what are we really doing here? Attendez-vous, guys. Let us start with a little history lesson.
Street-walking in its present racial form in America (Europe is a completely different kettle of fish) goes back to the deservedly famous Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and his early Stormtrooper activities in Washington, D. C. and elsewhere. Since Rockwell was so far head and shoulders above everyone else that the RCC has subsequently produced by way of leadership, self-appointed or otherwise, it is understandable that a lot of misconception and distortion has attached itself to the Rockwell legend.
One of the more unfortunate beliefs that has embedded itself in our RCC subculture from the Rockwell era is the concept of the minuscule activity on public property, especially dressed in some kind of odd garb or costume, as a kind of defining rite of passage or manhood ritual. This is a completely incorrect reading of George Lincoln Rockwell’s tactics, which just as much as Weimar were distinct and particular to his time and place, a time and place now almost half a century distant. A temporary set of tactics which Rockwell himself defined, repeatedly and very clearly, as publicity stunts to be used only during the earliest phases of the ANP’s struggle, has become a kind of cult among racially aware Whites.
The core of this belief system is that rather than actually fighting and killing our enemies, as was the case throughout thousands of years of Aryan history, “real White men” now display their macho and their physical prowess by symbolic gesture, in a kind of mock ritual combat.
The ritual often includes dressing up in strange, historically apocryphal clothing such as home-made costumes patterned after the SA uniforms of the Third Reich, historically inaccurate Ku Klux Klan robes of purple and bilious green, and more recently shaven heads with body tattoos. (Andrew Greenbaum’s “uniformed branch” resembled the Village People.)
On the street there is much bellicose chanting, shouting, threats, slogans, like gorillas beating their chests; the hurling of rocks and bottles which can be painful but so far never lethal; the mock half-charges and aggressive posturing, etc. In some respects it is remarkably similar to the ritualistic but almost completely non-fatal wars between tribes of New Guinea headhunters, and it seems to serve a similar purpose, including the bonding feast afterwards wherein the enemy (who seem to be in on the play in their own minds, although they’d never admit it) are held to scorn and boasts of great deeds done on the field of battle are proclaimed, etc.
The participants in such activities have come through an event which generated an adrenalin and pheromone rush similar to that produced by actual battle, but with none of the risks. They can subsequently feel the sense of accomplishment and increased self-esteem that comes from the illusory idea that they have fought back, that they are in the trenches and front line soldiers...but no one is actually hurt, not a single weapon is fired, no physical damage of any kind is inflicted on the enemy. On Monday morning they all trudge back to their shitwork jobs, and all is as it was. Everybody is happy.
On a few occasions actual combat does break out, more by accident than anything else, but it is always of short duration and quickly broken up by the police, often with legal consequences which far outweigh any advantage to be gained. (Greensboro and the Palmer House in Chicago, 1977 being a good example.) Before somebody starts yelling about November Third, it needs to be very clearly understood that Greensboro was an accidental exception, totally sui generis, and we should note that it has not been allowed to happen again. Thank God. No one but an idiot would want to go through the years that followed Greensboro as the lives of sixteen innocent men were utterly destroyed by this society’s obscene judicial process.
The actual chance of anyone getting seriously hurt on one of these street walks, beyond a few bruises, is slim. The police are always out in force and usually more or less do their jobs and prevent the tiny handful of Whites from being lynched by the lefty muddy mobs. There have been some nasty incidents at some of these events when they have been allowed to get out of hand or when the police are absent through design or incompetence, but even when that happens there is never any serious threat to the power structure. If there were, the police would be breaking up such gatherings with rubber bullets and nightsticks, not guarding us.
In essence, street-walks are a psychological substitute for actual physical resistance against the tyranny that is destroying our race. It’s rather like the WWF, ritualized mock combat which allows a certain level of self-esteem in those who participate in them, as if exchanging insults and maybe even a few shoves and pokes with scum is in some way equivalent to actual, serious resistance which threatens the power structure.
(An interesting digression: while Sinn Fein does hold demonstrations regularly in Ireland, they have the many thousands in numbers needed to do it right, and the actual Volunteers of the I. R.A. are under orders to stay away from such events to prevent their being photographed or arrested. The only exceptions are firing parties at Republican funerals, although I understand the Provos stopped doing that because it was too risky.)
In some ways this cult of false macho is perfectly understandable, in view of the extreme rarity of physical courage among White males these days. I do not deny a certain very limited value in these events; in the absence of a better rite of passage for young White men, this one will have to do for the time being, although I frankly think a better one would be learning a trade and raising a family in the Homeland. But I must admit I like my little aphorism: “A White man of twenty who doesn’t streetwalk has no balls. A White man of forty who’s still street-walking has no brains.”
Nobody Shows
Rather than run this to Tolstoyan length trying to prove what should be obvious, I can only point to the one outstanding feature of street-walking that overrides all others: it doesn’t work. We’ve been doing it for almost fifty years now. It doesn’t work. Barring a major situational change in America (always possible), it ain’t never gonna work.
Why doesn’t it work? Ask Billy Roper, who planned his event in Gainesville for weeks and then got there to find seventeen people besides himself. (Okay, twenty-three counting the four in the truck who were turned away and the two Christians who refused to participate with people who insulted their faith.) It doesn’t work because nobody shows.
Why does nobody show? Well, that gets into that character issue we all do double-backed flips to avoid talking about. But ask anyone who has ever tried to organize one of these things. Ask him about the sinking feeling of horror he gets in his gut when the signs are all painted, the flags on the flagpoles, and he looks around and sees them stacked up while in front of him stand ten or twelve or eighteen people who are looking around them and muttering that one question that precedes every such event:
"Where the hell is everybody?"
Oh, the ingeniousness of the excuses! I have heard everything from stirring accounts of battles with niggers in convenience stores along the way (that never happened) to “My dog died.” Sudden and mysterious car trouble is always a favorite, but above all, there’s that hardy perennial “At the last minute I had to work!” Of course, some of them always do manage to make it to the barbecue or potluck afterward, especially if there’s free beer in the offing. (You know, that might be a good Forum topic. You guys who have done the sidewalk sashays before, what are some of your favorite excuses you’ve heard for not showing up? Especially the ones who do manage to appear in time for the feed?)
I understand that I am now going to be pelted with dozens, possibly hundreds, of e-mails from people screaming “Marquette Park!”, “Forsyth County”, and “Glenn Miller!” at me. [Sigh ...]
Yes. Given a small core of highly active people and above all given something approaching adequate funding, it is possible under certain extremely rare and specific conditions to get comparatively significant numbers of White people into the streets for very short periods of time, before the social disapproval mechanisms kick in and they go shuffling back into their dens and plop back down in front of the television. It is rare, but it has occurred. It has occurred so rarely that these exceptions prove the rule.
In Marquette and Forsyth there was an immediate, visible threat of nigger invasion. Glenn Miller was one of the beneficiaries of the Order’s largesse and he had a couple of hundred thou for full-time organizers, actual uniforms as opposed to costumes, paid transport to and from events, etc. If some rich man cares to lay two hundred grand on Billy Roper I’m sure we’ll see some vast improvements in his performance as well.
OK, it’s now 2003. Where are the results of all of those past “close, but no cigars?” Where are the visible results of any of it for the past 50 years? How much actual political, racial, or demographic change has come about, from any of it?
Again I ask, point blank: “Is this what we need to be spending the next 30 years doing?”
Again I say...it is time for us to sit down, re-assess, and re-think all of this.
Doubleplus ungood crimethink on such forbidden topics as race, politics, and the Ninth Crusade.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
NF Four-Phase Plan
Racial Comrades:
As you recall from the White Book, the Butler Plan for the establishment of a sovereign, independent White nation in the Pacific Northwest consists of four broad aspects or phases. These phases are not as yet associated with any given time frame, although I may be able to assess the situation and give you some very general ballpark figures there soon. I hope so, since I keep ragging the “nationwides” to come up with time lines on their own (non-existent) plans, and it is perfectly reasonable to ask me to comply with this requirement as well.
The four phases are:
PHASE I: Relocation of the bulk of the existing racially conscious White community to the Northwest Homeland.
PHASE II: Massive, serious propaganda and missionary work among native Northwesterners and organic migrants.
PHASE III: The creation of a political movement for Northwest independence.
PHASE IV: The creation of a sub rosa economic, social, and organizational infrastructure.
I am now beginning to implement the first phase as best I can. response isn't anywhere near sufficient to produce the kind of results all of you want to see.
There are finally some signs that the Northwest idea is starting to catch fire. The word is flying around the Racially Conscious Community (not at all the same as alt.right) that there is a hopeful new strategy on the ground, what one person correctly termed the first new idea we've had in this country since 1861. For the first time in many years, Northwest Migration is once again a serious topic of discussion among racially conscious Whites.
During the hard-core Northwest phase, we start weeding them out, trimming the list down to a small core group whom I can begin to work with personally on a much closer basis. We must identify and motivate the people we really do need to bring Northwest as soon as possible. What we will be doing here is creating a genuine, honest to God, for real racial élite of pioneers, deed-based as opposed to word-based. An élite that is founded on what the basis of what someone does, rather than what someone says.
Yes, I know, I keep on repeating that in various ways, but it is probably the most important aspect of this whole Northwest thing and it cannot be emphasized too strongly. It is what makes us different from all the rest.
Within the near future, I want to be in a position to address pretty much the entire existing RCC, or as much of it as possible, if only by e-mail. Postal mail would be better since postal mail must remain our primary means of communication (we cannot assume that we will always have access to the internet, and in any case there are still very many people who do not own personal computers.)
Anyone who is anyone in the Racially Conscious Community needs to at least be on the Northwest Net list, and better yet on the mailing list. Willingness to impart a name and a physical mailing address will be one of the first standards we apply when we begin looking for "a few good men"; obviously nothing will ever be accomplished by those who remain permanently concealed behind computer terminals.
The ultimate sign of quality and membership in the new, true racial elite is when they take and pass their “entrance exam” ... emigration to the Northwest Homeland. The ultimate proof of the pudding will not be any amount of wordage, however slick or plausible or stirring. You don’t talk your way into the Northwest movement. You do your way in. The ultimate badge of true racial consciousness and serious dedication to our racial survival from now on boils down to one single question: “What’s his zip code?”
There's not much cream on top of the alt.right's churn, but what there is we're going to skim off and bring Northwest. Young Carto and the rest can have the leavings in the rented motel banquet rooms.
Harold A. Covington
As you recall from the White Book, the Butler Plan for the establishment of a sovereign, independent White nation in the Pacific Northwest consists of four broad aspects or phases. These phases are not as yet associated with any given time frame, although I may be able to assess the situation and give you some very general ballpark figures there soon. I hope so, since I keep ragging the “nationwides” to come up with time lines on their own (non-existent) plans, and it is perfectly reasonable to ask me to comply with this requirement as well.
The four phases are:
PHASE I: Relocation of the bulk of the existing racially conscious White community to the Northwest Homeland.
PHASE II: Massive, serious propaganda and missionary work among native Northwesterners and organic migrants.
PHASE III: The creation of a political movement for Northwest independence.
PHASE IV: The creation of a sub rosa economic, social, and organizational infrastructure.
I am now beginning to implement the first phase as best I can. response isn't anywhere near sufficient to produce the kind of results all of you want to see.
There are finally some signs that the Northwest idea is starting to catch fire. The word is flying around the Racially Conscious Community (not at all the same as alt.right) that there is a hopeful new strategy on the ground, what one person correctly termed the first new idea we've had in this country since 1861. For the first time in many years, Northwest Migration is once again a serious topic of discussion among racially conscious Whites.
During the hard-core Northwest phase, we start weeding them out, trimming the list down to a small core group whom I can begin to work with personally on a much closer basis. We must identify and motivate the people we really do need to bring Northwest as soon as possible. What we will be doing here is creating a genuine, honest to God, for real racial élite of pioneers, deed-based as opposed to word-based. An élite that is founded on what the basis of what someone does, rather than what someone says.
Yes, I know, I keep on repeating that in various ways, but it is probably the most important aspect of this whole Northwest thing and it cannot be emphasized too strongly. It is what makes us different from all the rest.
Within the near future, I want to be in a position to address pretty much the entire existing RCC, or as much of it as possible, if only by e-mail. Postal mail would be better since postal mail must remain our primary means of communication (we cannot assume that we will always have access to the internet, and in any case there are still very many people who do not own personal computers.)
Anyone who is anyone in the Racially Conscious Community needs to at least be on the Northwest Net list, and better yet on the mailing list. Willingness to impart a name and a physical mailing address will be one of the first standards we apply when we begin looking for "a few good men"; obviously nothing will ever be accomplished by those who remain permanently concealed behind computer terminals.
The ultimate sign of quality and membership in the new, true racial elite is when they take and pass their “entrance exam” ... emigration to the Northwest Homeland. The ultimate proof of the pudding will not be any amount of wordage, however slick or plausible or stirring. You don’t talk your way into the Northwest movement. You do your way in. The ultimate badge of true racial consciousness and serious dedication to our racial survival from now on boils down to one single question: “What’s his zip code?”
There's not much cream on top of the alt.right's churn, but what there is we're going to skim off and bring Northwest. Young Carto and the rest can have the leavings in the rented motel banquet rooms.
Harold A. Covington
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
LARPing Versus Street Action
Just FTR: let me explain the difference between actual revolutionary street action and what is going on today.
What is going on today bears almost no resemblance to the National Socialist kampzeit in Germany or the Bolsheviks storming the Winter Palace in 1917, as both sides pretend to believe. It is a form of LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) peculiar to America in the 21st century ---a WWE-type performance or display of street theater, the purpose of which is not to make a political point or achieve a political objective, but to record the participants and upload the videos to YouTube, and hopefully thereby make individuals famous and generate an income through monetizing said videos.
"Based Stick Man" Kyle Chapman (actually a Jew married to an Asian woman) is a good example, along with Jewish exhibitionist Laura Loomer, both of whom now have extensive Twitter fan clubs for acting like pro wrestlers in public in a political context. (It must be born in mind that the so-called alt.right is riddled with Jews, homosexuals, and mostly male mudsharks.)
This kind of LARPing always takes place in the presence of large numbers of police, who maintain effective control of the scene and who make sure no one plays too rough and actually gets hurt. No serious assault on the police or actual state authority ever takes place, other than occasional left-wing spoiled brats calling themselves "antifas" who throw bags of urine or poke at police horses with sticks. These are promptly dragged away to jail, kicking and screaming like toddlers having a tantrum because they don't want to go down for their nap. Later they are fined and quietly released.
If either side were serious about "all this" they would make sure to confront one another in localities as far from interfering police as possible, and above all they would be packing guns and wiring up the Semtex in the best Belfast manner. You know, like White boys do when they're for real. The police would be carrying away dead bodies and not spoiled, kicking and screaming little middle-class White girls who think they're La Pasionaria.
You need to understand that none of this is real. Not yet. It is all still PLAY, which given the fact that most Amurrican Whiteboys never grow up and most Amurrican White girls never get the chance to, is not surprising.
Monday, June 19, 2017
The Ghost Dance
[This is a transcript of a series of three podcasts I made in the summer and autumn of 2016. - HAC]
My name is Harold Covington, and this is the first in a series of audio commentaries which I have entitled the Ghost Dance. I’ll explain why I chose that name in a bit.
It will be said that in this series of commentaries I am allegedly inciting others to criminal activity and violence. Not exactly. I am inciting to change.
Things have reached the point where fundamental, systemic change in the way Western civilization is ordered and run, and a complete revision of who orders and runs it, is now essential to the survival of the race that created that civilization.
If someone can think of some way in which that complete systemic change from top to bottom in both operation and composition can be brought about without taking direct action of some kind, then I would in fact far prefer it, but that’s not the issue any longer. The brutal and overwhelming historic fact is that we who must try to exist in what remains of American society have now reached the point in our journey to oblivion where the end really does justify the means. America now offers people with our racial and cultural heritage nothing but unending misery, servitude, and early death in squalor. I say to you now that the world must change.
So why Ghost Dance?
[Cheyenne War Dance]
That’s the sound of the White Race today. It is in a symbolic sense the sound that we as a species are making while we perish from the face of the earth. Let me explain.
About 130 years ago another people stood on the edge of, if not complete extinction, then on the verge of being sidelined, of being reduced to complete historical irrelevance. Like White people are today. This reduction to historical irrelevance and merely peripheral existence and participation in human events did in fact occur. I refer to the American Indians.
In the late 1880s and 1890s as the last of the Indians were hunted down across the plains or rounded up and confined to reservations, a kind of ecstatic spiritual or religious revival frenzy seized the remaining red population. It was a fad called the Ghost Dance, an impending magical event that would miraculously change the world, undo the past several centuries and return the Indians to what they remembered as a golden age before the White man came. Just as White people seem to retain some bred-in ancestral memory of a golden age before the Jew came.
Just as we Whiteboys fantasize over some kind of inexplicable, transcendent magical process or event that will cause us no risk or inconvenience, just a little dancing around on the internet. A miraculous quick and painless fix that will return us to the golden age we can some of us even remember a little, or if not, a golden age which we can see glowing on our electronic screens in black and white. A magical event that will take us back three or four generations, to the time of abundance before the Slow Coming Dark.
Some of us even believe that we will be saved by extraterrestrial aliens who will load us all into a mother ship and take us all away from here.
No really, we do have a few like that. I know I’ve used this simile before but the attitude of many White people these days reminds me of the news coverage I saw on Hurricane Katrina, with all the black people standing in the roofs of their houses as the flood waters rose, staring up at the sky waiting for the White Man to come down and whisk them away to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
I’m sorry if some of you find that repetitious but please, keep that image in your mind, because it is highly accurate and relevant to the White man’s state of mind today. Do you not see that that’s what pretty much all of us are doing? Waiting for salvation to come down out of the sky, either in Jesus robes or a flying saucer?
Getting back to the original Indian Ghost Dance, as opposed to our own Ghost Dance on the internet, representatives of all the tribes were supposed to gather in one spot and perform a mighty ritual dance, an act of magic and invocation and appeal to the Great Spirit.
Nobody seemed quite sure just what this magic Ghost Dance was supposed to consist of, presumably a lot of drumming and he ye ye ye for days at a time, something like that, maybe some peyote thrown in, you get the idea.
But what was supposed to be the result of the Ghost Dance was that all of the mighty Indian warriors who down through the years who had been slain by the White man’s bullets or the White man’s smallpox would return to life and rise up from the grave with their weapons to fight again, only this time the Great Spirit’s powerful magic would make sure the Indians won, and they would finally sweep all the White palefaces into the sea. It’s said that the so-called massacre at Wounded Knee resulted when the Army came upon a gigantic camp that had been established for the purpose of hosting the Ghost Dance.
You know what all this cack we do in the internet today is? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s the Ghost Dance. The alt.right is doing the Ghost Dance. We are performing acts of ritual magic to try and invoke the spirits of our own warrior ancestors to rise again and fight and kill our enemies, because we are too weak and frightened and confused to do so ourselves.
We idealize ancestors who were brave. Who were real men. White men who fought against their enemies with weapons in their hands and who actually killed their enemies, like Whiteboys don’t do any more except for certain police officers who have a very, very limited permission slip to do limited harm to the invaders with the dark skins in order to stop them from hurting with the rich people or interfering with their pleasures in any way.
Right now the White race is facing an extinction-level event, both in Europe and here in North America, due to the abolition of national borders and the suspension of pretty much all existing immigration law, and we’re basically doing nothing at all to prevent our own genocide.
Here in North America we have at least a threadbare excuse in that we have Donald Trump to hold up and tell ourselves that by supporting him and making a lot of noise, mostly on the internet, we’re doing something to stop the genocide, and yes, we are, kind of, but we won’t get into that.
Europe is what worries me sick right now. Our Homeland is facing an existential crisis. Muslims are literally beheading priests at the altar and cutting down White people in the streets with knives, and raping thousands of women with the stated intention not just to satisfy their own person lust but to impregnate their victims with brown babies in order to pollute and destroy our bloodline. Yes, I know, that sounds like the purest conspiracy theory raving, but that’s what the Islamic murderers of ISIS are claiming on their own websites and in their media columns, and they have historical precedent for this, as they surely know.
This little stroke of Islamic policy has been around for a while. In the 16th century the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent gave one of his young sons an army for his birthday; Daddy Suleiman asked the kid which lands he wished to invade, and the prince replied, “I will go north and conquer the land of the White Russian women.” As late as the early 19th century the Barbary pirates were raiding the coast of Ireland for women; in the slave market in Algiers or Marrakesh an Irish redhead would fetch a fortune, and many such kidnapped girls were actually sent on to the sultan and provincial emirs as gifts or bribes from the pirate chiefs. Only one I ever heard about came back.
In modern times there were Islamic mercenaries who fought on the Muslim side in the Balkan wars of the 1990s . One of them had a unit patch that depicted a black swan raping a White swan. ISIS knows all this means of genetic warfare from their religion’s past, they probably study nothing else, and this policy is continuing to this day. We saw it in action on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
The deliberate policy of mass rape and pollution of the White gene pool has a long pedigree in Islam. It is quite real; I’m not making this up.
We are no longer waiting for the balloon to go up. It has done so. It began on November 20th, 2014 here in the United States, when a Third World dictator abolished this country’s borders with a stroke of his pen, and the spineless Republican party did nothing about it, but instead bowed down low to the kinky hair and baby-shit brown skin of George Soros’ houseboy.
When that happened, the Republicans and the remaining elements in government and the military with some vestigial sense of decency and honor and loyalty to the old Constitution. should have formulated a plan of action that involved arresting Obama, taking him physically into custody and placing him on trial for treason. This was not done, and so from that day of infamy until the present we live in a dictatorship, where there is no longer any law at all except the signature of the President or some other bureaucrat from the IRS or the absurdly-misnamed “Justice Department” on a piece of paper.
So far the only White resistance in Europe against this extinction-level event consists of some petty vandalism and minor arson of empty buildings where so-called migrants were scheduled to be housed. So far as I am aware, as of late August of 2016, not one single quote-unquote “migrant refugee” has been physically harmed in any way, much less killed by resistance fighters, nor has a single one of them been forcibly returned to where they came from.
On the rare occasions when one of these filth is too badly behaved for even the German or Swedish governments to bear, he is deported to another European country, usually Italy or France, although I understand they’re demanding Bulgaria serve as a kind of dumping ground for criminal deportees now.
The number of murdered White people, raped White women, and White women with brown babies on the way is skyrocketing. The police in European countries have swung into action, especially in Germany and Great Britain, to arrest and imprison any White person who dares to criticize the dark-skinned invaders on social media, and increasingly to arrest and imprison anyone who criticizes the politicians who allow it all. German citizens are sitting in jail cells tonight not even for “racism” as such, but for saying unkind things about Angela Merkel on Facebook. I know that some of our people in Britain have been arrested or visited and their computers and phones confiscated for posting comments criticizing Teresa May and demanding the immediate implementation of Brexit.
We as a people are responding to the death of Europe by waddling through the streets holding up signs, a long-discredited activity which the entire Establishment has been set up for years simply to ignore. In many cases the so-called right-wing populist or even quote-unquote “racist” minor parties whom we do this for are led by so-called Movement modernizers, which means that in some countries the White resistance is in the hands of bugger boys, mulattos, crypto-Jews, for-real Jews, police agent provocateurs, and plain and simple liars and thieves.
We are responding to physical assault, murder, and the pandemic of unspeakable violation of women with acts of what is known as sympathetic magic, by posting to the internet pictures of guns, pictures of Vikings and SS men and Confederate soldiers.
We are also posting pictures of what appear to be White males in small groups of five or six wearing bold racial T-shirts with proud slogans and all kinds of cool-looking runes, and wearing ski masks too. These small groups of mostly rather portly Whiteboys, don’t really seem to have any existence outside the internet since so far as I’ve heard no one on European streets has actually seen any of them. They’re certainly not dropping any black or brown bodies.
There are no police reports anywhere in Europe of gunfire or bombing except from the Muslim invaders themselves; this is probably the only war in history where only one side is fighting. I say again, so far as I am aware, not one single invader has been so much as personally inconvenienced by any local White people outside police or government officials, etc. who as I have said before have a very, very limited permission slip to control the behavior of people with dark skins.
Of course we do get these conspiracy theory people Twittering all over the internet about how yes, yes, there’s this big secret revolution going on in Europe and all kinds of valiant acts of resistance are really taking place including desperate gun battles between White Nationalist guerrillas and government troops and secret assassinations, so forth and so on, but “the media never reports it” don’t you know?
Uh … no. No. All that’s necessary to debunk that is some act that really does vaguely resemble physical resistance to take place, like Dylann Roof’s little hissy fit in Charleston, and then you will see how the left-liberal media screams and screams and screams at the top of their lungs when some White man actually strikes back, or at least when something happens they can make to appear as if a White man is striking back. It’s just the worst and most sickening act of tewwible wacism in de woild.
Aside from a few fires in empty buildings and a few shouted words on the street and in subway trains, mostly in England, nothing.
Not even any kind of simple shoving or scuffling incidents; I see pictures of large streets and squares in France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and Britain that resemble the main souk in Istanbul or an African carnival. The invaders are all perfectly relaxed and appear obviously at home, and virtually no White people are visible in these shots or videos at all. The Whites have simply fled and given up their public spaces, also in some cases their private ones as well, when the dictatorship has ordered them to literally move out of their homes and give those homes to dark-skinned foreigners.
What we’re not seeing is dead black or brown-skinned invaders lying on Europe’s streets. This in a land which 70 years ago produced millions of soldiers, the best in human history. So far the only people to die have been the White people slaughtered like hogs, like the 84-year-old French priest whose head rolled before his own altar, or the American woman tourist who was walking down the street and all of a sudden she felt herself being disemboweled by a Somali nigger.
We Whiteboys can’t fight any more because we have never been allowed to be who we really are. The result of 70 years of Jewish social engineering is that White males have become weak, and timid, and frightened, and cowed, and beaten down. Whiteboys walk around with our heads hung down, ashamed of our horrible and wicked racist past when we did all those bad terrible things to all those wonderful people with dark skins. Us Whiteboys are stained, you see, stained with the terrible sin of slavery and new stain of White privilege, and it is right and just that we should bow our heads and do a little dance and say “Yes ma’am, no ma’am, three bags full, ma’am” when those who are so much better than us tell us what to do.
Mostly people of our own race, and mostly women, I’m sorry to say. I call then PPPs, People With Petty Power over our lives—bosses, landlords, various official functionaries in government bureaucracies. I think all of you out there know who I mean.
I’ve often thought that when the blow-up finally comes, it won’t be because of some big huge issue with global implications. If we were capable of responding to something like that then we would have responded on November 20th, 2014 when the dictator abolished this country’s borders. No, I think what may finally push the White man over the edge is the petty PC and the PPP’s, the people with petty power who are the first echelon of the dictatorship, George Soros’ foot soldiers, you might call them. The ones responsible for all the little horrors, the genuine micro-aggressions that political correctness stabs us with, only to the victims they’re not so micro.
If you’re White, and especially if you’re White and male, then you live with this petty power and its abuse every day of the week, in a dozen different forms and situations---the niggers and minor government functionaries and bitchy left-loon women who were given government jobs and government paychecks right out of school and who clearly have feminist man-hating problems. All of whom have something you must have, and therefore you have to jump through their hoops.
The endless parade of flat brown faces behind counters where you have to wade through pidgin English in order to get done what you need to get done, the constant gabble of foreign voices in your ear—hell, any man of any age with a pale skin who lives in this toilet knows exactly what I’m talking about, all the people with petty power over our lives who shout at us and bully us and order us around and make us wait on them and tap dance in front of them and make us jump through their hoops, saying and doing to us things that these little creeps could never do or say to blacks or browns or Muslims.
That’s what’s finally going to push us over the edge. The petty injuries and injustices of life in liberal democratic America that poison everything in our lives. Have you noticed that nobody seems to be happy any more, that everything around us is full of rage and hate and bad craziness? That is the world that Obama and Hillary Clinton and ten thousand others have made for us all.
Okay, I realize that like Comrade Don says, I’m kind of all over the place with this, largely because it’s so hard for people of my race to speak honestly in this society, and I am trying to talk about things here that the régime doesn’t want discussed, so let’s give this a shot: what exactly am I driving at here?
It’s simply this: why are you guys doing nothing about all this? Why are you letting them do this to you? Why do you not make them stop? Why do you not resist? What will make you change who you are and begin resisting with something besides words tapped onto a keyboard and visible only on an electronic screen? Resist with something besides pictures of guns and Vikings and Nazi SS men posted to twitter like Stone Age men drawing animals on the walls of caves?
That is the question I’m going to try to answer in these Ghost Dance talks. Not just the usual endless re-hashing and re-analyzing and re-stating of the problem, which is what the right wing has been doing for generations, but a search for the solution.
Somehow I have to persuade you to change the very kind of person you are, as profound a change as any religious conversion, and I have to do it within the constraints of a First Amendment which has almost vanished, while being monitored and stalked by at least thee secret police agencies to my knowledge. I might really slip up this time and say something that pisses off somebody in a carpeted office so bad that I get Bill White-ed. But we’ll see how it plays out.
I think every White man of any age listening to this understands that Hillary Clinton’s America has got nothing for you. If you’re young and you went to a public school, you have seen the wasteland that you grew up in and you’ve probably figured out that you’re not really expected to work your way out of it, and you have encountered the obstacles deliberately placed in your way by the law, the culture, and the régime.
You have seen the college educations that will put you into lifelong debt bondage, even if a Whiteboy can break through what Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams calls the diversity ceiling and get into college at all. I’m sure you know guys who have come out with useless degrees and who are now living in their parents’ basement delivering pizzas three nights per week; I know that’s something of a stereotype, but stereotypes come about because they have a basis in truth. You may know guys who were forced into the dictatorship’s military because it was the only job available any more to high school graduates in their home towns, and some of those young men may have come back from Iraq or Afghanistan maimed or mad, or not come back at all.
If you’re a middle-aged White man you will have personally experienced the 1001 ways in which Hillary’s Amurrica debases, despoils, and degrades men of our skin color. All your adult life you will have been robbed of the fruits of your labor by the tax collector and for the last eight years by the Obama Depression, very possibly robbed of your home as well. Your family may well have been destroyed, not through any fault of yours or even your wife’s, not really, but simply due to the innumerable pressures and problems of trying to survive in a society which has become deeply sick, unhinged, and unnatural.
I’ll tell you this much: I grew up in the 50s and 60s and I don’t remember a single divorced couple or single-parent family in our circle of acquaintance in Burlington; I think it was 1969 or so in Chapel Hill before I even met anyone at school whose parents were divorced. Yes, Virginia, things really were better back then.
You may not be living in your parents’ basement like the 20-somethings but you may well be living in a crumbling furnished apartment or a double-wide, and if you still have your house it has become a monthly battle to keep it that exhausts all of your resources and allows you nothing to spare. You’ve been refused the jobs and promotions and career that you should have had, and you’re finally waking up and looking around in the dawning realization that America has thoroughly sodomized you and you’re wanting to know who is responsible and what to do about it. Well, I can help you with that.
And if you’re old—oh, God help you. I used to be grateful when I was younger because I honestly thought I didn’t have to worry about getting old; I figured one way or another some great cataclysmic event would step in, either we’d win the revolution or I’d end up dead. Hasn’t worked out that way yet, and now I’m coming up on my 63rd birthday with nothing, so you see I’m developing a bit of a sense of urgency about all this.
Many years ago I knew an old man who had been a Hungarian freedom fighter in 1956, one of those young people who charged at the Soviet tanks with nothing but a few Molotov cocktails and their bare hands. He told me something I have never forgotten. He said, “Harold, you are trying to fight the greatest evil humanity has ever known with nothing but words, and that is why you will fail.” So it has proven.
For over 70 years, we have with some very few exceptions been attempting to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children with nothing but words. We have failed. Group after group, including those I myself was involved in, came and went and tried the same old pointless methods, and all of us foundered on the rocks of our own people’s poor character and our refusal to undergo any genuine risk or inconvenience, again with a tiny number of noble exceptions.
Our species now stands on the brink of extinction, and the time is now upon us when we must change or else we all enter into nothing but endless night. Unless a major change is implemented in the essential inner character of a significant number of White men and at least a few extraordinary women, and unless this happens within a few years from now and the entire White Nationalist movement changes course, White people will as completely marginalized as the American Indian within 50 years and gone from the earth in a little over a hundred. Anyone who doubts how quickly a previously numerous species marked for extinction can disappear should read the story of the passenger pigeon and the dodo and the Tasmanian thylacine wolf.
But there are stories of hope there. The buffalo were once almost extinct, as were the timber wolf and the alligator. Those species have now recovered because people changed their attitudes and made an effort to preserve them.
In these Ghost Dance talks, I intend to do two things. First off, I intend to make a serious analysis of what really is wrong with us, and I’m not talking about just the usual whining litany of complaint, the constant ritual stating and re-stating of the problem that most right-wingers and White Nationalists indulge in.
I am talking about doing the old AA trick and finally conducting that fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves, and there will be those who really, really do not like what they hear. I am probably going to lose some supporters over this, but I’m sorry, it has to be done and we can’t wait any longer. The bio-political situation is simply too gravely serious now.
That’s going to get me in trouble with my own people. The second thing I will attempt to do in this Ghost Dance series will probably get me in trouble with the secret police and the dictatorship itself. I will attempt to show you all how you can change and become at least some approximation of the men our great-grandfathers were. I cannot do this for you, any more than I can cause the NVA to materialize out of the ground. You’re going to have to do make this transformation yourself, within yourself, but I will do my damndest to hold your hand and walk you through it.
Because it has to be done. We have to become someone different from who we are now. The time has come, and genocidal death is standing behind us now.
Let’s go back to the standard ritual disclaimer: I am not inciting to violence or criminal activity. I am inciting to change, because we how now reached the point where the end really does justify the means.
Since it is by now as obvious as a neon sign in Las Vegas that the only way there can be change in this putrid society is if somebody gets up off their ass and physically changes things, you might say there’s no difference, but there is indeed a subtle but important difference in both message and intent. I am not saying this to cover my ass or trying to slap on a legal fig leaf of some kind, I am saying it because it is true.
This is not about me, it’s about you. Our race is now facing extinction from the planet because you are who and what you are, and you must learn to be someone else. I mean it about change; it has to come because right now our race is vanishing from the face of the earth, and that is not acceptable. Whatever must be done to stop that and recover White control of some portion of the earth has do be done and it has to be done now.
Since November 20th 2014, when Barry Soetoro abolished this country’s borders with a stroke of his pen and without even a pretense of consultation with the people’s elected representatives and thereby formalized his own dictatorship, from that moment on, there is no longer any health or hope in the existing system. On that day, the balloon finally went up, and most of us missed it. Our clever, clever enemies have always had sufficient sense to leave behind a hollow shell to give us wretched little Whiteboys an out, some fig leaf we can use to convince ourselves and others that there is still some way forward and some kind of future for this country other than endless night. There isn’t.
What I am trying to do is to get you to make the decision to change, to participate in political, social, and economic resistance activity in some form other than words. The nature and extent of that participation in the process of change I won’t speculate about, because according to circumstances, it could be anything. I want you to transform yourself into someone else, a man your great-grandfather would have recognized.
Before any of us can make this decision, we need to understand why, with only a microscopically tiny number of exceptions good or ill, we as a group have not made that decision before this. I’m talking about our own wee little Movement now, the ones among us down through the past half century who have known what the hell has been going on, and who therefore don’t have ignorance as an excuse. Guys like me.
Speaking for myself, I have enough self-knowledge so I can tell you why I didn’t oppose this evil more effectively than I did, or if you want to put it another way, why I didn’t indulge myself in a spectacular act of public suicide.
Ever since I first got involved in all this I have known that it’s going to take more than one single man and more than one tiny little group of five or six people committing some bizarre act or other to bring about the permanent systemic change needed to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. You might call that the Weatherman fantasy, and most of you have no idea who the Weathermen were, do you? Never mind.
In my case, yes, the usual components of cowardice and laziness were there—mostly laziness, I think. In my younger days life was still kind of sweet and kind of pleasant at times, and if you gamed the system and generated nothing but words, you stood a reasonable chance of not having your door kicked in at six in the morning. That’s no longer true, of course.
It was just so much easier to humble myself and shuffle and tap-dance in front of the tyrant in a clown suit, than do the things I understood even as a young man had to be done in order to bring about change. If I was a good little boy and colored only within the lines I would be allowed my series of crumbling furnished apartments and my nightly beer ration back in my drinking days, and even a few pointless and debilitating relationships with the damaged and half-crazy women of my own race.
For long periods I fucked off, just like you guys are doing now. I half-stepped. I became an expert at avoiding the heavy lifting I knew had to be done, making up for my failure to do the right and necessary things with words, some of them pretty fine words if I do say so myself.
Like you, I kept thinking that somehow there would be this big seismic, cataclysmic change that would relieve me of the necessity of coloring outside the lines until everybody was doing it and there were no lines.
Then on November 20th, 2014 the balloon finally did go up, only very quietly, passing almost unnoticed except on a few web sites and talk shows. So I been there, guys, and I’m as guilty as you of seeing my duty clearly and failing to do it, not only out of plain old yellow but because I just can’t be bothered.
This series of audio talks is the beginning of a process I’ve said before that we have to undertake, a fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves. Now, I don’t want it to turn into the typical White Nationalist or alt.right Whiteboy-bashing that we see so much of on the internet, sneering at one another because we won’t go first and go shoot somebody or blow something up, like ten year-olds daring one another to do something childish and stupid. That’s not revolution that’s Dylann Roof and Craig Hicks hissy fit stuff, and that’s not what I need.
Guys, no joke, do not take anything I say here as somehow giving you a permission slip to go commit some kind of gun crime. That is not what I am saying. That is not what I intend. No, really, don’t do that crazy shit, if for no other reason that too many Dylann Roofs can utterly gum up the works for those of us who really are trying to accomplish something serious.
As badly as most of us Movement Whiteboys deserve to be bashed, including me, that serves no purpose. We do have to take a look in the mirror and be honest about what we see there, and we have to do it now, because self-deception is a luxury White people can no longer afford.
I’m going to be saying things here that will upset and anger you, but you mustn’t react like a petulant child, you have to listen to what I say and act on it. No, really, I mean it, this time it’s for real. I can’t be worried any more about who I’ll give offense to or whose $20 donations I’ll lose because somebody thinks I’m talking about him and goes into a sulk.
It’s showtime, people. The border is wide open and the mud people are marching inland in their millions, when they are not actually being given rides to assembly points in the interior by the Border Patrol acting on Obama’s orders, as some are now. Time’s up, dudes. No more dry runs, no more practice swings. The borders are open, the mudflow is coming in a wall of excrement and filth and we have to get this right.
We can no longer pretend that the problem isn’t us, not while the borders are open. No time for that any more. We can’t afford to slough things off with these glib excuses we’ve been using for almost three generations, these rationalizations to continue to do nothing. That’s one thing wherein White males are the absolute tops in the world: our seemingly endless ability to dream up cogent, logical, and persuasive reasons to continue to do nothing.
This wee little Movement of ours has been around for a long time, we’ve accomplished pretty much zip, and we have a whole shelf of glib, plausible, facile canned answers and template excuses for our failure that we use to fool others and fool ourselves, as to why we can’t get our own people to do jack shit, legally or otherwise. The truth of the matter is that we have failed because we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing.
And I don’t necessarily mean direct action. That’s what never ceases to amaze me; for 60 years there have been a number of completely legal and at least partly effective tactics we could have used, but we can’t get White people to do simple legal things like kick in ten dollars a month to make sure their children have some kind of future. Now we’re down to one final act that will save us, yet one that is completely legal and one which is in the long run personally beneficial—the act of Northwest Migration.
And yeah, the NF has been able to persuade some of you to Come Home, although so far it’s only just a trickle. Fortunately for the future Northwest American Republic there is massive organic migration to the Northwest on the part of people whose knowledge of the true nature of things is limited at best or perhaps gotten from people like Alex Jones. It’s the most knowledgeable and talented of our wee little Movement whom we can’t get to Come Home and who persist in staying in their furnished apartments and double wides or crumbling McMansions in Tampa or New Jersey or Columbus Ohio or San Merda California.
I understand that White people below a certain age are not really responsible for what they’ve become, because they’ve been socially engineered like that from birth and many of these deep and profound character flaws are wired into them now. I won’t say hard-wired because I don’t believe that: I believe that post-1970 White people can change themselves through an act of Will, and that’s why this series of audios, to try and persuade you to make that decision and to act on it.
However, all that having been said, just because it’s not your fault that you are the way you are, doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility to correct it.
Okay, let’s start not with a character flaw so much as a few incorrect ideas we’ve taken hold of and in our poor character chewed it to death. Now, there are some ideas that I have been hearing literally for generations as to why we cannot or do not dare to do anything. Picking out the ultimate excuse for the White man’s doing nothing is hard, and there is no one single reason; this really is a very complex problem and its causes are very diverse, if you will pardon the expression.
One petty point that applies especially I think to the South. You may know that the lynchings that maintained the social order and reminded the niggers who they were and who we were, pretty much stopped by the mid-1950s. Now, this may sound really silly at first, but I think that it’s valid. I largely blame air-conditioning.
You see, it used to be that people in Southern communities escaped the heat that pretty much crushes everybody five months out of the year by almost a Latin American lifestyle involving outdoor shade and including a siesta. Businesses in Charleston and the rest of the South took long noon-day breaks during the summer months. I can remember my father in Burlington when I was very small having some kind of extended lunch hour and he would come home, eat lunch, and then gonk out on the couch for half an hour or so before going back to the plant.
After supper people would go out on their front porches and fan themselves and maybe read the newspaper, and they’d watch what went on along the street and bat the breeze with their neighbors. There was actual interaction between human beings, not between people and an electronic device.
Then along about the mid-1950s the first window unit air conditioners became commonly available, and then around 1962 or so throw in color TV, and all of a sudden White people aren’t spending the hot months outside dealing with other live human beings, they’re inside cocooning in an artificially cool environment and staring into the Jew Tube. Air conditioning turned the White man inwards and began the process of making him an indoor animal; color TV began the process of rotting his brain once he had been driven indoors.
Another problem is a profound and overpowering defeatism that has been meticulously socially engineered into us for at least three generations now and arguably began in the early 20th century when Jewish control of the media and academic world was first established.
How many times have you heard words to the effect of “it’s just not bad enough yet for people to be willing to do anything.” “Dammit, Harold, the White man has to have his back to the wall before he’ll do anything, and until that happens it’s pointless to try any kind of genuine resistance.”
You know, I’ve been hearing “it’s not bad enough yet.” for 48 years. In the 60s and 70s and maybe even the Reagan era there was a little bit to that, although not nearly as much as we used to claim. You know, it is possible for human beings deliberately to create social and political conditions favorable to themselves. The Jews have been doing it for generations. But yeah, I can recall times when things were actually pretty good in this country, although never for me, but pretty good compared to what they are now. I especially remember the long goodbye of the 1990s, the last good period in Old American History. I get that expecting the White man to rise up and change the world in 1973 or 1978 or 1987 or even 1996 was unrealistic, and I got it then.
But what about now? Well, let’s take a look at today. 95 million unemployed. Half of all White marriages ending in divorce and broken families. A whole generation of White youth crushed for life under staggering student loan debts that even if they’re lucky enough to get a job they won’t pay off until they’re in their 40s and can no longer dare risk anything because now they have all the problems of old age coming at them like a freight train. Sexual perverts are now hanging out in men’s rooms to prey on women and little girls.
An actual, legal criminal guilty of multiple financial and national security-related offenses is about to take the White House. This morning’s headline on Drudge Report to the effect that White people are today being chased through the streets of Milwaukee by nigger gangs and being beaten and robbed as part of an anti-police riot. Do you want me to go on? Bad enough for you yet? If not now, when? Guys, really, just how bad is bad enough?
That’s one major excuse that Whiteboys have developed down through the years as reason to do nothing—the idea that either quote-unquote “things aren’t bad enough,” or else some other kind of deus ex machina, some Act of God, some kind of outside event is going to occur that will relieve us of the necessity that we ourselves do anything that entails personal risk or inconvenience.
My name is Harold Covington, and this is the first in a series of audio commentaries which I have entitled the Ghost Dance. I’ll explain why I chose that name in a bit.
It will be said that in this series of commentaries I am allegedly inciting others to criminal activity and violence. Not exactly. I am inciting to change.
Things have reached the point where fundamental, systemic change in the way Western civilization is ordered and run, and a complete revision of who orders and runs it, is now essential to the survival of the race that created that civilization.
If someone can think of some way in which that complete systemic change from top to bottom in both operation and composition can be brought about without taking direct action of some kind, then I would in fact far prefer it, but that’s not the issue any longer. The brutal and overwhelming historic fact is that we who must try to exist in what remains of American society have now reached the point in our journey to oblivion where the end really does justify the means. America now offers people with our racial and cultural heritage nothing but unending misery, servitude, and early death in squalor. I say to you now that the world must change.
So why Ghost Dance?
[Cheyenne War Dance]
That’s the sound of the White Race today. It is in a symbolic sense the sound that we as a species are making while we perish from the face of the earth. Let me explain.
About 130 years ago another people stood on the edge of, if not complete extinction, then on the verge of being sidelined, of being reduced to complete historical irrelevance. Like White people are today. This reduction to historical irrelevance and merely peripheral existence and participation in human events did in fact occur. I refer to the American Indians.
In the late 1880s and 1890s as the last of the Indians were hunted down across the plains or rounded up and confined to reservations, a kind of ecstatic spiritual or religious revival frenzy seized the remaining red population. It was a fad called the Ghost Dance, an impending magical event that would miraculously change the world, undo the past several centuries and return the Indians to what they remembered as a golden age before the White man came. Just as White people seem to retain some bred-in ancestral memory of a golden age before the Jew came.
Just as we Whiteboys fantasize over some kind of inexplicable, transcendent magical process or event that will cause us no risk or inconvenience, just a little dancing around on the internet. A miraculous quick and painless fix that will return us to the golden age we can some of us even remember a little, or if not, a golden age which we can see glowing on our electronic screens in black and white. A magical event that will take us back three or four generations, to the time of abundance before the Slow Coming Dark.
Some of us even believe that we will be saved by extraterrestrial aliens who will load us all into a mother ship and take us all away from here.
No really, we do have a few like that. I know I’ve used this simile before but the attitude of many White people these days reminds me of the news coverage I saw on Hurricane Katrina, with all the black people standing in the roofs of their houses as the flood waters rose, staring up at the sky waiting for the White Man to come down and whisk them away to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
I’m sorry if some of you find that repetitious but please, keep that image in your mind, because it is highly accurate and relevant to the White man’s state of mind today. Do you not see that that’s what pretty much all of us are doing? Waiting for salvation to come down out of the sky, either in Jesus robes or a flying saucer?
Getting back to the original Indian Ghost Dance, as opposed to our own Ghost Dance on the internet, representatives of all the tribes were supposed to gather in one spot and perform a mighty ritual dance, an act of magic and invocation and appeal to the Great Spirit.
Nobody seemed quite sure just what this magic Ghost Dance was supposed to consist of, presumably a lot of drumming and he ye ye ye for days at a time, something like that, maybe some peyote thrown in, you get the idea.
But what was supposed to be the result of the Ghost Dance was that all of the mighty Indian warriors who down through the years who had been slain by the White man’s bullets or the White man’s smallpox would return to life and rise up from the grave with their weapons to fight again, only this time the Great Spirit’s powerful magic would make sure the Indians won, and they would finally sweep all the White palefaces into the sea. It’s said that the so-called massacre at Wounded Knee resulted when the Army came upon a gigantic camp that had been established for the purpose of hosting the Ghost Dance.
You know what all this cack we do in the internet today is? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s the Ghost Dance. The alt.right is doing the Ghost Dance. We are performing acts of ritual magic to try and invoke the spirits of our own warrior ancestors to rise again and fight and kill our enemies, because we are too weak and frightened and confused to do so ourselves.
We idealize ancestors who were brave. Who were real men. White men who fought against their enemies with weapons in their hands and who actually killed their enemies, like Whiteboys don’t do any more except for certain police officers who have a very, very limited permission slip to do limited harm to the invaders with the dark skins in order to stop them from hurting with the rich people or interfering with their pleasures in any way.
Right now the White race is facing an extinction-level event, both in Europe and here in North America, due to the abolition of national borders and the suspension of pretty much all existing immigration law, and we’re basically doing nothing at all to prevent our own genocide.
Here in North America we have at least a threadbare excuse in that we have Donald Trump to hold up and tell ourselves that by supporting him and making a lot of noise, mostly on the internet, we’re doing something to stop the genocide, and yes, we are, kind of, but we won’t get into that.
Europe is what worries me sick right now. Our Homeland is facing an existential crisis. Muslims are literally beheading priests at the altar and cutting down White people in the streets with knives, and raping thousands of women with the stated intention not just to satisfy their own person lust but to impregnate their victims with brown babies in order to pollute and destroy our bloodline. Yes, I know, that sounds like the purest conspiracy theory raving, but that’s what the Islamic murderers of ISIS are claiming on their own websites and in their media columns, and they have historical precedent for this, as they surely know.
This little stroke of Islamic policy has been around for a while. In the 16th century the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent gave one of his young sons an army for his birthday; Daddy Suleiman asked the kid which lands he wished to invade, and the prince replied, “I will go north and conquer the land of the White Russian women.” As late as the early 19th century the Barbary pirates were raiding the coast of Ireland for women; in the slave market in Algiers or Marrakesh an Irish redhead would fetch a fortune, and many such kidnapped girls were actually sent on to the sultan and provincial emirs as gifts or bribes from the pirate chiefs. Only one I ever heard about came back.
In modern times there were Islamic mercenaries who fought on the Muslim side in the Balkan wars of the 1990s . One of them had a unit patch that depicted a black swan raping a White swan. ISIS knows all this means of genetic warfare from their religion’s past, they probably study nothing else, and this policy is continuing to this day. We saw it in action on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
The deliberate policy of mass rape and pollution of the White gene pool has a long pedigree in Islam. It is quite real; I’m not making this up.
We are no longer waiting for the balloon to go up. It has done so. It began on November 20th, 2014 here in the United States, when a Third World dictator abolished this country’s borders with a stroke of his pen, and the spineless Republican party did nothing about it, but instead bowed down low to the kinky hair and baby-shit brown skin of George Soros’ houseboy.
When that happened, the Republicans and the remaining elements in government and the military with some vestigial sense of decency and honor and loyalty to the old Constitution. should have formulated a plan of action that involved arresting Obama, taking him physically into custody and placing him on trial for treason. This was not done, and so from that day of infamy until the present we live in a dictatorship, where there is no longer any law at all except the signature of the President or some other bureaucrat from the IRS or the absurdly-misnamed “Justice Department” on a piece of paper.
So far the only White resistance in Europe against this extinction-level event consists of some petty vandalism and minor arson of empty buildings where so-called migrants were scheduled to be housed. So far as I am aware, as of late August of 2016, not one single quote-unquote “migrant refugee” has been physically harmed in any way, much less killed by resistance fighters, nor has a single one of them been forcibly returned to where they came from.
On the rare occasions when one of these filth is too badly behaved for even the German or Swedish governments to bear, he is deported to another European country, usually Italy or France, although I understand they’re demanding Bulgaria serve as a kind of dumping ground for criminal deportees now.
The number of murdered White people, raped White women, and White women with brown babies on the way is skyrocketing. The police in European countries have swung into action, especially in Germany and Great Britain, to arrest and imprison any White person who dares to criticize the dark-skinned invaders on social media, and increasingly to arrest and imprison anyone who criticizes the politicians who allow it all. German citizens are sitting in jail cells tonight not even for “racism” as such, but for saying unkind things about Angela Merkel on Facebook. I know that some of our people in Britain have been arrested or visited and their computers and phones confiscated for posting comments criticizing Teresa May and demanding the immediate implementation of Brexit.
We as a people are responding to the death of Europe by waddling through the streets holding up signs, a long-discredited activity which the entire Establishment has been set up for years simply to ignore. In many cases the so-called right-wing populist or even quote-unquote “racist” minor parties whom we do this for are led by so-called Movement modernizers, which means that in some countries the White resistance is in the hands of bugger boys, mulattos, crypto-Jews, for-real Jews, police agent provocateurs, and plain and simple liars and thieves.
We are responding to physical assault, murder, and the pandemic of unspeakable violation of women with acts of what is known as sympathetic magic, by posting to the internet pictures of guns, pictures of Vikings and SS men and Confederate soldiers.
We are also posting pictures of what appear to be White males in small groups of five or six wearing bold racial T-shirts with proud slogans and all kinds of cool-looking runes, and wearing ski masks too. These small groups of mostly rather portly Whiteboys, don’t really seem to have any existence outside the internet since so far as I’ve heard no one on European streets has actually seen any of them. They’re certainly not dropping any black or brown bodies.
There are no police reports anywhere in Europe of gunfire or bombing except from the Muslim invaders themselves; this is probably the only war in history where only one side is fighting. I say again, so far as I am aware, not one single invader has been so much as personally inconvenienced by any local White people outside police or government officials, etc. who as I have said before have a very, very limited permission slip to control the behavior of people with dark skins.
Of course we do get these conspiracy theory people Twittering all over the internet about how yes, yes, there’s this big secret revolution going on in Europe and all kinds of valiant acts of resistance are really taking place including desperate gun battles between White Nationalist guerrillas and government troops and secret assassinations, so forth and so on, but “the media never reports it” don’t you know?
Uh … no. No. All that’s necessary to debunk that is some act that really does vaguely resemble physical resistance to take place, like Dylann Roof’s little hissy fit in Charleston, and then you will see how the left-liberal media screams and screams and screams at the top of their lungs when some White man actually strikes back, or at least when something happens they can make to appear as if a White man is striking back. It’s just the worst and most sickening act of tewwible wacism in de woild.
Aside from a few fires in empty buildings and a few shouted words on the street and in subway trains, mostly in England, nothing.
Not even any kind of simple shoving or scuffling incidents; I see pictures of large streets and squares in France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and Britain that resemble the main souk in Istanbul or an African carnival. The invaders are all perfectly relaxed and appear obviously at home, and virtually no White people are visible in these shots or videos at all. The Whites have simply fled and given up their public spaces, also in some cases their private ones as well, when the dictatorship has ordered them to literally move out of their homes and give those homes to dark-skinned foreigners.
What we’re not seeing is dead black or brown-skinned invaders lying on Europe’s streets. This in a land which 70 years ago produced millions of soldiers, the best in human history. So far the only people to die have been the White people slaughtered like hogs, like the 84-year-old French priest whose head rolled before his own altar, or the American woman tourist who was walking down the street and all of a sudden she felt herself being disemboweled by a Somali nigger.
We Whiteboys can’t fight any more because we have never been allowed to be who we really are. The result of 70 years of Jewish social engineering is that White males have become weak, and timid, and frightened, and cowed, and beaten down. Whiteboys walk around with our heads hung down, ashamed of our horrible and wicked racist past when we did all those bad terrible things to all those wonderful people with dark skins. Us Whiteboys are stained, you see, stained with the terrible sin of slavery and new stain of White privilege, and it is right and just that we should bow our heads and do a little dance and say “Yes ma’am, no ma’am, three bags full, ma’am” when those who are so much better than us tell us what to do.
Mostly people of our own race, and mostly women, I’m sorry to say. I call then PPPs, People With Petty Power over our lives—bosses, landlords, various official functionaries in government bureaucracies. I think all of you out there know who I mean.
I’ve often thought that when the blow-up finally comes, it won’t be because of some big huge issue with global implications. If we were capable of responding to something like that then we would have responded on November 20th, 2014 when the dictator abolished this country’s borders. No, I think what may finally push the White man over the edge is the petty PC and the PPP’s, the people with petty power who are the first echelon of the dictatorship, George Soros’ foot soldiers, you might call them. The ones responsible for all the little horrors, the genuine micro-aggressions that political correctness stabs us with, only to the victims they’re not so micro.
If you’re White, and especially if you’re White and male, then you live with this petty power and its abuse every day of the week, in a dozen different forms and situations---the niggers and minor government functionaries and bitchy left-loon women who were given government jobs and government paychecks right out of school and who clearly have feminist man-hating problems. All of whom have something you must have, and therefore you have to jump through their hoops.
The endless parade of flat brown faces behind counters where you have to wade through pidgin English in order to get done what you need to get done, the constant gabble of foreign voices in your ear—hell, any man of any age with a pale skin who lives in this toilet knows exactly what I’m talking about, all the people with petty power over our lives who shout at us and bully us and order us around and make us wait on them and tap dance in front of them and make us jump through their hoops, saying and doing to us things that these little creeps could never do or say to blacks or browns or Muslims.
That’s what’s finally going to push us over the edge. The petty injuries and injustices of life in liberal democratic America that poison everything in our lives. Have you noticed that nobody seems to be happy any more, that everything around us is full of rage and hate and bad craziness? That is the world that Obama and Hillary Clinton and ten thousand others have made for us all.
Okay, I realize that like Comrade Don says, I’m kind of all over the place with this, largely because it’s so hard for people of my race to speak honestly in this society, and I am trying to talk about things here that the régime doesn’t want discussed, so let’s give this a shot: what exactly am I driving at here?
It’s simply this: why are you guys doing nothing about all this? Why are you letting them do this to you? Why do you not make them stop? Why do you not resist? What will make you change who you are and begin resisting with something besides words tapped onto a keyboard and visible only on an electronic screen? Resist with something besides pictures of guns and Vikings and Nazi SS men posted to twitter like Stone Age men drawing animals on the walls of caves?
That is the question I’m going to try to answer in these Ghost Dance talks. Not just the usual endless re-hashing and re-analyzing and re-stating of the problem, which is what the right wing has been doing for generations, but a search for the solution.
Somehow I have to persuade you to change the very kind of person you are, as profound a change as any religious conversion, and I have to do it within the constraints of a First Amendment which has almost vanished, while being monitored and stalked by at least thee secret police agencies to my knowledge. I might really slip up this time and say something that pisses off somebody in a carpeted office so bad that I get Bill White-ed. But we’ll see how it plays out.
I think every White man of any age listening to this understands that Hillary Clinton’s America has got nothing for you. If you’re young and you went to a public school, you have seen the wasteland that you grew up in and you’ve probably figured out that you’re not really expected to work your way out of it, and you have encountered the obstacles deliberately placed in your way by the law, the culture, and the régime.
You have seen the college educations that will put you into lifelong debt bondage, even if a Whiteboy can break through what Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams calls the diversity ceiling and get into college at all. I’m sure you know guys who have come out with useless degrees and who are now living in their parents’ basement delivering pizzas three nights per week; I know that’s something of a stereotype, but stereotypes come about because they have a basis in truth. You may know guys who were forced into the dictatorship’s military because it was the only job available any more to high school graduates in their home towns, and some of those young men may have come back from Iraq or Afghanistan maimed or mad, or not come back at all.
If you’re a middle-aged White man you will have personally experienced the 1001 ways in which Hillary’s Amurrica debases, despoils, and degrades men of our skin color. All your adult life you will have been robbed of the fruits of your labor by the tax collector and for the last eight years by the Obama Depression, very possibly robbed of your home as well. Your family may well have been destroyed, not through any fault of yours or even your wife’s, not really, but simply due to the innumerable pressures and problems of trying to survive in a society which has become deeply sick, unhinged, and unnatural.
I’ll tell you this much: I grew up in the 50s and 60s and I don’t remember a single divorced couple or single-parent family in our circle of acquaintance in Burlington; I think it was 1969 or so in Chapel Hill before I even met anyone at school whose parents were divorced. Yes, Virginia, things really were better back then.
You may not be living in your parents’ basement like the 20-somethings but you may well be living in a crumbling furnished apartment or a double-wide, and if you still have your house it has become a monthly battle to keep it that exhausts all of your resources and allows you nothing to spare. You’ve been refused the jobs and promotions and career that you should have had, and you’re finally waking up and looking around in the dawning realization that America has thoroughly sodomized you and you’re wanting to know who is responsible and what to do about it. Well, I can help you with that.
And if you’re old—oh, God help you. I used to be grateful when I was younger because I honestly thought I didn’t have to worry about getting old; I figured one way or another some great cataclysmic event would step in, either we’d win the revolution or I’d end up dead. Hasn’t worked out that way yet, and now I’m coming up on my 63rd birthday with nothing, so you see I’m developing a bit of a sense of urgency about all this.
Many years ago I knew an old man who had been a Hungarian freedom fighter in 1956, one of those young people who charged at the Soviet tanks with nothing but a few Molotov cocktails and their bare hands. He told me something I have never forgotten. He said, “Harold, you are trying to fight the greatest evil humanity has ever known with nothing but words, and that is why you will fail.” So it has proven.
For over 70 years, we have with some very few exceptions been attempting to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children with nothing but words. We have failed. Group after group, including those I myself was involved in, came and went and tried the same old pointless methods, and all of us foundered on the rocks of our own people’s poor character and our refusal to undergo any genuine risk or inconvenience, again with a tiny number of noble exceptions.
Our species now stands on the brink of extinction, and the time is now upon us when we must change or else we all enter into nothing but endless night. Unless a major change is implemented in the essential inner character of a significant number of White men and at least a few extraordinary women, and unless this happens within a few years from now and the entire White Nationalist movement changes course, White people will as completely marginalized as the American Indian within 50 years and gone from the earth in a little over a hundred. Anyone who doubts how quickly a previously numerous species marked for extinction can disappear should read the story of the passenger pigeon and the dodo and the Tasmanian thylacine wolf.
But there are stories of hope there. The buffalo were once almost extinct, as were the timber wolf and the alligator. Those species have now recovered because people changed their attitudes and made an effort to preserve them.
In these Ghost Dance talks, I intend to do two things. First off, I intend to make a serious analysis of what really is wrong with us, and I’m not talking about just the usual whining litany of complaint, the constant ritual stating and re-stating of the problem that most right-wingers and White Nationalists indulge in.
I am talking about doing the old AA trick and finally conducting that fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves, and there will be those who really, really do not like what they hear. I am probably going to lose some supporters over this, but I’m sorry, it has to be done and we can’t wait any longer. The bio-political situation is simply too gravely serious now.
That’s going to get me in trouble with my own people. The second thing I will attempt to do in this Ghost Dance series will probably get me in trouble with the secret police and the dictatorship itself. I will attempt to show you all how you can change and become at least some approximation of the men our great-grandfathers were. I cannot do this for you, any more than I can cause the NVA to materialize out of the ground. You’re going to have to do make this transformation yourself, within yourself, but I will do my damndest to hold your hand and walk you through it.
Because it has to be done. We have to become someone different from who we are now. The time has come, and genocidal death is standing behind us now.
Let’s go back to the standard ritual disclaimer: I am not inciting to violence or criminal activity. I am inciting to change, because we how now reached the point where the end really does justify the means.
Since it is by now as obvious as a neon sign in Las Vegas that the only way there can be change in this putrid society is if somebody gets up off their ass and physically changes things, you might say there’s no difference, but there is indeed a subtle but important difference in both message and intent. I am not saying this to cover my ass or trying to slap on a legal fig leaf of some kind, I am saying it because it is true.
This is not about me, it’s about you. Our race is now facing extinction from the planet because you are who and what you are, and you must learn to be someone else. I mean it about change; it has to come because right now our race is vanishing from the face of the earth, and that is not acceptable. Whatever must be done to stop that and recover White control of some portion of the earth has do be done and it has to be done now.
Since November 20th 2014, when Barry Soetoro abolished this country’s borders with a stroke of his pen and without even a pretense of consultation with the people’s elected representatives and thereby formalized his own dictatorship, from that moment on, there is no longer any health or hope in the existing system. On that day, the balloon finally went up, and most of us missed it. Our clever, clever enemies have always had sufficient sense to leave behind a hollow shell to give us wretched little Whiteboys an out, some fig leaf we can use to convince ourselves and others that there is still some way forward and some kind of future for this country other than endless night. There isn’t.
What I am trying to do is to get you to make the decision to change, to participate in political, social, and economic resistance activity in some form other than words. The nature and extent of that participation in the process of change I won’t speculate about, because according to circumstances, it could be anything. I want you to transform yourself into someone else, a man your great-grandfather would have recognized.
Before any of us can make this decision, we need to understand why, with only a microscopically tiny number of exceptions good or ill, we as a group have not made that decision before this. I’m talking about our own wee little Movement now, the ones among us down through the past half century who have known what the hell has been going on, and who therefore don’t have ignorance as an excuse. Guys like me.
Speaking for myself, I have enough self-knowledge so I can tell you why I didn’t oppose this evil more effectively than I did, or if you want to put it another way, why I didn’t indulge myself in a spectacular act of public suicide.
Ever since I first got involved in all this I have known that it’s going to take more than one single man and more than one tiny little group of five or six people committing some bizarre act or other to bring about the permanent systemic change needed to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. You might call that the Weatherman fantasy, and most of you have no idea who the Weathermen were, do you? Never mind.
In my case, yes, the usual components of cowardice and laziness were there—mostly laziness, I think. In my younger days life was still kind of sweet and kind of pleasant at times, and if you gamed the system and generated nothing but words, you stood a reasonable chance of not having your door kicked in at six in the morning. That’s no longer true, of course.
It was just so much easier to humble myself and shuffle and tap-dance in front of the tyrant in a clown suit, than do the things I understood even as a young man had to be done in order to bring about change. If I was a good little boy and colored only within the lines I would be allowed my series of crumbling furnished apartments and my nightly beer ration back in my drinking days, and even a few pointless and debilitating relationships with the damaged and half-crazy women of my own race.
For long periods I fucked off, just like you guys are doing now. I half-stepped. I became an expert at avoiding the heavy lifting I knew had to be done, making up for my failure to do the right and necessary things with words, some of them pretty fine words if I do say so myself.
Like you, I kept thinking that somehow there would be this big seismic, cataclysmic change that would relieve me of the necessity of coloring outside the lines until everybody was doing it and there were no lines.
Then on November 20th, 2014 the balloon finally did go up, only very quietly, passing almost unnoticed except on a few web sites and talk shows. So I been there, guys, and I’m as guilty as you of seeing my duty clearly and failing to do it, not only out of plain old yellow but because I just can’t be bothered.
This series of audio talks is the beginning of a process I’ve said before that we have to undertake, a fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves. Now, I don’t want it to turn into the typical White Nationalist or alt.right Whiteboy-bashing that we see so much of on the internet, sneering at one another because we won’t go first and go shoot somebody or blow something up, like ten year-olds daring one another to do something childish and stupid. That’s not revolution that’s Dylann Roof and Craig Hicks hissy fit stuff, and that’s not what I need.
Guys, no joke, do not take anything I say here as somehow giving you a permission slip to go commit some kind of gun crime. That is not what I am saying. That is not what I intend. No, really, don’t do that crazy shit, if for no other reason that too many Dylann Roofs can utterly gum up the works for those of us who really are trying to accomplish something serious.
As badly as most of us Movement Whiteboys deserve to be bashed, including me, that serves no purpose. We do have to take a look in the mirror and be honest about what we see there, and we have to do it now, because self-deception is a luxury White people can no longer afford.
I’m going to be saying things here that will upset and anger you, but you mustn’t react like a petulant child, you have to listen to what I say and act on it. No, really, I mean it, this time it’s for real. I can’t be worried any more about who I’ll give offense to or whose $20 donations I’ll lose because somebody thinks I’m talking about him and goes into a sulk.
It’s showtime, people. The border is wide open and the mud people are marching inland in their millions, when they are not actually being given rides to assembly points in the interior by the Border Patrol acting on Obama’s orders, as some are now. Time’s up, dudes. No more dry runs, no more practice swings. The borders are open, the mudflow is coming in a wall of excrement and filth and we have to get this right.
We can no longer pretend that the problem isn’t us, not while the borders are open. No time for that any more. We can’t afford to slough things off with these glib excuses we’ve been using for almost three generations, these rationalizations to continue to do nothing. That’s one thing wherein White males are the absolute tops in the world: our seemingly endless ability to dream up cogent, logical, and persuasive reasons to continue to do nothing.
This wee little Movement of ours has been around for a long time, we’ve accomplished pretty much zip, and we have a whole shelf of glib, plausible, facile canned answers and template excuses for our failure that we use to fool others and fool ourselves, as to why we can’t get our own people to do jack shit, legally or otherwise. The truth of the matter is that we have failed because we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing.
And I don’t necessarily mean direct action. That’s what never ceases to amaze me; for 60 years there have been a number of completely legal and at least partly effective tactics we could have used, but we can’t get White people to do simple legal things like kick in ten dollars a month to make sure their children have some kind of future. Now we’re down to one final act that will save us, yet one that is completely legal and one which is in the long run personally beneficial—the act of Northwest Migration.
And yeah, the NF has been able to persuade some of you to Come Home, although so far it’s only just a trickle. Fortunately for the future Northwest American Republic there is massive organic migration to the Northwest on the part of people whose knowledge of the true nature of things is limited at best or perhaps gotten from people like Alex Jones. It’s the most knowledgeable and talented of our wee little Movement whom we can’t get to Come Home and who persist in staying in their furnished apartments and double wides or crumbling McMansions in Tampa or New Jersey or Columbus Ohio or San Merda California.
I understand that White people below a certain age are not really responsible for what they’ve become, because they’ve been socially engineered like that from birth and many of these deep and profound character flaws are wired into them now. I won’t say hard-wired because I don’t believe that: I believe that post-1970 White people can change themselves through an act of Will, and that’s why this series of audios, to try and persuade you to make that decision and to act on it.
However, all that having been said, just because it’s not your fault that you are the way you are, doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility to correct it.
Okay, let’s start not with a character flaw so much as a few incorrect ideas we’ve taken hold of and in our poor character chewed it to death. Now, there are some ideas that I have been hearing literally for generations as to why we cannot or do not dare to do anything. Picking out the ultimate excuse for the White man’s doing nothing is hard, and there is no one single reason; this really is a very complex problem and its causes are very diverse, if you will pardon the expression.
One petty point that applies especially I think to the South. You may know that the lynchings that maintained the social order and reminded the niggers who they were and who we were, pretty much stopped by the mid-1950s. Now, this may sound really silly at first, but I think that it’s valid. I largely blame air-conditioning.
You see, it used to be that people in Southern communities escaped the heat that pretty much crushes everybody five months out of the year by almost a Latin American lifestyle involving outdoor shade and including a siesta. Businesses in Charleston and the rest of the South took long noon-day breaks during the summer months. I can remember my father in Burlington when I was very small having some kind of extended lunch hour and he would come home, eat lunch, and then gonk out on the couch for half an hour or so before going back to the plant.
After supper people would go out on their front porches and fan themselves and maybe read the newspaper, and they’d watch what went on along the street and bat the breeze with their neighbors. There was actual interaction between human beings, not between people and an electronic device.
Then along about the mid-1950s the first window unit air conditioners became commonly available, and then around 1962 or so throw in color TV, and all of a sudden White people aren’t spending the hot months outside dealing with other live human beings, they’re inside cocooning in an artificially cool environment and staring into the Jew Tube. Air conditioning turned the White man inwards and began the process of making him an indoor animal; color TV began the process of rotting his brain once he had been driven indoors.
Another problem is a profound and overpowering defeatism that has been meticulously socially engineered into us for at least three generations now and arguably began in the early 20th century when Jewish control of the media and academic world was first established.
How many times have you heard words to the effect of “it’s just not bad enough yet for people to be willing to do anything.” “Dammit, Harold, the White man has to have his back to the wall before he’ll do anything, and until that happens it’s pointless to try any kind of genuine resistance.”
You know, I’ve been hearing “it’s not bad enough yet.” for 48 years. In the 60s and 70s and maybe even the Reagan era there was a little bit to that, although not nearly as much as we used to claim. You know, it is possible for human beings deliberately to create social and political conditions favorable to themselves. The Jews have been doing it for generations. But yeah, I can recall times when things were actually pretty good in this country, although never for me, but pretty good compared to what they are now. I especially remember the long goodbye of the 1990s, the last good period in Old American History. I get that expecting the White man to rise up and change the world in 1973 or 1978 or 1987 or even 1996 was unrealistic, and I got it then.
But what about now? Well, let’s take a look at today. 95 million unemployed. Half of all White marriages ending in divorce and broken families. A whole generation of White youth crushed for life under staggering student loan debts that even if they’re lucky enough to get a job they won’t pay off until they’re in their 40s and can no longer dare risk anything because now they have all the problems of old age coming at them like a freight train. Sexual perverts are now hanging out in men’s rooms to prey on women and little girls.
An actual, legal criminal guilty of multiple financial and national security-related offenses is about to take the White House. This morning’s headline on Drudge Report to the effect that White people are today being chased through the streets of Milwaukee by nigger gangs and being beaten and robbed as part of an anti-police riot. Do you want me to go on? Bad enough for you yet? If not now, when? Guys, really, just how bad is bad enough?
That’s one major excuse that Whiteboys have developed down through the years as reason to do nothing—the idea that either quote-unquote “things aren’t bad enough,” or else some other kind of deus ex machina, some Act of God, some kind of outside event is going to occur that will relieve us of the necessity that we ourselves do anything that entails personal risk or inconvenience.
Who knows? Maybe aliens really will land the mother ship on the White House lawn and load us all on board and whisk us away to a new home in the sun. Maybe there will be a big huge collapse of the system through the economy tanking or the stock market crashing or peak oil or some kind of plague, something which doesn’t affect us personally, of course, or cause our own electricity and internet to go out.
The big point of this Act of God theory is the hope that some catastrophic event will somehow disarm and disperse the armed men who serve the United States, so we will never have to confront them.
One staple of right-wing fantasy for the past 50 years has been all the mighty heroic deeds we will do once the Iron Heel is lifted. Mobs of plundering niggers from the city, invading North Koreans or Iranians, armies of weird guys in Mohawks with crossbows, zombie apocalypse, oh, we’ll just fight like hell against of those. We’ll fight like Rambo with our M-60 and our 1000-round ammo belt draped across our sweaty chest in a tank-top t-shirt, oh, yeah, that will be us!
Just not against anybody with an American badge issued by the tyrant’s régime. Oh, no, Hurrold, we can’t do that! Noooo! The bad men in the black body armor and the badges will hurt us if we don’t bow down and kiss their feet and do what they say. But Hurrold, Hurrold, they’re the law!"
Yeah, well, tyrants usually are. That’s what makes them different from ordinary gangsters.
Just a quick historical observation here. In times of societal breakdown, the police and legalized gun-toters generally become part of the problem and even less a part of the solution than they were before the collapse.
In many cases former police officers form groups or gangs or private armies or militias and take over turf, especially when the local people have no guns and can’t resist. This is basically what happens in Africa all the time, and to a lesser extent in Asia and South America.
So just a word of advice to all you mighty warriors who are going to do such great deeds of valor once the police and FBI and the courts and the prisons and other secret police agencies and whatnot somehow vanish into a puff of smoke: they most likely won’t, not at first and not completely.
I agree that at some point the whole house of cards in Washington D.C. is going to come tumbling down and central control of the secret police agencies and the various apparati of the Surveillance State is going to attenuate or collapse, but those people and their weapons and their facilities and their equipment are still going to be out there, and they’re going to be acting on their own, at least for a time.
I will tell you all now, quite frankly: if there is to be any hope for the re-establishment of any kind of freedom and meaningful existence on this continent, at some point the fragmented remains of these numerous, heavily armed agencies of control and coercion are going to have to be dealt with.
In the meantime, we Whiteboys spend our whole political careers, which consist mostly of surfing the web, looking for any thin ray of hope, however unlikely, that we ourselves, will never be called upon to display personal, physical courage against armed enemies, fight them, overcome them and destroy them. Offer any thin straw of hope that someone else will do it for us, and we Whiteboys will cling to it like grim death.
This is one of the reasons for the wild and hysterical welcome Donald Trump has received from so many among us. He is that gift of the gods, that someone else who is going to do it for us so we don’t have to show brave and expose our tender skins to beatings and bullets and orange jumpsuits and steel on our wrists.
We don’t have to do that now, Boss Trump gonna lead us all into the promised land, and God, do we love him for it. We love him so much that I’ve actually gotten kind of leery of pointing out the many problematic aspects of Trump, because I get really nasty responses when I do.
Some of us Whiteboys have finally found our Man On The White Horse, and we will not allow him to be taken from us. At least not by me.
Whether we will allow Hillary Clinton and the Democrats to take him from us is another story. They’re certainly going to try, through fraud or murder. We could put a stop to that if we wanted to, but there’s a catch: in order to install President Trump in the White House, we might have to display personal bravery against armed enemies, some of whom might be carrying badges from the old régime.
[Sound of crickets]
I thought so.
Another reason the majority of you guys don’t support the Northwest Front with anything other than words is the fact that you simply don’t believe it can be done, and that therefore there’s no point in even trying. And of course, if you’re going to take that attitude then you’re right. There isn’t.
History is replete with hundreds of examples down through the ages where peoples under threat have broken away from a tyrant or an empire and established independent nations of their own, including our own in 1776, but oh, no, we can never do it here. The very idea is absurd. America as we know it is eternal and immortal. Nothing can ever really change here. It … well, it just can’t. So there. Nyaah!
Within living memory Communism has fallen, the Soviet Union itself has fallen, Hong Kong went back to China, dozens of new nations have been formed, most of them by White people, and the Muslim wogs are now creating a whole new nation-state where none was before out of nothing in Syria and Iraq which is capable of shooting up gay discos in Orlando, but oh, no no no, that could never happen on this continent, since we all know that America is the exception to every rule of history and is immune to such petty forces as human nature.
All that nation building and political hurly-burly stuff? Wogs and gooks and other Third Worlders do that; entitled Amurrican good ole boys go to Six Flags and ride the roller coaster and drink a lot of beer and part-taaay. America as we know it is forever, got that?
As recently as 1989 a mad left-wing dictator named Ceausescu and his Jew bitch wife were physically dragged out of their comfortable office and palace by a mob of the people they’d tyrannized, stood up against a wall, and riddled with bullets by White men, and yet that could never, ever happen here! Hey, dude, this is America, dude. Don’t you know America is immune to all the laws of the universe? Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk! We’re special, ‘cause my Bible tells me so. Amurrica is forever, dude, and whatever else happens anywhere else in the world we’ll always have NASCAR and Six Flags and Wal-Mart, bro!
This is what you have been raised to believe through a couple of generations of Jewish social engineering, and this is what you do believe, deep down, first off because of an essential lack of imagination on your part that makes any other way of life inconceivable, and secondly because it is easy for you to do so. Like all Americans, you take the line of least resistance. You go along to get along.
Now, to give you credit, you don’t like it. You’re not completely stupid or altogether depraved. If you were you’d have a Hillary Clinton sign in your yard. You know in your heart of hearts that something is badly wrong, you know what it is, you know what has to be done, and you really, really hope against hope that someone is going to come along and do it for you, like the mighty Trumpeldor.
But as far as helping some tiny little group of pioneers out on the edge of the world with even ten bucks a month, never mind actually joining them---yaah, come on, Harold! Ten bucks is a six-pack of beer, hey, a 12 pack of the cheap stuff. That’s enough to kill the pain for one night, so I don’t have to think, and I’m not going to live with a night of cold introspective sobriety just to help out an internet game, right?
You’re Americans. You want bells and whistles and fireworks and spectacle that will make you go oooh! and aaah! You want to see some sign somewhere that there is money present, because that is what you have been conditioned from birth to accept as the litmus test of success, money. You’re Americans, after all. And yeah, that’s one reason I keep asking you for it. Not just to pay bills with but for what the possession of even a small amount of it does for our presentation.
So you want to see bricks and mortar, you want to see really flashy and pizzazy internet entertainment like with Alex Jones, on that technical level, which I as well wish to hell the NF had, and you want to see visible bodies, preferably young female bodies to convince you that all White girls haven’t completely deserted us for the filth world.
Above all, I have come to understand, you want your picnics back like you had at Hayden Lake. Gotta have those picnics so you can briefly escape into liberated territory and be with others in a place where you can speak out loud any word you want without being punished and destroyed.
A couple of years ago word got out that we in the NF have occasional backyard barbecues at supporters’ homes here, which we do, and this rumor got blown all out of proportion to the effect that somehow we’d gotten hold of a compound, however you envision a compound, and the Aryan Nations-style picnics were back, and I still to this day get calls and letters and e-mails from as far as the East Coast from total strangers wanting to fly out to Washington to come to one of our gatherings. We’ll talk about that later, but this is a very real pathology among racially aware Whiteboys and I understand it.
Guys, I get where you’re coming from with all this. Please let me again assure you, this stuff I’m saying here is a lot less judgmental than it sounds. You have been made this way by the evil system you were born and raised under; now the trick is to find some way to get you to change and to transform yourself into someone your great-grandparents would have recognized.
So that’s another problem we’ve got: you don’t believe it can be done and you won’t believe it until I can finally locate the magic beans in whatever fold of my pocket they got lost in, and I can produce the headquarters and the professional videos and the couple-dozen Northwest migration websites and the visible bodies, preferably attired in some kind of odd garb, and above all until you see me all over cable news so you’ll know I exist, since all Americans know that if you’re not on TV you’re not real.
All I can say about that, guys, is I’m working on it as best I can within the limited parameters imposed by that evil bitch, reality.
So once again, what exactly is it that I am attempting to quote-unquote “incite” you to do here? I am attempting to incite you to do something which scares the FBI and the United States Attorney and the bureaucrats who do the hands-on ruling of us peasants to death, even more so than any crime of violence. At least if they have any sense they’re scared to death.
I am attempting to incite you to support the White Nationalist movement in general and the Northwest Imperative in particular with something besides words. With physical acts that you do not with your fingers touching a keyboard or an electronic screen, but with you whole body, standing up and most likely out of doors.
I do not say illegal acts. I say physical deeds that involve you interacting directly with other Caucasian human beings, in the flesh and not through the medium of an electronic device, where you can actually see his face and look the other person in the eyes. That type of interaction has almost ceased in the world of social media and the internet and the increasing isolation of the White male from the rest of the world and society, especially our increasing isolation from the women of our own race.
The Northwest Imperative is unlike anything in the White Nationalist movement before or since. All of the other grouplets we’ve had were based in various ways on things that you say. The Northwest Imperative is based on something you do, a physical act, Homecoming.
I want you to start doing rather than saying. I want you to stop letting your fingers do the walking and start doing it with your feet. Wherever possible, you should be standing erect, out of doors, and in motion in some form or another. Time spent in a seated position in front of a computer or holding an electronic device in your hand ideally should be minimized to the bare minimum necessary to function in 21st century society; you know, it amazes me that we have people on our mailing list who do that, no computer, no e-mail address, phone a simple land line, a cell phone but only for emergency use or when you’re broken down on the highway, stuff like that, so yes, it can still be done.
And yes, I know, what I just described bears almost no resemblance to how I myself spend my days. I am aware of the contradiction and the irony, and I have said before that one of the anomalies we’re going to have to deal with is that in all of these things I’m asking you to do for the 14 Words, there is a large element of do as I say and not as I do.
I apologize for that. There are very pressing reasons why I have to live and move forward in the way I do, which some of you are aware of, and some of which I discuss in the organizational letters, but which I can’t talk about here due to the undesirable nature of some of this program’s listeners who are operating on other agendas.
Suffice it to say that this is how it’s shaken out, and I wish it were otherwise. I occasionally play that “charge the blockhouse” audio clip from Arsenic and Old Lace in a sardonic kind of way, but I really wish I could be your man on the White Horse charge that blockhouse for you, guys. Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll give me what I need and I can give it a shot.
Part Two
I think I loaded Part One up with enough ritual disclaimers about how I’m not advocating but observing, to keep my ass covered by what tattered and threadbare shreds remain of the Constitutional freedom of thought and conscience, but we’ll see how that plays out. Hopefully the recent spate of for-real Islamic terror attacks in this country will mean the secret police and U.S. Attorneys have better things to do than listen to my podcasts seeking to do me harm because my mind is not properly under control.
I chose that name after a superstition that the American Indians of the late 19th century had that they could perform a huge act of ritual magic, a mighty Ghost Dance around hundreds of fires, that would summon the spirits of their mighty warrior ancestors and magically bring them back to life, when they would return to earth full armed and fight the White man and destroy him in order to save their sickly and demoralized remnant.
In the same way, we White people today are facing an existential threat of genocidal extermination, largely through the abolition of national borders and uncontrolled immigration but also culturally, economically, and politically at the hands of Jews such as George Soros and depraved monsters such as Hillary Clinton. Like the Indians, we are responding to this imminent threat with our own version of the Ghost Dance, where we resist the physical invasion of our ancestral homelands in Europe and North America with words but not physical action of any kind, legal or otherwise. By posting pictures of guns and Vikings and historic emblems to the internet, as if millions of black and brown bodies can be repelled and returned whence they came with pictures.
In doing so we too are summoning the spirits of our warrior ancestors, in the case of the Third Reich ancestors just barely out of living memory, to do our fighting for us, so that we ourselves will not have to undergo the terror and fury and the danger of actual combat against enemies who want us dead and who might hurt us and interfere with our pleasures in life.
We do this in our weakness and our fear, so that we can pass off this terrible historic task of defending our homes and our children and our very existence with all the risk, inconvenience, and physical effort that entails, onto someone else. Anyone else.
We desperately, passionately long for a Man On A White Horse to ride to our rescue, possibly with an affinity of White heroes behind him, and do for us all the heavy lifting and the wet work that has now become the only way in which this horrible mess can be fixed.
Right now as I speak these words, the someone we have chosen to mount on that White Horse is Donald J. Trump, and the fact that Trump is the best we have been able to come up with speaks more volumes about the degree to which the White man has degraded and deteriorated than I ever could. I’ll not speak of Trump today because this is still late September, and events have yet to unfold; in less then 50 days we will know how that’s going to turn out.
I have made it clear that aside from deep reservations about his character and his intentions, I have only limited expectations of electoral success for Mr. Trump, and in any event it is a matter of urgency that we prepare ourselves spiritually for what will come, one way or another—for the time when we really, really have to stop screwing around and do something about all this. Either Trump will lose or be murdered and a ravening Hilbebeest will descend on the White House screeching like a harpie for revenge against all who have displeased her, which now includes the alt.right, or else Trump will win and that in turn will bring on its own form of crsis. Either way it’s getting closer and closer us every day.
We who have been in the White Nationalist movement for a long time are acutely aware that our problem has never been the Jews or the niggers or the queers or immigration or the Federal Reserve or George Soros or the media or the yea-saying leeches in Congress, or even the government itself.
All these evils have occurred or been inflicted on us because we have allowed it. The problem is us, White people, both men and women, who have become weak, cowardly, lazy as sin, sluggish in thought and living, confused and infantile. White men and women have equally fallen prey to the Judaic rot of the past hundred years, although in different ways, and both White males and females are now pretty much broken and useless.
Although not all. There are enough exceptions or potential exceptions to this, so that it would still be possible to create a fighting Party of White Revolution like great-grand-dad used to make and reverse the destruction of our people. Indeed, one of the most tragic and grief-inspiring bits of knowledge that we who are racially consciousness live with, is the awareness of the fact that up until the eleventh hour, the 59th minute, and the 59th second it will still be possible for White people to pull this horror out of the fire and save ourselves.
We are Aryans; we can accomplish anything we as a people decide we want to do. It is not a matter of whether we can win; that has always been on the cards. It is a question of whether we will win. Whether we will make the effort to win.
I lose sleep at night worrying that we might decide it’s not worth the effort and we would prefer a few more video games and twelve-packs. I very much fear that one day we will perish from the face of the earth, and if extinct species have such things as cosmic headstones, then ours will read, “Here lies the White Race. They just couldn’t be bothered.” Or perhaps, “Here lies the White Race. They preferred the beer.”
Right now we have on the table one plan for survival, the Northwest Imperative. It’s a good plan, it’s do-able, and with a little care and deftness of application it can be done without reducing us all to Mad Max chaos. I’ve spent the past 16 years laying out that program and if just the people who are listening to my voice now would give me what I need, i.e. a small amount of money each and your own physical presence here in the Homeland, assuming we grow up and tackle this problem like serious adults, we could probably have our own free and independent country in five to ten years, although there are a lot of variables there. That’s about how long it took most African and Asian colonies to separate from European colonial powers once a bon fide liberation movement started.
We could most of us live to see the true Brave New World. But I can’t get any of you interested. Why the hell not? Everything we need by way of preparation is done already, just waiting on the bucks and the bodies. The time has come to take this idea out of the realm of words and into the world of deeds, and that’s where we always, always fall down, when the time comes to stop talking and stop tapping and start moving down the road at a speed of knots.
To paraphrase an old movie I saw once, “The White Race is going to disappear from the earth. It is going to fall into a chasm; the chasm between what is said and what is done.”
Why? For the umpteen thousandth time I ask myself, what in the name of God is wrong with us? How is it possible for us to live like this, every day witnessing deeds and events that sicken our very souls and whose meaning and implications at least some of us fully comprehend, and yet we do nothing?
Please believe that I would overcome that obstacle for you, if I could. But I can’t. There is no Man On A White Horse. There will be no Mother Ship descending to load us all on board and take us all away to a new home in the sun. It doesn’t work like that. You, yes, you have to play the game, you have to play to win, and you have to put something on the table. I must somehow find the words to smash down the walls that have been built in your mind and in your soul, and persuade you to do it yourselves.
Part Three
Right, where do I begin? Well, let’s begin by saying that
by the very fact that you are listening to this podcast at all, you are
salvageable. If you were a hopeless case you really would be living in the
stereotype Wayne’s World of Obama’s Amurrica where Whiteboys are supposed to be
living, and you’d be sitting in your Mom’s basement or working your shitjob for
60 hours a week and living on Domino’s Pizza and internet porn and maybe one or
two silly hobbies like Pokemon hunting or whatever it is, and you wouldn’t even
know the Party exists.
There are millions of our people out there who do not know that the Party or the Northwest Imperative exist, and somehow we have got to change that, but you have taken the first step. You got here and you’re listening. We can build on that.
Have you ever heard the expression from an old television show, “There are seven million stories in the Naked City?” Well, there are two hundred million stories in White America. Each one is different and many of them are tragic and horrifying. I know because I’ve gone through some of them myself. Whether you’re young or middle-aged or old, I have a pretty good idea of what you’re going through because I guarantee I have myself either experienced or watched others go through some form of it.
Most of you are still at least trying to make it in this cesspool called Amurrica. You’re trying to play by the rules, but more and more you’re getting sick of it, because you have now reached a sufficient level of knowledge so that you know Amurrica has nothing for you and it ain’t gonna get any better. Not ever.
Unless, of course, we forcibly compel the people who control the world to stop doing what they’re doing. When I speak of direct action, that’s what I’m talking about. Not necessarily violence and things going boom in the night. I’m saying that in some way or other, we have to make them stop and make sure they can’t ever do it to us again. The only way to do that is to create our own sovereign and independent nation here in North America as a Homeland for all White people the world over, so that the White man will have someplace to go. Right now there’s nowhere.
20 years ago when the internet first appeared, we in the White Nationalist movement were over the moon because we thought at long last here is a weapon we can use against them, something that will level the playing field media and propaganda-wise, something that will make them stop doing these horrible things they’re doing like forcing Hillary Clinton on us. 20 years later we still entertain that notion, that somehow we can tap tap tap our woes away on a keyboard or use our thumbs on the screen of a smart phone. But we’re wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, web sites and blogs and Tweeting and Facebook have proven invaluable, but they’re just not enough. This cannot be done on the internet alone. In order to make them stop, actual people have to really do things, out in the real world. Things that involve risk and inconvenience. I’m sorry, guys, there just isn’t any way around it. Not the internet or any other way, and you can’t just sit there like you’ve been doing and wait for somebody else to do it.
Let’s get back to you guys who are listening to me now. I say again, you’re salvageable because you now know what the solution is. The Northwest Imperative and a free White Homeland in our own land. It’s just a matter of me somehow persuading you actually to do it.
You know what I want from you. Nothing illegal or physically dangerous as yet, just two legal forms of activism, the payment of a small amount of money on a regular basis which you can easily afford, and you personal Homecoming to make your life here in the land where God and destiny decree you need to be, which involves some initial inconvenience, to be sure, but which is personally beneficial in the long run because it gets you away from the teeming hordes of baboons who want to sink their teeth into your flesh.
So, Whiteboy, how’s life treating you in this year of our Lord 2016? Is Obama’s Amurrica living up to its promise? How much money do you still owe on your student loan? What kind of shambles, what kind of train wreck has your life turned into due to some aspect of the putrid cadaver whose intestines we inhabit?
Let’s assume you’re not among the 95 million and you actually have a job. Congratulatons. How do you like the 60-hour Obama work week? That’s pretty much normal for White working people these days, either mandatory overtime, or overtime you have to have if you’re going to put any weight at all on that paycheck enough to pay your rent or your mortgage or keep your car on the road.
Or else you effectively work 60 hours a week because of the daily travel time necessary to get to work and home again, because there’s no safe or affordable housing near your job. The areas around your workplace are either full of six-figure yuppies and élitists, because you’ve been gentrified out of the place where you were born, like San Francisco and my own home town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, or else the locale around your place of employment is full of violent, drug-sodden niggers or sullen gabbling foreigners. Public transportation is either absent or too unsafe to use, and you have get up at five in the morning to drive ninety minutes each way through murderous traffic, possible on a jam-packed freeway filled with the cars of other White people who don’t dare take the train into town because they will be assaulted or otherwise victimized by people with dark skins.
Assuming you are able to hang on to this job of yours for any length of time, and that’s a big assumption, I’m sure you’re looking forward to living like this for years and never seeing your family by daylight during the winter months.
Ah, but what family? Do you have one? How old are you? 23? 28? 32? Have you been able to start one yet? Have you been able to start your life yet? Or are you still delivering pizzas and working temporary construction jobs or doing white collar office temping?
If you’re one of the lucky ones who is allowed any contact at all with women of our own race, you have a feminist girl friend who grew up on Oprah and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, whom you allow to boss you around and dominate the relationship because that’s what liberal society has conditioned you to do, in exchange for occasional, mostly unsatisfactory sex. Bet that does wonders for your self-esteem, but oh, wait for divorce time.
If you were unlucky you will at some point have married said bimbo and she has either taken your children and stripped you clean like a piranha through her attorney, or else she’s about to do so, and you’re not legally allowed to visit your own home any more, so you’re living in a furnished one-bedroom with peeling wallpaper and trying to survive on the $60 a week left over from your paycheck after you finish paying for the home and family you’ll never see again. In other words, you are living the American White male experience in all its gunjey glory.
Or some other variation thereon. Maybe you’re the wicked racist brother who got stuck in the home town, delegated by the rest of the family to care for the old folks because your liberal yuppie siblings and cousins conformed to the liberal progressive ideal and made contacts with the ruling Democratic party for government jobs.
While you resisted in some way, and therefore they have real lives with all the nice things and good stuff and can’t be bothered, but you lost your job and can’t get another one because you had some stupid childish brush with the goddamned law, probably doing something that wasn’t even a crime 50 years ago, or because you said nigger once and got blacklisted from employment so you have no chance of ever making it, and really deserve to be punished for your entire life but the others pay you to take care of Mom and/or Dad so they don’t have to put themselves out.
Yeah, I’ve heard that one. More than once. As you folks may gather, these examples I’m giving you are taken from life and many, many years of experiencing what it’s like trying to make it in a politically correct society with a pale skin and convex genitalia, where you have to always hide and suppress who and what you are, where you have watch every word and facial expression. In Orwell’s 1984 there was even a word for it: facecrime.
And for the record let me say that yes, I know-- it’s just as bad for young women these days. There was a brief time from the 70s to the 90s when younger White women had a little bit of an affirmative action edge, although in most of the places I temped they went for affirmative action twofers, black or brown women, but by now ageing White girls are being pushed out of what privileged position they once had by LGBTs and women of color, as they are termed. The bitches in the pants suits who run most corporate offices and federal bureaucracies and have a lock on the White collar job market, you’ll notice, are more of the Hildebeest’s generation, and the younger they get the darker they get.
And I need to mention that my own experience is highly limited and actually rather genteel, all things considered. Once or twice down through the years I was down to hefting and toting and donating plasma, but not too often. I admit that the times when I was thrown onto my uppers and was literally all alone on my own were very few and far between; I almost always had the Movement in some form for at least a partial support system. There were a few times when I was all alone, like you are, and they were terrifying. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be thrown into the world of 2016 at any age and compelled to survive all alone. I’m not sure it could be done without turning to drug dealing or prostitution or crime of some sort.
Okay, I’m kind of rambling, and I could go on like this for many hours, but what I want to convey to you guys listening to me is that I know what you’re going through, either because I have been through some form of it myself, or because I know someone who has. You people out there who are middle-aged and elderly, you know what I’m talking about.
Now, guys, what you need to understand is that it’s not going to get any better. It is going to get worse as the economy deteriorates, as the effects of open borders get worse and we are literally swamped and overrun with millions of illiterate dark-skinned foreigners who don’t speak English but who devour our remaining wealth and substance like locusts, stripping this country and Europe bare down to the bones in great migrations such as haven’t been seen since the Bronze Age. America’s promise is a lie that is still being fed to you in order to keep you working and keep you quiet.
Why in the name of God do you continue to do nothing, not the two simple and legal things I ask of you, not anything else. Why in the name of all that is holy do you continue to respond to the living hell in which you exist by posting pictures of guns and Vikings and Confederate flags to the internet and doing not one single physical act in the real world to save yourselves.
This is the key to White survival and to the crucial issue of White character, first to understand why you are doing nothing, and then to correct whatever it is that is wrong in your mind, uninstall whatever crap is there and return you to your great-grandfather’s earlier version of mental and spiritual software, White Man V. 2.0 or whatever.
There are millions of our people out there who do not know that the Party or the Northwest Imperative exist, and somehow we have got to change that, but you have taken the first step. You got here and you’re listening. We can build on that.
Have you ever heard the expression from an old television show, “There are seven million stories in the Naked City?” Well, there are two hundred million stories in White America. Each one is different and many of them are tragic and horrifying. I know because I’ve gone through some of them myself. Whether you’re young or middle-aged or old, I have a pretty good idea of what you’re going through because I guarantee I have myself either experienced or watched others go through some form of it.
Most of you are still at least trying to make it in this cesspool called Amurrica. You’re trying to play by the rules, but more and more you’re getting sick of it, because you have now reached a sufficient level of knowledge so that you know Amurrica has nothing for you and it ain’t gonna get any better. Not ever.
Unless, of course, we forcibly compel the people who control the world to stop doing what they’re doing. When I speak of direct action, that’s what I’m talking about. Not necessarily violence and things going boom in the night. I’m saying that in some way or other, we have to make them stop and make sure they can’t ever do it to us again. The only way to do that is to create our own sovereign and independent nation here in North America as a Homeland for all White people the world over, so that the White man will have someplace to go. Right now there’s nowhere.
20 years ago when the internet first appeared, we in the White Nationalist movement were over the moon because we thought at long last here is a weapon we can use against them, something that will level the playing field media and propaganda-wise, something that will make them stop doing these horrible things they’re doing like forcing Hillary Clinton on us. 20 years later we still entertain that notion, that somehow we can tap tap tap our woes away on a keyboard or use our thumbs on the screen of a smart phone. But we’re wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, web sites and blogs and Tweeting and Facebook have proven invaluable, but they’re just not enough. This cannot be done on the internet alone. In order to make them stop, actual people have to really do things, out in the real world. Things that involve risk and inconvenience. I’m sorry, guys, there just isn’t any way around it. Not the internet or any other way, and you can’t just sit there like you’ve been doing and wait for somebody else to do it.
Let’s get back to you guys who are listening to me now. I say again, you’re salvageable because you now know what the solution is. The Northwest Imperative and a free White Homeland in our own land. It’s just a matter of me somehow persuading you actually to do it.
You know what I want from you. Nothing illegal or physically dangerous as yet, just two legal forms of activism, the payment of a small amount of money on a regular basis which you can easily afford, and you personal Homecoming to make your life here in the land where God and destiny decree you need to be, which involves some initial inconvenience, to be sure, but which is personally beneficial in the long run because it gets you away from the teeming hordes of baboons who want to sink their teeth into your flesh.
So, Whiteboy, how’s life treating you in this year of our Lord 2016? Is Obama’s Amurrica living up to its promise? How much money do you still owe on your student loan? What kind of shambles, what kind of train wreck has your life turned into due to some aspect of the putrid cadaver whose intestines we inhabit?
Let’s assume you’re not among the 95 million and you actually have a job. Congratulatons. How do you like the 60-hour Obama work week? That’s pretty much normal for White working people these days, either mandatory overtime, or overtime you have to have if you’re going to put any weight at all on that paycheck enough to pay your rent or your mortgage or keep your car on the road.
Or else you effectively work 60 hours a week because of the daily travel time necessary to get to work and home again, because there’s no safe or affordable housing near your job. The areas around your workplace are either full of six-figure yuppies and élitists, because you’ve been gentrified out of the place where you were born, like San Francisco and my own home town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, or else the locale around your place of employment is full of violent, drug-sodden niggers or sullen gabbling foreigners. Public transportation is either absent or too unsafe to use, and you have get up at five in the morning to drive ninety minutes each way through murderous traffic, possible on a jam-packed freeway filled with the cars of other White people who don’t dare take the train into town because they will be assaulted or otherwise victimized by people with dark skins.
Assuming you are able to hang on to this job of yours for any length of time, and that’s a big assumption, I’m sure you’re looking forward to living like this for years and never seeing your family by daylight during the winter months.
Ah, but what family? Do you have one? How old are you? 23? 28? 32? Have you been able to start one yet? Have you been able to start your life yet? Or are you still delivering pizzas and working temporary construction jobs or doing white collar office temping?
If you’re one of the lucky ones who is allowed any contact at all with women of our own race, you have a feminist girl friend who grew up on Oprah and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, whom you allow to boss you around and dominate the relationship because that’s what liberal society has conditioned you to do, in exchange for occasional, mostly unsatisfactory sex. Bet that does wonders for your self-esteem, but oh, wait for divorce time.
If you were unlucky you will at some point have married said bimbo and she has either taken your children and stripped you clean like a piranha through her attorney, or else she’s about to do so, and you’re not legally allowed to visit your own home any more, so you’re living in a furnished one-bedroom with peeling wallpaper and trying to survive on the $60 a week left over from your paycheck after you finish paying for the home and family you’ll never see again. In other words, you are living the American White male experience in all its gunjey glory.
Or some other variation thereon. Maybe you’re the wicked racist brother who got stuck in the home town, delegated by the rest of the family to care for the old folks because your liberal yuppie siblings and cousins conformed to the liberal progressive ideal and made contacts with the ruling Democratic party for government jobs.
While you resisted in some way, and therefore they have real lives with all the nice things and good stuff and can’t be bothered, but you lost your job and can’t get another one because you had some stupid childish brush with the goddamned law, probably doing something that wasn’t even a crime 50 years ago, or because you said nigger once and got blacklisted from employment so you have no chance of ever making it, and really deserve to be punished for your entire life but the others pay you to take care of Mom and/or Dad so they don’t have to put themselves out.
Yeah, I’ve heard that one. More than once. As you folks may gather, these examples I’m giving you are taken from life and many, many years of experiencing what it’s like trying to make it in a politically correct society with a pale skin and convex genitalia, where you have to always hide and suppress who and what you are, where you have watch every word and facial expression. In Orwell’s 1984 there was even a word for it: facecrime.
And for the record let me say that yes, I know-- it’s just as bad for young women these days. There was a brief time from the 70s to the 90s when younger White women had a little bit of an affirmative action edge, although in most of the places I temped they went for affirmative action twofers, black or brown women, but by now ageing White girls are being pushed out of what privileged position they once had by LGBTs and women of color, as they are termed. The bitches in the pants suits who run most corporate offices and federal bureaucracies and have a lock on the White collar job market, you’ll notice, are more of the Hildebeest’s generation, and the younger they get the darker they get.
And I need to mention that my own experience is highly limited and actually rather genteel, all things considered. Once or twice down through the years I was down to hefting and toting and donating plasma, but not too often. I admit that the times when I was thrown onto my uppers and was literally all alone on my own were very few and far between; I almost always had the Movement in some form for at least a partial support system. There were a few times when I was all alone, like you are, and they were terrifying. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be thrown into the world of 2016 at any age and compelled to survive all alone. I’m not sure it could be done without turning to drug dealing or prostitution or crime of some sort.
Okay, I’m kind of rambling, and I could go on like this for many hours, but what I want to convey to you guys listening to me is that I know what you’re going through, either because I have been through some form of it myself, or because I know someone who has. You people out there who are middle-aged and elderly, you know what I’m talking about.
Now, guys, what you need to understand is that it’s not going to get any better. It is going to get worse as the economy deteriorates, as the effects of open borders get worse and we are literally swamped and overrun with millions of illiterate dark-skinned foreigners who don’t speak English but who devour our remaining wealth and substance like locusts, stripping this country and Europe bare down to the bones in great migrations such as haven’t been seen since the Bronze Age. America’s promise is a lie that is still being fed to you in order to keep you working and keep you quiet.
Why in the name of God do you continue to do nothing, not the two simple and legal things I ask of you, not anything else. Why in the name of all that is holy do you continue to respond to the living hell in which you exist by posting pictures of guns and Vikings and Confederate flags to the internet and doing not one single physical act in the real world to save yourselves.
This is the key to White survival and to the crucial issue of White character, first to understand why you are doing nothing, and then to correct whatever it is that is wrong in your mind, uninstall whatever crap is there and return you to your great-grandfather’s earlier version of mental and spiritual software, White Man V. 2.0 or whatever.
* * *
I know that it’s not a good idea to generalize too much and like I said, there’s 200 million stories in White America. Every one of you is an individual and you have your own reasons for continuing to sit there and do nothing at all to save yourselves and your loved ones, but I think there are three primary causal psychological and metaphysical factors for this general paralysis of the will, plus about a dozen more minor ones, and every individual case of paralysis is going to be a combination of one of more of these reasons.
First off, there is what Comrade Don refers to as “learned helplessness,” which is a term I like because it de-emphasizes plain and simple cowardice. Let’s talk about that for a while.
Don’t get me wrong, we can’t get away from using the C word. Cowardice is definitely a major part of the problem among White males, but I’ve never liked applying it in some form like, “Ah Whiteboys won’t do nothing because they’re all chickenshit cowards.” Certainly some of it really is cowardice, a very well-grounded fear of physical punishment and outright physical assault, especially where niggers are concerned. But it’s not that simple.
Really, it isn’t. I get called a coward all the time by internet trolls because I allegedly incite to violence in my Northwest novels and then I don’t strap on an explosive suicide vest or pick up a gun and go out and pull some kind of idiotic Dylann Roof-style stunt to show that I practice what I preach.
In the first place, anyone who thinks that has clearly
missed the message I was trying to convey in my novels. They weren’t about
revolution, they were about character, which of course is the key to the whole
solution. In those books I am not attempting to tell White people what they
should do; I am showing them who they should be.
In the second place, this isn’t about me. My goal is not to
show the world what a macho bird-brain I am; my objective is to change the
world. If I could secure the existence of our people and a future for White
children in some single act that would also involve my own destruction I would
do so without hesitation, which you may believe or not as you choose, but the
world doesn’t work like that. There are a lot of people down through history
like Robert the Bruce and Simon Bolivar and Joan of Arc who are referred to as
liberators, but one person doesn’t liberate a nation; only the people acting in
concert can do that.
I am normally not a fan of shades of gray or nuance,
but in this case some nuance is called for.
The Spaniards have a saying: “He was a brave man that day.”
Implying that on other days he wasn’t. History is replete with military
examples of regiments or whole armies who stood like rocks and defeated vastly
superior opposing armies on some occasions, and threw down their weapons and
ran on others.
Physical courage has always been the most common of all
virtues in the men of our race, and most of the women, but it has never been an
either-or proposition. It’s not like being pregnant or being dead, either you
is or you ain’t. Courage is always contextual, and there is the well-known but
sometimes less appreciated difference between being brave and being stupid or
nuts plus the historically sound saying that “He who fights and runs away,
lives to fight another day.”
There are many different kinds of courage. Charging a
machine gun nest or running into a burning building to rescue trapped people or
facing down a mob is one kind, but there is also moral courage, the courage of
one’s convictions, the determination to do what is right in the face of
imminent torture and death, of which our race produces countless examples. That
is frankly the kind of courage which Whiteboys need right now rather than the
more physical kind.
There is the courage of love, the courage to undergo all
kinds of ordeals and hardships and to remain silent in the face of threats and
torture from the tyrant’s law in order to shield others. Ditto.
One of the most poignant examples of this in our history was
a man named Giles Corey, whom no one has ever heard of. He was 81 years of age.
In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts
he was charged with witchcraft by a bunch of hysterical girls, and dragged up
in front of the infamous tribunal and ordered to plead to the charge. Corey
knew full well that in the poisoned atmosphere of the Salem
trials he had no chance at all of acquittal, and that on conviction all of his
property would be seized by the government.
But by a peculiarity of the law, if he never entered a plea
he couldn’t stand trial and be convicted, and so his land and wealth would then
go to his children. There was a catch; in order to force him to enter a plea or
guilty or not guilty, the court had the power to order him laid out on a stone
floor with a door on top of him and huge stones were then laid on the door to
crush him until he gave up and gasped out a plea.
But Corey was a stubborn old man, and as the court’s
hoodlums with badges piled the stones on top of the planks all he would say
was, “More weight.” Until he died. Giles Corey voluntarily gave up his
own life rather than allow the FBI and Obama of the time to rob him and his
family of all they had. He died, and his children inherited his land and his
property rather than some corrupt colonial bureaucrat in Boston.
So as you can see, courage comes in many forms among our people.
Yes, it’s true that a lot of us do nothing to make these
genocidal monsters in power stop killing us, because we’re just plain
chickenshit scared, because never in our coddled White middle class lives have
we been called upon to display physical courage against other men or against
nature. Most Whiteboys today grew up with a Nintendo Gameboy in their hands and
if they did play any contact sports as children it was the mild liberal kind
where everything was super padded and there was no competition, because at the
end of the game there were no winners or losers and everybody got a prize.
The type of schoolyard scuffles I had when I was growing up
are largely unknown today because punching some kid out on the playground now
leads to police and courts and years of mandatory child psychology and drug
treatment for aggression and all kinds of cack like that. The majority of
modern Whiteboys were certainly never spanked or belted during their childhood,
no matter how much they may have needed it; in most states it’s now illegal for
parents to do so.
Yes, we now live in a society where to some degree parents
are afraid of their own children, knowing they can go to prison and be stripped
of everything they have if they take a belt to some little boy’s bottom for
setting the cat on fire or something of the kind. Daddy is supposed to take out
his checkbook and not his belt and pay ten thousand dollars for child
psychologists and counseling when that happens.
The result is most White males under about the age of 40 or
so have most likely never received a physical blow in their lives, and so when
some gigantic muscle-bound nigger starts mau-mauing and raising his fist, they
Yes, I know, there are a lot of exceptions to all this, and
even when the liberal poison is part of childhood it happens in varying levels
and with varying degrees of effect on the individual child. Again I say, I know
there’s 200 million stories out there and each one is different. But all too
often this kind of poop is a factor.
I have repeatedly cited down through the years the clear and
obvious fact that some White males can be physically courageous, personally
hardy and physically violent and indeed make their livings doing so. Military,
police, firefighters, athletes, boxers and wrestlers and football players,
skydivers and extreme sports players, the overall majority of them White
despite it all. But again I have to emphasize: only with a permission slip from
our lords and masters—an officially issued weapon in the case of a soldier, a
badge in the case of a cop, or else an unspoken permission slip for some of the
others in the form of social approval and herd acceptance.
This is the second aspect of learned helplessness which
prevents White males from revolting against the genocidal régimes that are
killing us—the loss of what I suppose might be called the alpha gene. The fact
is that the overwhelming majority of Whiteboys in this day and age are beta
* * *
How much of this fact is due to several generations of
social engineering and Judaic brainwashing and how much of it is physiological
and genetic in nature I won’t speculate.
It certainly didn’t help that twice in the past hundred
years the White race immolated millions of the very fittest and best of our
young men in two pointless world wars which were in fact largely civil wars
between genetic brothers.
Nor has 50 years of the present toxic and chemical-laced
American diet helped; basically most Americans these days eat processed crap,
and our bodies are weakened and poisoned thereby, which is compounded by lack
of exercise, obesity, and massive doses of all kinds of prescription drugs all
our lives. They say that a healthy body makes a healthy mind; well, an
unhealthy body makes Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin.
I am sure it hasn’t escaped you guys’ notice that by now
most Americans of both genders are at least a little bit tetched in the head.
Not necessarily raving mad or delusional, but just a little flakey. How much of
that is from the chemical contaminations in their diet and their environment
and how much of that is from the spiritual, mental and emotional perversions of
thought and breaches of human decency which constitute our education and
culture and media environment? Hard to say.
Suffice it to say that what I and a lot of others refer to
as the alpha gene, the five percenter gene, is largely lost among White males,
or at least it’s gone dormant and been suppressed so deeply to the point where
it almost never makes an appearance in individuals without a permission slip,
the permission slip that from someone in the world of authority, establishment,
or celebrity that American Whiteboys must now be given before they can or will
do anything even remotely rambunctious.
And at the risk of once more being dragged into discussing
what I swore I wasn’t going to discuss here this time, I must yet again point
out that the most significant thing about Donald Trump is that his emergence
from the world of reality TV and celebrity, will in the confused and compressed
minds of many White people give him the moral authority to write a permission
slip for Whiteboys to show brave again, if he should choose to exercise that
Be that as it may, White males have now become herd animals
who do not function well at all when we are cut off and isolated from the herd.
The great African explorer Sir Richard Burton—not the actor—was once asked how
many men would be capable of leading an expedition if he himself were killed or
incapacitated and he replied “Five per cent, precisely.”
That’s become the generally accepted figure among
psychologists for the number of people, almost all of them men, who have what
it takes to lead, to go first. This has a direct bearing on why we are doing
nothing except posting pictures to the internet as our species is slowly
destroyed and removed from existence, because in essence, that’s what we’re
We all know what has to be done, we’ve known for years what
has to be done, and we’re all shuffling our feet and looking around and waiting
for someone else to go first. Someone else to call down the wrath of the power
structure and its armed men, its FBI thugs and prison cells onto himself, and
see that person or persons get away with it. Or something that can be spun as
getting away with it. I call this White pathology “Waiting for Godot,” after
the weird Samuel Beckett play.
It was noticed that during the Korean War not one single
American soldier escaped from prisoner of war camps. This is because the North
Koreans in those camps very carefully observed incoming drafts of prisoners,
identified those men among them who were holding things together and who were
clearly respected and listened to by the others—not always officers—and
isolated those prisoners from the bulk of the camp population.
The result was not any reduction in the desire of the
soldiers to escape from those camps, which were really wretched like all such
Communist facilities, but they just could never seem to get their act together.
They kept waiting for someone else to come up with a plan for escape, and when
someone did they would sit around and talk and talk about it but never do much
if anything involving actual physical, bodily motion to implement that plan.
Starting to sound familiar? T
That’s what’s been done to our entire race, in a manner of
speaking. We have had anyone who might go first, who might lead, cut off an
isolated from us, sometimes by prison and death as in the case of Edgar Steele
and Bill White and David Lane, but also like what has been done to myself and
others, cut off from the audience we need to be reaching through the simple
vastness and overpowering content of the interest, with a little manipulation
from deliberate trolls and other intervention, or just plain short attention
span and apathy.
I have worked for almost five months now to obtain a Twitter
following of 744 people as of tonight. Donald Trump has 11.7 million. Every
time he takes out his phone and types a message, 11.7 million people read it.
Hillary Clinton has 8.99 million. I’m not here to talk about the internet, but
I have to point out that it can be done if I can just get some help from you
For years, hell, generations, the White Nationalist movement
and I am convinced to some degree the White population generally has been
waiting for someone else to go first, preferably having obtained a permission
slip of some sort, from someone or somewhere. One from Trump will do; we’ll see
what happens when he’s cheated out of the White House on November 8th.
But if White people are to revolt, they must see a finished
product, they must see something material that at least hints at or implies the
presence of money, and they must see a herd, a crowd that they can hide in so
that the bad men won’t see their faces and they can disclaim responsibility.
There probably must be a leader figure whose face they can see and who will
ride up front on the white horse waving his saber around in the air.
That makes me twitchy, because the Fearless Leaders we’ve
been coming up with since Commander Rockwell died basically ain’t so hot,
including me. My hopes for a collective leadership of the kind we had during
the first American Revolution, an assembly of men of unparalleled talent,
ability, and devotion to an ideal, is probably not going to be realized.
American White males can still be brave and they can be good soldiers and hard
workers for the 14 Words, but it will be the courage of beta males.
There is no doubt in my mind, none at all, that if somehow I
were able to wave a magic wand and create the world of The Brigade or A Mighty
Fortress, and conjure the Northwest Volunteer Army Zack Hatfield, Nightshade
and all up from the earth as so many of you seem to feel I can do, and that NVA
were to start actually dropping black and brown bodies and making things go
boom in the night---we would have more volunteers for the NVA than we could
shake a stick at. But if and when any such thing ever happens, someone is going
to have to go first. Oh, and survive the first year. Survive the first year and
you’ll eventually win, but that’s a whole ‘nother discussion.
* * *
The third reason we Whiteboys sit and do nothing is yet
another character flaw which has been carefully socially engineered into us
over the past few generations by the Jews and the mentally ill monsters who
rule us: a deep and consuming narcissism, wholly materialistic and completely
lacking in altruism or idealism, which has developed among many of us into an
almost psychopathic inability to empathize with others of our own race, to
place the common good above our own pleasures.
Again, virtues that used to be among the most common
components of the White racial character have been deliberately degraded and
almost eliminated by a hundred years of Jewish brainwashing and bullying.
We are not only selfish but greedy as little pigs. We want
it all, we want it either free or very cheap, and we want it now now now! We’re
raised that way from birth. In our youth and middle age, Amurrican life
promises much to Whiteboys if we will play by the rules, keep quiet, not rock
the boat, and above all work work work to keep the system afloat and more of
less functioning for another year.
It’s true that due to the inherent incompetence of
attempting to combine socialism with capitalism, entirely too many of us are
ending up as underemployed basement dwellers who live online, but remember that
many many more of us do get jobs out in the real world, jobs as engineers and
mechanics and repairmen and techno-geeks who keep the rich man’s toys running
and fix them when they break, cops and soldiers and security guys who make sure
that the rich people can enjoy their own vast wealth in safety, genuine
administrators who keep the paper flowing through Amurrica’s hardened arteries,
for which we are promised a few cuts off the end in exchange.
American Whiteboys are promised Aladdin’s Cave in the way of
material goods and personal, sensual, and sexual gratification with women who
don’t exist outside of an electronic screen, a massive cornucopia of wealth and
glittering toys. There is a saying I used to see hung on those cute little motivational
placards that decorate many workplaces: “Life is a game, and he who dies with
the most toys wins.” There you have the credo of liberal democracy in America
and Europe. A huge number of White people in this
country, probably the majority of them, believe exactly that.
You have to have lived elsewhere in the world, as I have,
fully to appreciate just how incredibly wealthy America
is and how high the standard of living is here, compared to almost any other
place on earth, including most parts of Europe.
Of course, that promise of endless wealth and sensual
gratification is never fulfilled, and in the Age of Obama hardly at all, which
generates years of frustration and baffled rage on the part of Whiteboys, who
find themselves lumbered with $50,000 in student loan debt and delivering
pizzas out of Mon’s basement in their early 30s, or who like I just said do get
jobs but never get any more ahead.
Like rats turning a wheel in a cage they find themselves
working 60 hours per week at $12 or $14 an hour doing something that props up
the system and keeps the super-wealthy liberals and government workers safe and
functioning. In their 30s, when they should be living in a house and the next
generation of White grandchildren should be coming along to be raised by a
stay-at-home wife, these guys are driving through rush hour traffic for an hour
to get to their shitjob and trying to make the rent on some damned crackerbox
You would think that the healthy reaction to this kind of
oppression and denial of our human potential would be some form of opposition
and resistance, but no. Generally, our response is to cling to what material
goods we have been able to accumulate like grim death. We become insecure pack
rats who are afraid that the Bad Men in the black armor are going to come and
take away our stuff, because that’s all we have in the world.
We look around Obama’s Amurrica and we see that the only way
out is to buy our way out with money, and so we hoard it like the dragon Smaug
hoards his gold. Uh, you guys do still get Lord of the Rings references, don’t
you? Or is that obsolete now as well? Anyway, that is the lesson we all absorb
from childhood. Money money money stuff stuff stuff. There are a few
people in the world who are important, family members, maybe a friend or two,
and screw the rest of you. And when we take that attitude, the Jew smiles. His
work is well done.
Obama’s Amurrica kicks Whiteboys to the ground and pisses on
them, but still we keep on chasing that dream of luxury, of high-tech toys,
mindless sex without consequences. The television gives us assorted visions of
a future that simply isn’t realistic for anyone outside the one percent, often
tailored to our particular desires.
For White boys America
promises an endless adolescence free of worry or responsibility, of
never-ending frat party keggers and driving around in a van with a hot chick
solving mysteries, or whatever your particular tailored fantasy is.
For girls—and I cannot overemphasize that White women have
been just as viciously and evilly betrayed by political correctness as men—it
promises kind of the same thing, only they will always be slim and hot, even if
they never were, and they’ll have major kung fu and martial arts skills so they
can beat up all the men in their lives who piss them off, like Buffy, and they
will be quote-unquote “empowered” which means they’ll tell all those men who
were so mean to them in high school what to do, and they’ll all grow up to be
Hillary Clinton and adopt lovely little African orphan babies and prove to the
world that liberalism works.
The problem is, of course, that it doesn’t.
Growing up White in liberal democratic Amurrica is a recipe
for personal and psychological, mental and emotional catastrophe. After several
generations, I think all of us know this, but all that promised money and
adventure and fame and self-esteem is as addictive as any drug and we keep
chasing it.
I really don’t have the time to psychoanalyze everything that
is wrong in Whiteboys’ heads here; there are whole books that have been written
about that and no doubt more will be written in the future, but of all our many
weaknesses of character this one probably stands out the most. It’s all about me
me me me me.
Look, I am sorry to reduce a very complex and serious moral
problem to mere money, but isn’t that what we’re all doing here? When I say
that most of us, rather than donate ten dollars a month to the Northwest Front,
would rather have the beer, I mean that literally. Given the choice of helping
to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children on one
hand, and hearing that lovely little crack and hiss as one pops the top and
feeling that frothy hops taste on your tongue and pouring down your throat—yes,
I used to be a drinker many years ago—given that choice, thousands of us and
probably millions of us really do prefer the beer and will not give it up even
to build something that might give us a chance to survive and escape this unbearable
Instead we choose to spend that ten bucks on alcohol so we
can kill the pain for a couple of hours and then wake up to the same evil
world, with a hangover. What the hell can you do with people like that?
Okay, do you see what I’m doing here? I’m falling back on
decades of old rite-wing habit and I am expending all my time in endless
analysis and re-hashing and re-capping of the problem without a word about the
solution. That is one of the two pablums of the traditional White right, the
two things we do instead of actually resisting. The first is that old hardy
perennial, news commentary, and the second is endless repeating and re-hashing
of the problem with only the vaguest hints at the solution that is generally
known and accepted but which cannot be spoken out loud. The political
leadership and general run of bad actors in this society need to be
disincentivized. They need to be compelled to stop doing what they’re doing.
They need to be forced to hear and accept the word no.
This is the crux of this whole Ghost Dance thingummy: we all
know what the solution is. I can tell you, because I remember: for 50 years we
have all known what the solution is, and we have lived with the shame of
understanding that we ourselves will never have the strength of will or the
sheer physical courage to do it.
No one likes to come to grips with the fact that in the
final analysis he’s just a useless, cowardly piece of shit too afraid of the
roaring bullies with the badges to stand up and be a man and fight for freedom
and justice and all that is right. We see that on TV and on the movies all the
time; in real life it’s almost unknown in White males and has been for three
I think that’s one reason for all the GUBU and the Space
Madness that has afflicted our wee little Movement for all these years; knowing
that we simply don’t have what it takes and that essentially we’re almost all
of us a bunch of frauds plays hell with our self-esteem and our mental and emotional
Well, that’s what this Goat Dance series is about. At long
last I’m going to address that issue, but out of necessity and I suspect
largely out of sheer force of lifelong habit, I have expended the first two
parts of this series largely analyzing and re-analyzing and going over the
problem for the umpteen thousandth time in my life. I won’t apologize because
when you’re trying to sum up a solution to anything you kind of really do need
to address the problem first, but next time I will finally get down to it and
describe as nearly as I can what’s going to have to happen if there’s still
going to be any people who look like us on earth a hundred years from now.
But for now time is up for this week’s edition of Radio Free
Northwest. This program is brought to you by the Northwest Front, Post Office Box
2188, Bremerton, Washington
98310, or you can go to the
Party’s website at www.northwestfront.org. This is Harold Covington and I’ll
see you next week. Until then, Saoirse an dath Bàn – Freedom!