Thursday, December 19, 2002

(From 1996, but still pertinent.)

The myth of the American Dream is an enduring one. The promise was always implicit for White people. Work hard. Play the game. Apply the lips in the prescribed manner. Vote the way you’re told, think the way you’re told, and never let a nasty racist thought enter your mind. Do all these things and you would be rewarded with a material luxury unheard of in human history. ZOG is the most subtle tyranny ever known to man; the tyrant wealthy and canny enough to buy his slaves and leave the iron fist in the glove unless all else failed.

But the great American honeycomb is drying out. The flow of consumer goodies is slowing perceptibly, like the salmon runs of the Northwest where there are fewer and smaller fish every year. The crime, drugs, chaos, and Third World filth can no longer be contained; the sewer is overflowing into the previously safe streets of suburbia and out into the countryside. An entire generation of White children is being destroyed in the schools; Beavis and Butthead graduate unable to read or do simple fractions. There is no longer even a pretense of representative government; corruption is naked and unashamed. Job security, living wages, home ownership, and peace of mind are things of the past. White Americans live in fear and loathing. Morris Dees whines and moans about "angry White males" and the "rising tide of extremism", but more and more the stark question appears: why should a White man not become an extremist? The System no longer holds up its end of the social contract.

Suppose a White man does everything he’s supposed to do by the liberal gospels? Suppose you keep your brain squeaky clean of racist, sexist, homophobic, or religious thoughts? What if you support affirmative action, sodomy and abortion, saving whales and spotted owls? Suppose you obediently shuffle to the polls on election day and pull the straight Democratic ticket lever? Recycle your garbage?

What’s in it for you? Will your political correctness prevent you from being downsized tomorrow? Will your liberal orthodoxy stop your promotion going to an unqualified minority or yuppie Barbie doll? Will your contributions to the SPLC prevent you from being beaten by blacks in a shopping mall? Will your docile vote for Billyboy prevent your ten year-old son from being fondled in school by a sodomite teacher?

Suppose you read this newsletter, scream in horror, and throw it down as you flee in panic lest someone think you a racist? What, exactly, do you accomplish? You still have to live in this cesspool. You still have to try and find a way to survive in a world of madness and chaos and violence and evil that hates you because of your sex and the color of your skin. True, you may still have a little to lose if you join the Party—but what exactly will you gain if you don’t?

- Harold A. Covington

by Kenneth J. Schmidt

Just who are these people we call liberals? In 1964, the late James Burnham called liberalism "the ideology of Western suicide." It was an apt description. Many years have passed since 1964, however, and it makes sense to reassess the meaning of liberalism.

Over time, political ideas have a tendency to change. A conservative in 1964 would probably not be welcome among Beltway conservatives today. In 1964, Senator Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In the‘80s, President Reagan signed a bill into law declaring Martin Luther King Day a federal holiday. Could it be that both these men were conservatives? I believe liberalism has changed its meaning many times, as has its brother, conservatism.

I always wince a little when some well-meaning patriot calls Bill Clinton (or his wife) a "socialist." If the Clintons were true socialists they would certainly not be wallowing in the corporate money pig trough, as they have for so many years. Anyone who understands the ideology of Marxist socialism knows that Karl Marx didn't think much of blacks or even unskilled workers. To our president the darker races aren't merely fellow citizens, but gods. Marx's revolutionary class was the proletariat of skilled blue-collar working men, not the Boyz in da Hood.

Would Norman Thomas, who for over 30 years ran as America's Socialist Party presidential candidate, have anything to do with the American liberals or European socialists who mindlessly bomb Belgrade and Baghdad on a regular basis? Thomas thought so much of peace that he risked the criticism of his fellow leftists by joining in common cause with the right as a member of the America First Committee to keep the U.S. out of World War II. Eugene Debs, who led American Socialists in 1914, went to jail on a trumped-up charge of encouraging young men to desert the military as part of his opposition to contributing young Americans to the meatgrinder of the Western Front during World War I (the so-called "Great War").

Of course, I am not defending socialism or socialists or liberals. But liberalism has changed significantly over the past 60 or 70 years. In fact, it has changed so much that it has become an elusive concept. Thinking on the left has become decidedly anti-ideological since the end of the Second World War. I think the reason why this is so has to do with the decline in higher education since 1945.

The late conservative political philosopher Russell Kirk pointed to the G.I. Bill and general overcrowding of universities after the end of World War II as a prime reason for the failure of our society to produce men who can think in a systematic way. Rather than choose a political ideology based on a fully integrated system cognizant of the trials and traumas of history, the typical modern college graduate makes his choice based on what he thinks the stereotypical "intelligent" person believes.

This results in a kind of slapdash non-ideology composed of the biases and bigotries of America's upper classes and bohemians. From the New England aristocracy he inherits the obsessional sentimentality toward the Negro which is characteristic of that class. From the urban bohemians he borrows a respect for the practitioners of the "love that dare not speak its name" and becomes a defender of so-called "gay rights."

In the 1930s liberals in the mold of FDR decided that America's corporate classes needed to have their karma lowered; today, Bill Clinton and his competitors in the Republican Party both worship at the sacred altars of international capitalism and ignore the working man. The hippie of 1968 is more likely to be a high-level business executive than the operator of a macrobiotic health food collective.

Liberalism is a changeable philosophy that mutates and morphs as it moves through history. Of late it has taken on a decidedly religious cast. Not that liberals have decided to worship a supreme deity; they are too "enlightened" for that. However, the whole tone of liberalism has become more religious in nature. The strictures of "political correctness" are now followed with the same kind of fervor found in faith communities.

Liberalism today has a definite neo-Puritan air that makes the Massachusetts Puritans of the 1700s seem mild by comparison. The deification of Martin Luther King is a pitiful attempt by liberals to worship a secular god. All this is not too surprising, as the religious impulse in man is a strong one. Even though most liberals are agnostics or atheists, the deeply felt need for morality and ritual are deep in man's genes and not likely to fade anytime soon.

At this point in time liberalism has very little objective meaning. It is easier to define liberalism by what it is not. It is a political and philosophical movement to cut man's ties to blood, religion, ethnicity and culture. It is, in short, the ideology of opposition to religion and nationalism. The wholly inadequate political concept called conservatism was supposed to defeat liberalism, but after 50 years of futile conservative hopes being smashed, only a muscular nationalism can stand up to the liberal monolith.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002


[It's a damned hard call, but I believe this article on the 1992 L. A. riots is possibly the best thing Sam Francis has written to date. - HAC]


by Samuel Francis

With the Los Angeles skyline in flames from the torches of arsonists and looters, with dozens dead and hundreds injured by killer vandals, with the nation's second-largest city under a curfew and planes diverted from its airport because of the billowing smoke from the fires down below, President Bush huddled with his chief law enforcement official, Attorney General William Barr.

Would the President send in the Marines to quell the riots that erupted after the Rodney King verdict? Would he enforce order in America the same way he leapt at the throats of Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein? In a word: No. The purpose of the conclave of courtiers was to ponder how to punish the men who had enforced L.A. law and who had just been acquitted in accordance with it.

All morning long the day after a jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of the four police officers accused of assaulting the drunken criminal Rodney King, the sounds that bleated from the official leadership in Los Angeles and Washington were the whimpers and simpers of the insipid weakness that chronically infects our governing elite. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley at once denounced the verdict and the jury that delivered it, and eventually, from the wonderland of Washington itself, hobbled the languid response of the nation's "leaders."

Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights John Dunne, who has spent the last four years prosecuting the Virginia Military Institute for not admitting women who don't want to go there and designing weird voting districts to ensure that our managed democracy elects the right races, spluttered that the Justice Department "will now undertake a review of this incident to determine what, if any, action may be taken under Federal civil rights laws" against the four acquitted cops. Mr. Barr promised that, "It's important for people to understand that the verdicts yesterday are not the end of the process." And from the White House, Mr. Bush, pronouncing his own "anguish" about the verdict, affirmed that his administration would indeed keep bird-dogging the four innocent men.

Throughout the weekend, it occurred to almost no one that the whole purpose of jury trials is to consider the totality of evidence not available on 80-second news bites or that just maybe the jurors had heard something that logically led them to their verdict.

Yet aside from the facts of the case, the flabby fastidiousness of our leaders at every level about the rights of Rodney King illustrates exactly why the jurors were correct in acquitting the four horsemen of the local police force. In a country where no one in government cares about their basic duty of enforcing civil order, where the leaders' only concern is massaging the resentments of minorities, in a country where 7-year-old boys rape 6-year-old girls, where mayors videotaped using illegal drugs are welcomed back from prison by cheering crowds, where cities year after year compete for the title of "Murder Capital USA", somebody somewhere has to enforce order. If government can't enforce civil order, somebody has to take nightstick in hand.

There's no reason the events in Los Angeles should have surprised anyone. For days beforehand, the police and citizens had prepared for the worst. The police stored up a million dollars overtime pay for the unfortunate cops who would have to try to control the violence. Black storekeepers put up signs in their windows assuring rioters that their businesses were black-owned, in the vain and desperate delusion that this would spare their life's work from destruction.

Everyone knows that such precautions are necessary because an entire segment of the population is unable to abide by the rules and decisions of law and is eager to visit the most savage vengeance on anyone and anything that thwarts its bestial impulses and passions. Yet our leaders want to pretend that it's the four cops who have committed a crime and refuse to recognize or take action against the real criminals who turn the country's cities into concrete chaos.

Statesman and political thinker Edmund Burke understood it. "Society cannot exist," he wrote, "unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more of it there must be without." In America today, with every blood-soaked hour, there is less and less power within, and sooner or later there will evolve a power without that can and will do what is necessary.

This is not a development to advocate. It happens whether you want it or not. It happens naturally, and the power may take the ugly shapes of lynch mobs or vigilantes or a gang of cops beating a prisoner senseless. Nor is it something to celebrate. America was not made for the iron boot and the policeman's stick.

But neither was it made for the kind of anarchy into which Los Angeles was delivered last week and with which on a lesser scale it and other cities now habitually live---nor for the carefully scripted cant with which our leaders evade the catastrophes they encourage.

If the governing elite lacks the will to do its duty, at least twelve anonymous men and women good and true still have it, and what they willed in Los Angeles last week was to do the right thing.

(Reprinted as a public service from the Washington Times, May 5th, 1992)

Monday, August 05, 2002

by "Redbeard"

If we as a race are ever again to live in freedom - if we as a race are ever again to live as proud Aryans true to our culture and warrior heritage - then we must remember with hatred the deeds of our Zionist enemies, the savage, brutal, dishonorable deeds of the past sixty years which destroyed the greatest flowering of Aryan culture the world has ever known and which left millions of our race dead in a war for Zionist control.

If we as a race are to have any future chance of glory and greatness then we must remember with hatred the slavery our people now endures at the hands of our Zionist enemies. We must remember with a raw and passionate hatred how these enemies of ours have tamed and domesticated our people and how they have controlled them and do control them through the tyranny of Jewish ideas.

We must remember these things with a raw and passionate hatred because our people must be avenged. Such passionate and hate-filled revenge is the only thing that can inspire us with a holy mission to free our people and win back the freedom we have lost.

So it is that we must keep alive the stories of Zionist torture and Zionist atrocities against our people - and in particular against the German people and the loyal followers of the greatest son our Aryan race has ever produced - Adolf Hitler. Millions upon millions of fine Aryans butchered; hundreds of thousands of fine Aryan women raped; tens of thousands of valiant combat veterans tortured by cowardly Zionists; thousands and thousands unjustly imprisoned and hundreds upon hundreds executed for imaginary "war-crimes".

So it is that we must keep alive the truth about how the Zionists conditioned our people with the ignoble disgusting and brazen lie of the "holocaust", and how they have introduced tyrannical laws to imprison our people for "hate crimes" and for living and acting like a true, noble, fierce, proud Aryans should. So it is that we must keep alive the truth about how these ignoble Zionist lauded it over our Governments and encouraged the migration into our countries of millions upon millions of non-Aryans to destroy our nations, our culture and take away what little freedom we possessed.

If we are ever to regain the freedom we have lost - if we are ever to regain the warrior spirit we have lost, the manhood we have lost - then we must put aside our silly, and pathetic squabbles among ourselves, and forget our own petty egos. Instead, we must become possessed by this raw and passionate hatred for our REAL ENEMIES. This hatred of our enemies and this desire for revenge must come before anything else - until we have won back our freedom and can live againamong our own kind according to our Aryan customs.

Read this, understand this and act upon it: Anything less than this passionate desire for revenge is cowardly and un-manly and plays right into the hands of the Zionists.

Let these ignoble enemies of ours scheme, cheat, lie and act as they have always acted, in a cowardly way - getting others to do their dirty work or acting like the cowardly bullies they are. Let them moan and cry about how we are "hate-mongers" and "bigots" or whatever. For yes we are hate-mongers! And proud of it. We HATE them and all that they stand for! We shall never cease from hating them and must not cease from hating them until we have finally defeated them! We who are true warriors, true Aryans, true men are not afraid to hate, and we must never be afraid to hate!

THIS is the foremost message we must take out among our people - pure raw hatred of everything our enemies have done and everything they stand for. We must teach our children to hate our enemies as we must tell our friends about what the Zionists have done and are doing to our people until these friends hate them with a passion to match our own hatred. We must pass on to others of our race this desire of ours for revenge and this passionate desire of ours for the freedom we have lost.

It may take decades for our revenge to come about; it may even take a century or more. But it will and must come about if we are true to our manhood and our warrior Aryan nature.

We must forget about legality. We must forget about trying to play the Zionists at their own game of manipulation, cheating and compromise. We need and must have pure revenge, unsullied by anything else. We must have a pure lust for a war with them - a real bloody reckoning when we can getour hands upon them and give them what they deserve.

Our future freedom can only be obtained through a heart-felt passion - and we must stir our people up through a passionate hatred: a hatred at what has been done to us over the past sixty years. We must once again get "our blood up" and not cease from our mission of revenge until we have defeated our enemies. It is this blood-boiling passion which our enemies really fear!

For they now that they will only be defeated when our race has been stirred up into a frenzy of passion. This is why they have gone to so much trouble to try to outlaw "hatred" and tame and domesticate us! This is why they forever try to keep our people entertained, and well-fed and contented and why they try so hard to "re-educate" our people and make them into docile pacifists who "love everybody and especially the new foreign arrivals next door". Our enemies fear our warrior blood being roused once again! And this is what we must rouse with our cry for freedom and our cry for retribution for our people killed, maimed, tortured, imprisoned and brainwashed!

The blood of the past sixty years is upon the hands of the Zionists as it will be upon them until we have obtained our satisfaction.

Saturday, July 20, 2002


This is a test. This is only a test to see if Pyra has decided to re-enable Thoughtcrime. Booga booga booga.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

R.I.P. WHITESPEAK: December 1999 - July 2002

It is ironic that I am compelled to publish this obituary for a Yahoo Group pulled offline by liberal and Zionist censorship on a second weblog, since the original Thoughtcrime web site seems to have been disabled from publishing. An interesting twist on censorship; the blog is still there, I just can't update it.

The Whitespeak E-Group appears to have been taken off line by Yahoo; it no longer appears in "My Groups." As moderator I was given no warning and no explanation by Yahoo. The group is simply gone.

Whitespeak was the longest-running Aryan racial e-group, having been established in December of 1999. It was originally intended to provide a sane and moderated substitute for the madness of Usenet, although for a long time it had not really been used for very much except the typical rite-wing habit of re-posting endless news clippings and articles moaning about how bad things are, "Oh, look what they're doing to us now, boo hoo hoo..."

What's ironic is that Whitespeak wasn't really all that racist, due to the large numbers of establishment media articles that were re-posted. The "n" word was used much less frequently than you might imagine. It was certainly no more racist than it had been for the past two years or so. I suspect this act of censorship has a great deal to do with the extensive criticism of Israel whichwas being posted on the group in recent months. It is possible that Northwest Net will follow Whitespeak down the Memory Hole at any moment. In that event, we will have to use alternate means of Internet communication.You might want to check the website on a regular basis, at least until that gets pulled down as well for its politically incorrect content.

This is a clear warning. I have been predicting a major attempt to drive us off the Internet for some time and the loss of Whitespeak may well be the beginning. It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for me to have your MAILING ADDRESS for my Covington reprints and postal bulletins, because in a very short time we may not be able to communicate except in the "old fashioned way", by paper and envelope and stamp.

Send that mailing address to



This is a test to see if the blog is working again.
by Dr. Brent Nelson

The America that European Americans founded and sustained for over two hundred years will---given no change in current trends---be swept into oblivion in another generation. Given the same trends for two generations, America will find itself closer to Third World status than to the European way of life. Already, in the last decade of the twentieth century, this oncoming doom of European America has become glaringly apparent in many different areas of the country.

Despite a growing awareness of a coming national demise, the masses of European Americans seem to be unconcerned. We are often told that "things must get much worse before people wake up." Yet all the evidence is that people are awake, but preoccupied with other interests. Their unconcern about the decline of European America is so deep-seated, so pervasive, that it obviously arises from something more than a lack of knowledge.

Why the apathy?

To attempt to answer this question, which must be done before we can hope to formulate a strategy to dispel the apathy, we must take an unflinching look at certain fundamental changes which have taken place in the lives of the average European American during the past hundred years. Looking at this reality will not be a pleasant experience, but looking away from it and denying it can only lead to a final defeat.

The American Dream once included not simply a vision of a life of reasonable comfort, but also a life of maximum freedom. European Americans sought economic independence for themselves even before they won political independence for their nation. Against royal decrees, they moved into the lands west of the coastal colonies, seeking to carve out from the wilderness a life for themselves. At least half the colonists knew servitude as indentured servants and wanted no more of it. The land was before them, seemingly limitless. In the following decades, they were joined by millions of immigrants from Europe, who were also fleeing serfdom in the Old World. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the overwhelming majority of Americans were self-employed as farmers, craftsmen and tradesmen. No matter how poor their standards of consumption might have been or how backbreaking their work might have been, it was theirs, theirs alone, not dependent on the dictates of a "master" (as in eighteenth century England) or a "boss" (as in early industrial America) or a "supervisor" (as in today's post-industrial America.)

Today, of course, 90 percent of European Americans (leaving out their dependents and those who are retired) know no such freedom because they are simply someone else's employee. The loss of freedom has been gradual and insidious, but it has been all the more real and is now almost beyond the memories of all living today. The new serfdom is an internalized sense of servility which arises from the unending need of every employee to obey the will of a supervisor if he or she is to keep their job. The employee's habituation to acting only upon the instructions of a supervisor develops within him or her a passivity which is all the stronger for its being almost subconscious. The resulting apathy about public affairs among most of the working people of America suggests that Jefferson may have known something when he warned that "Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."

Employees are inhibited not only in the exercise of their rights as citizens, but also often find themselves hamstrung when they attempt to adhere to any principles at all. Engineers, for example, are as much professionals as are doctors and lawyers, but because they depend upon employment they find that their loyalty is claimed by the employer rather than by their profession. Teachers know that "academic freedom" begins only when they are safely retired. One poignant example of this sabotage of all personal principles is familiar to everyone: parents teach their children to tell the truth, always, then a day comes when the father, going to an interview in search of a better job, "calls in sick" to his place of employment. He is forced to lie like any truant schoolboy, or else lose his job.

Today most European Americans belong to a great middle mass---caught between a ruling elite and what is often called an "underclass". The most important fact for this middle American is that he or she is dependent on employment paying a wage or a salary. He or she holds a job which is dependent on factors beyond the employee's control. The factors can be as immediate as a supervisor's whim or as distant (and irresistable) as "market forces" that economists talk about the way people once talked about Providence or fate.

Alienated from their work, which is work in a place they do not own and under the direction of others, these middle Americans jealously guard their "free time" as if time spent in productive activity were time spent in slavery. The average man, who resents the time he spends working under the supervision of someone else, is almost ferociously determined to spend his "free time" in play, much the way a child, weary of adult tutelage, runs amuck on the playground as soon as the school lets out. Practically all time not spent on the job is expended in recreation, in personal concerns. It is as if being deprived of the most important kind of private property---the property which enables a man to earn his own livelihood with his own possessions in self-respect and dignity---makes the proletarianized American all the more determined to privatize the small sphere of his life that does belong to him.

Most civic activity arises from the ranks of the upper middle class and upper class European American. The upper middle class, which comprises the self-employed (mostly independent professionals and small business owners) generates many political and civic leaders, and cannot be said to be apathetic in the commonly accepted sense of the term. Although less than 10 per cent of the population, this group produces the overwhelming majority of civic leaders on a local and state level.

While not apathetic, the European American upper middle class has rather narrow interests. For these successful people, political interests are largely limited to concerns about taxes and government regulation of their businesses. The doom of European America means little to them. Usually living far from the areas which feel the impact of the Third World underclass, the upper middle class entrepeneur is only anxious to ignore any issue having racial overtones.

Increasingly, the upper middle class American is not of European origin. This is even more true of the small but very powerful upper class or ruling elite, the one percent of the population which owns most of the means of production and distribution. Moreover, the ruling elite, whether or not it is of European origin, greatly fears civil disorder. Threats of disorder from the Third World underclass generally result in compromise, if not total capitulation. Any evidence of militancy on the part of European Americans generates an extreme overreaction from the ruling elite. The elite will mobilize literally thousands of police and military to subdue a mere half-dozen supposed "White supremacists" in Idaho or Montana or Arizona.

It is likely that most members of the ruling elite recognize the real meaning behind Multicultural America as well as its formal meaning. The real meaning of Multicultural America is that (1) it is a makeshift to sustain liberal democracy by maintaining inter-ethnic peace, and (2) a means of enhancing profit margins by flooding the labor market with cheap immigrant and female labor. The resulting brake on wages and salaries is probably essential to the survival of not simply single industries, but of the profit system as a whole.

It is also likely that the ruling elite recognizes that the apathy of the European American middle mass is simply a mask for a much deeper layer of alienation or estrangement from the system. Beneath this alienation lurks, or so the elite fears, a seething mix of fear and anger. Conflict management and control---both among the visibly distinct racial groups and within the mass mind of the European American working class---is essential to the continued existence of the system. Could racial conflict be the primer to set off a critical mass of working class alienation? The elite does not wish to learn the answer to this question.

European American change agents can come from all strata of the population. Exceptional individuals at the outset, it is their task to increase their ranks until they grow into a movement while simultaneously stripping away the layering of mass apathy through the building of a sense of community among European Americans. No opinion will be offered here as to the chances for their success, for the American situation is one which is historically unique. Whatever may come of it, there has never been any nation comparable with the synthetic composite nation that is America.

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey, IMPERIUM

Saturday, July 13, 2002

by Dr. Brent Nelson

The America that European Americans founded and sustained for over two hundred years will---given no change in current trends---be swept into oblivion in another generation. Given the same trends for two generations, America will find itself closer to Third World status than to the European way of life. Already, in the last decade of the twentieth century, this oncoming doom of European America has become glaringly apparent in many different areas of the country.

Despite a growing awareness of a coming national demise, the masses of European Americans seem to be unconcerned. We are often told that "things must get much worse before people wake up." Yet all the evidence is that people are awake, but preoccupied with other interests. Their unconcern about the decline of European America is so deep-seated, so pervasive, that it obviously arises from something more than a lack of knowledge.

Why the apathy?

To attempt to answer this question, which must be done before we can hope to formulate a strategy to dispel the apathy, we must take an unflinching look at certain fundamental changes which have taken place in the lives of the average European American during the past hundred years. Looking at this reality will not be a pleasant experience, but looking away from it and denying it can only lead to a final defeat.

The American Dream once included not simply a vision of a life of reasonable comfort, but also a life of maximum freedom. European Americans sought economic independence for themselves even before they won political independence for their nation. Against royal decrees, they moved into the lands west of the coastal colonies, seeking to carve out from the wilderness a life for themselves. At least half the colonists knew servitude as indentured servants and wanted no more of it. The land was before them, seemingly limitless. In the following decades, they were joined by millions of immigrants from Europe, who were also fleeing serfdom in the Old World. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the overwhelming majority of Americans were self-employed as farmers, craftsmen and tradesmen. No matter how poor their standards of consumption might have been or how backbreaking their work might have been, it was theirs, theirs alone, not dependent on the dictates of a "master" (as in eighteenth century England) or a "boss" (as in early industrial America) or a "supervisor" (as in today's post-industrial America.)

Today, of course, 90 percent of European Americans (leaving out their dependents and those who are retired) know no such freedom because they are simply someone else's employee. The loss of freedom has been gradual and insidious, but it has been all the more real and is now almost beyond the memories of all living today. The new serfdom is an internalized sense of servility which arises from the unending need of every employee to obey the will of a supervisor if he or she is to keep their job. The employee's habituation to acting only upon the instructions of a supervisor develops within him or her a passivity which is all the stronger for its being almost subconscious. The resulting apathy about public affairs among most of the working people of America suggests that Jefferson may have known something when he warned that "Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."

Employees are inhibited not only in the exercise of their rights as citizens, but also often find themselves hamstrung when they attempt to adhere to any principles at all. Engineers, for example, are as much professionals as are doctors and lawyers, but because they depend upon employment they find that their loyalty is claimed by the employer rather than by their profession. Teachers know that "academic freedom" begins only when they are safely retired. One poignant example of this sabotage of all personal principles is familiar to everyone: parents teach their children to tell the truth, always, then a day comes when the father, going to an interview in search of a better job, "calls in sick" to his place of employment. He is forced to lie like any truant schoolboy, or else lose his job.

Today most European Americans belong to a great middle mass---caught between a ruling elite and what is often called an "underclass". The most important fact for this middle American is that he or she is dependent on employment paying a wage or a salary. He or she holds a job which is dependent on factors beyond the employee's control. The factors can be as immediate as a supervisor's whim or as distant (and irresistable) as "market forces" that economists talk about the way people once talked about Providence or fate.

Alienated from their work, which is work in a place they do not own and under the direction of others, these middle Americans jealously guard their "free time" as if time spent in productive activity were time spent in slavery. The average man, who resents the time he spends working under the supervision of someone else, is almost ferociously determined to spend his "free time" in play, much the way a child, weary of adult tutelage, runs amuck on the playground as soon as the school lets out. Practically all time not spent on the job is expended in recreation, in personal concerns. It is as if being deprived of the most important kind of private property---the property which enables a man to earn his own livelihood with his own possessions in self-respect and dignity---makes the proletarianized American all the more determined to privatize the small sphere of his life that does belong to him.

Most civic activity arises from the ranks of the upper middle class and upper class European American. The upper middle class, which comprises the self-employed (mostly independent professionals and small business owners) generates many political and civic leaders, and cannot be said to be apathetic in the commonly accepted sense of the term. Although less than 10 per cent of the population, this group produces the overwhelming majority of civic leaders on a local and state level.

While not apathetic, the European American upper middle class has rather narrow interests. For these successful people, political interests are largely limited to concerns about taxes and government regulation of their businesses. The doom of European America means little to them. Usually living far from the areas which feel the impact of the Third World underclass, the upper middle class entrepeneur is only anxious to ignore any issue having racial overtones.

Increasingly, the upper middle class American is not of European origin. This is even more true of the small but very powerful upper class or ruling elite, the one percent of the population which owns most of the means of production and distribution. Moreover, the ruling elite, whether or not it is of European origin, greatly fears civil disorder. Threats of disorder from the Third World underclass generally result in compromise, if not total capitulation. Any evidence of militancy on the part of European Americans generates an extreme overreaction from the ruling elite. The elite will mobilize literally thousands of police and military to subdue a mere half-dozen supposed "White supremacists" in Idaho or Montana or Arizona.

It is likely that most members of the ruling elite recognize the real meaning behind Multicultural America as well as its formal meaning. The real meaning of Multicultural America is that (1) it is a makeshift to sustain liberal democracy by maintaining inter-ethnic peace, and (2) a means of enhancing profit margins by flooding the labor market with cheap immigrant and female labor. The resulting brake on wages and salaries is probably essential to the survival of not simply single industries, but of the profit system as a whole.

It is also likely that the ruling elite recognizes that the apathy of the European American middle mass is simply a mask for a much deeper layer of alienation or estrangement from the system. Beneath this alienation lurks, or so the elite fears, a seething mix of fear and anger. Conflict management and control---both among the visibly distinct racial groups and within the mass mind of the European American working class---is essential to the continued existence of the system. Could racial conflict be the primer to set off a critical mass of working class alienation? The elite does not wish to learn the answer to this question.

European American change agents can come from all strata of the population. Exceptional individuals at the outset, it is their task to increase their ranks until they grow into a movement while simultaneously stripping away the layering of mass apathy through the building of a sense of community among European Americans. No opinion will be offered here as to the chances for their success, for the American situation is one which is historically unique. Whatever may come of it, there has never been any nation comparable with the synthetic composite nation that is America.

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey, IMPERIUM

Monday, July 08, 2002


How Canada has lost it freedoms and how Americans might lose theirs.

by Brian Winn. (Citizens Informer, March-April 2002)

An orgy of political correctness has seized our northern neighbour. Immigration reformers and even advocates of freedom of speech are being fired by fanatical boards of education. In one of the most notorious cases, a Canadian teacher has been fired, after 24-year career, for organizing a free speech conference and attending the funeral of a U.S. patriot.

In 1997, Paul Fromm, a Toronto area English instructor, was fired for organizing a free speech conference.

A labour arbitration board upheld the firing in a 2-1 decision, released March 8.

Fromm, who is a member of the national advisors of the Council of Conservative citizens and has spoken at several CofCC meetings, including one last June in Asheville, North Carolina, was fired for organizing the March, 1996 Second Canadian Free speech Conference in Vancouver.

The Arbitration Board concluded that the Peel Board was justified in firing Fromm because "he publicly spoke in favour of known racists' right to make racist comments." They judged: "These acts were a breach of the school board's multiculturalism policy."

Among the speakers at the Free Speech Conference was lawyer Douglas Christie, who had defended a number of Canada's thought crimes victims, including revisionist publisher, Ernst Zundel.

Another speaker was columnist Doug Collins, who was dragged before a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal for a column that called Steven Spielberg's movie Schindler's List "swindlers list". He decried excessive Jewish influence in Hollywood. At his hearing, truth was ruled to be no defence. Collins was a British World War II hero with 11 escapes from POW camps to his credit. Collins was one of Canada's leading immigration reformers, having written the wake-up call, his book Immigration: The Destruction of English Canada.

In Fromm's case, the second reason for his firing was his attendance at a November, 1994 Memorial Symposium held in Urbana, Illinois, for the late Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, distinguished classicist and patriotic author.

Attending this memorial, said the Arbitration Board, showed that Fromm "continued to publicly consort with known racists".

A videotape of the memorial had been obtained by David Lethbridge, a teacher at Okanagan College, and a candidate for the Canadian Communist Party. He passed the video tape on to the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith, which pressured the Peel Board to fire Fromm.

The Arbitration Board also blamed Fromm for associating with Atlanta lawyer, Sam Dickson, a respected patriot who organized the Revilo Oliver memorial. Dickson, a member of the C of CC Board of Directors, is accused of being "a well-known virulent racist" by Alan Dutton, a professional government grant chaser, and anti-racist, whom the Peel Board hired to spy on Fromm's political meetings and activities.

Since 1982, Canada has had a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that supposedly guarantees freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and freedom of belief. But while these guarantees may sound very much like those of the U.S. First Amendment, they are subject to a weasel clause. Instead of affirming absolute protections, they are subject to "such reasonable limits as are generally accepted in a free and democratic society." Judges have used this escape clause to so restrict these rights that, in some cases, even truth is no defence.

Populist activists in our northern neighbour face a number of legal perils. Importing books or tapes from abroad brings one to the attention of Canada's customs censors. The censors regularly seize material that they suspect of promoting "hate" against a list of privileged groups - race, religion, ethnic origin. Even a book by a President of the Untied States - a collection of comments by President Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt on Race, Riots, Reds and Crime has been banned. Section 319 of the Criminal code of Canada makes the wilful promotion of "hate" against privileged minorities a crime.

Truth is a defence. However, an evangelical Christian minister was convicted several years ago for putting out pamphlets denouncing Islam as a religion of violence. The defence of sincerely held religious belief was not accepted. Even more worrisome to activists are federal and provincial human rights codes that impose civil penalties for writings that are "likely to expose to hatred or contempt" an even longer list of privileged groups, including homosexuals and lesbians.

Before such human rights tribunals, truth is no defence. Only the feelings of the aggrieved minority count: As part of Bill C-36, legislation touted as part of the war on terrorism, the Canadian government gave the censorship lobby the gag order they had long sought over the Internet. The law turned over control of the Internet to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Websites that are likely to expose privileged groups to "hatred" or "contempt" can face cease and desist orders and fines of up to $40,000. Truth is no defence.

Fromm, one of Canada's leading immigration reformers and free speech advocates, had been the target of the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith since 1991. The Jewish lobby grups objected to Fromm's opposition to Canada's open door immigration policy which has flooded the country with Third World immigrants and reduced Whites to minority in Toronto, where they had been a 99% majority 40 years ago.

The Jewish lobby groups also bristled at Fromm's defence of freedom of speech and his fundraising for some of their other victims; such as, New Brunswick teacher, Malcolm Ross, fired for writing books and booklets about his Christian beliefs.

Spokesmen for the Jewish organizations were ecstatic at the Fromm decision. "This has raised the bar for teachers," cheered Bernie Farber, of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

"This is a tragedy for the teaching profession," said Fromm. "In Canada, it's best to check your brains at the door. Teachers will know that, if they have any politically incorrect thoughts, they just better shut up. This decision makes a farce of the freedom of speech and freedom of association protections of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms".

Tuesday, July 02, 2002


No Justice for the Politically-Incorrect

by Edgar J. Steele

July 2, 2002

Below is the text of a press release I sent out following a court hearing this morning which ends the long ordeal of the Christines in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Brian and Ruth have agreed to "plead out" to a single charge each of criminal mistreatment. This doesn't mean they "did it." On the contrary. They have agreed to this for three reasons:

1. To prevent any of their children being brought back to take the stand and testify against them as the Douglas County prosecutor had little Lydia do in the kidnapping trial we went through in May. When she gets older, the psychological trauma of realizing that it was her testimony that sent her parents to prison will be substantial. Even in the face of a system that has repeatedly brutalized them, the Christines have once again demonstrated what we have known all along: they are good parents.

2. Because, by preagreement, all the time the judge assessed will be "served" concurrent with the time they received in Douglas County. This means that the time sentenced is irrelevant. That they each have another felony on their record is also of little consequence, in face of what has already been done to them.

3. After their experience with the Douglas County jury, the Christines rightfully did not trust either judge or jury to treat them properly this time, either. Can't say I blame them.

Yet another example of what has become a mantra for me: the politically-incorrect cannot get justice in America today.

Are you home schooling? Are you Christian? Are you vegetarian? Are you politically conservative (no, not the neocon kind)? Do you ever spank your children? Are you barely scraping by, financially? If you have young, white children and can answer yes to one or more of the above, you are seriously at risk from the child protective services agency in your state. Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.

I got a call last Saturday afternoon as I working in my study at home from the neighbor of a friend who lives just over the border in Washington State.

Seems "someone" had phoned in an "anonymous" tip to the authorities about his children (he has four, aged 2 through 7). Fortunately, nobody was home when CPS came calling in the company of a sheriff's deputy. They left cards.

This fellow had heard of what could happen and was terrified. Seems he had a bit of a dispute going with a neighbor. Do the math.

Since no court had yet acquired jurisdiction over any member of his family (that typically comes once they trump up something with which to charge the parents), I was able to tell him the following: Put your children and as many of your important possessions as you can into your station wagon and leave the state before nightfall. Never come back. Have a friend pack and send the rest or have a yard sale. Hire a real estate agent to sell your house for you. Call in Monday morning and quit your job. Start a new life elsewhere.

Extreme? Not at all. Houses, friends and jobs are easy to find. Children are irreplaceable. Once you are in the "system," you stand a very real chance of ending up like Brian and Ruth Christine. Staying out of the system is, by far, the best solution.

Once CPS comes calling, the only way to ensure you stay out of the system is to get out...right then. Usually, CPS will come by at least once before seeking any court orders. That will be your one chance to stay out of the system, by doing just what I told the hapless fellow above to do.

Once you are in the system (which can happen on the first visit, if you let them in the door), the only way out is to play by the rules. That was where Brian and Ruth went wrong.

If you are home when they come, nevernevernevernevernever let them in the door without a warrant signed by a magistrate. Make them show it to you. Never talk to them. These cases are usually constructed out of the parents' own statements. Make them stand on the porch. Show them the kid through the window to demonstrate he or she is ok. Tell them to get a warrant before they come back again. Same drill, even if a cop is standing next to them. Do not believe anything they tell you - they must have a warrant to enter your home. When they leave, take no more than two hours to pack and get out. You must leave the state altogether and forever.

Once you are served with a warrant or you or any child is taken into custody, you are in the system (because you ignored the basic rule of getting out) and your only real hope is to get a lawyer well acquainted with CPS and the child-custody courts.

Remember these basic rules and you will be able to keep your children in an increasingly hostile and tyrannical America.

Please note that the Christine kidnapping trial will be televised by CourtTV, starting July 15 ( see press release, below, for details). They tend to broadcast these as though taking place right then, but without all the boring stuff. I (and others, I expect) will be providing some live commentary as the production goes along.

Please go to and order one or more Christine trial T-shirts. We have 90 of them left, in sizes from small to extra large. We have reduced the price to $18 each, including shipping, in hopes that will clear them out. All proceeds go to defraying the cost of the pending appeal in Brian and Ruth's case.



Press Release - Immediate - 9:00 a.m., July 2, 2002

Contact: Edgar J. Steele, Attorney at Law

tel: (208) 265-4153 fax: (208) 265-5329
102 S. Fourth Ave., Suite C

Sandpoint, Idaho 83860

email: (best contact method)

GRANTS PASS, OREGON - By telephone hearing this morning before George Neufeld, Judge of the Josephine County Circuit Court, Brian and Ruth Christine entered into a plea agreement on the original charges which led to their three oldest daughters being taken into custody by the State of Oregon. The Christines were speaking from the Oregon Correctional Facility in Wilsonville, Oregon.

Brian and Ruth Christine each pled to one count of Criminal Mistreatment I. Brian pled to an additional charge of Attempt to Elude, arising from an unrelated traffic stop by local authorities.

Each of the Christines received a 13-month sentence from Judge Neufeld, to run concurrent with the sentences received at a trial in Douglas County for their having taken their children at gunpoint from state officials in 2001 and left the state. A $605 fine was also imposed upon each of them. Brian Christine received an additional 30 days, also to run concurrent, on the charge of Eluding, with a fine of $105.

During the hearing, Edgar J. Steele, attorney for the Christines, stressed that the Christines were agreeing to the plea arrangement for two reasons only: First, and foremost, to spare any of their children having to endure any further hearings or trials; and, second, because it had been agreed that all time imposed would run concurrent with their present sentence.

Steele noted that the Christines were very disturbed by the State's having brought their oldest daughter, Lydia, age 6, to testify against them in the Douglas County trial. "Later on, Lydia will be scarred psychologically when she realizes that her testimony was instrumental in convicting her own parents. At all costs, we wish to prevent any recurrence of that spectacle or further damage to any of the Christine girls," said Steele.

After the hearing, Steele said, "Here they are, in prison, their kids taken away from them, and still their only concern is for their children's well being. You have to ask yourself what went on in this case, where the parents were acused of abusing their children because they were all skinny, unlike the normal American fat kid, yet the state passes them from one foster home to the next, then forces them to testify against their own parents, despite being much too young to appreciate what they are doing, in a gross disregard for the best interests of these kids."

The Christine girls were taken originally following an anonymous phone call to Grants Pass authorities stating that one of the children look emaciated. In fact, that child was just recovering from an extended bout with the flu. All the Christines were vegetarians, thus on the slim side, to begin with. The three girls were eventually adopted out to Ruth Christine's parents.

The Christines at first resisted the State's machinations when their children were taken, then relented and began to cooperate after six months saw no progress in regaining custody. Told by the State that it was no use and that it would seek to adopt them out anyway, the Christines were adjudged following a two-week trial in May of having taken their children from Oregon SCF officials at gunpoint.

"That's why Brian and Ruth will spend the next 12-1/2 and 7-1/2 years, respectively, of their lives in prison - for rescuing their own children from a rogue Oregon state agency," Steele commented directly following this morning's sentencing hearing.

Steele previously had been instrumental in keeping the couple's newest baby, Abbey Rose Christine, from being adopted out by Oregon along with their three oldest daughters, by appearing in a Montana court and persuading the judge to give the baby over to Brian's mother in a guardianship. Teri Christine lives in Indiana and has also been named guardian by an Indiana court of the couple's fifth daughter, Olivia.

"Oregon's SCF (the child services agency) was apoplectic after that decision in Montana," said Steele, "and vowed a scorched earth campaign against Brian and Ruth regarding their three oldest daughters, who had been returned to SCF when they were arrested in Montana while fleeing." That, together with the promise of a reasonable plea deal and the assurance that the three girls would be given to Ruth's parents for adoption, was what led the Christines to sign over their parental rights. "That so-called reasonable plea deal never did materialize, which is what led to the trial," said Steele.

Immediately upon Steele's reentry into the case, Oregon cut off all funding for public defenders, investigators and expert witnesses, without giving a reason. Steele is serving pro bono, meaning without pay.

Following their convictions of Robbery, Custodial Interference and Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, Steele filed an appeal on the Robbery conviction. "That was the main conviction, on a so-called Measure-11 charge, which dictates a minimum prison sentence of 7-1/2 years. The Unauthorized Use was plenty and all that really applied," said Steele. "Brian used the state vehicle to drive his children the 2.1 miles to where his own car was parked, then left it with the keys in the ignition and the contents undisturbed. For that, both the Christines get 7-1/2 years for Robbery. That is outrageous and why this case is the poster child for why Measure 11 should be rescinded."

The two-week Christine kidnapping/robbery trial which took place in May of this year was videotaped at the request of all major networks. Court TV, seen on most cable and satellite services, has announced that the trial will be broadcast in its entirety on July 15 through 18, 9am to 5:30 pm.

Donations may be directed care of the Christines' attorney, Edgar Steele, to defray actual costs of the pending appeal.

"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
- Morpheus

Copyright © Edgar J. Steele, 2002

Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.

Write to me at

Make a difference! The Patriot Civil Liberties Union (PCLU) needs your support to continue its work fighting for the right of Americans to be free of government tyranny at all levels and for restoration of the US Constitution as America's guiding charter. Please mail donations to PCLU, PO Box 1255, Sagle, Idaho 83860. Credit cards: for; or click the button to the right...


Monday, July 01, 2002


Do you people see what is happening? OUR land is overrun with parasitic invaders, and we do nothing. The highest court in the land says that "One nation, under God" is unconstitutional, and we complain about it at our lunch breaks. Your tax dollars pay for Haitian, Mexican, Serbain, Indian, Israeli, Asian, and Arab people to come here and exploit this country, and we get online and cry.

In the early 1900's, this country was a blossoming world. We said "give us your tired, your poor, ect". Millions of immigrants came to this country and, with little or no government aid, made lives for themselves. They loved America, they cried at the sight of lady liberty. I know, my grandfather was one of them, from Ireland. My great-grandmother from Germany. That was then.

This is now, and we have our own damn tired and poor and hungry. The invitation has expired. Today's immigrants do not love America, they wish to exploit it. And we sit idlely by and watch. We watch the Mexicans jump the border. We watch the Haitians wait for the postman to bring them their free money, OUR TAX MONEY. We watch hard working Americans struggle, and we watch the government care more about the starving little kids in Africa and the idiots that kill each other in Bosnia.

It is time, fellow Americans, to do something. We all have a voice, and in numbers we have a strong, loud voice. If we make enough noise, someone has to respond. There are those who feel that white pride is racist, but ignore them. We allow blacks, Mexicans, and who ever the hell else to have there pride. We televise the black and Latino awards. We have black month and minority organizations. They can do what they do without being labled a racist. We should as well.

If hatemongers like Louis Farachan (or however he spells it) can organize a million man march, we should at least be able to organize a proud, white, unified voice.

This is not a call to violence or a racist plea, it is a call to action, it is an issue of PRIDE.

Please, email me @ Homme_de_fer_1916@y... We need to organize our voice.

It is time to make some noise!!!

[No, actually it is time we created our own country. The present power structure simply ignores "noise". But at least this comrade does have one basic idea right...that the problem must be SOLVED, not just STATED. - HAC]

Thursday, June 27, 2002


Once more, an excellent article which for the ten millionth time re-states THE PROBLEM and says nothing whatsoever about THE SOLUTION.

Slipping the Hook
by The Last Stand

"...If you talk to most Americans today, they think that they are still free. They feel that they have freedom of action and freedom of speech. However, it is merely the freedom to swim from side to side, and towards their own destruction, but not the ability to swim away to freedom and survival..."

June 23, 2002

THE FISH SEES THE BAIT FLOATING ON THE WATER TEMPTINGLY. Its stomach tells it to go get the food right now. So, it swims up to the tantalizing tidbit and bites down. It is eager to swallow the tasty delight, and to have its hunger satiated, when all at once it feels a stabbing pain in its mouth. It tries to dart away and get rid of the pain, but it finds that it can no longer go where it wants. It now is under the control of the fisherman. It can swim this way and that, but ultimately, it will be dragged backwards to the boat where it will become dinner.

In our society today, we have had a hook set into our collective mouth. It allows us to swim this way and that, but just like with the fish, we find powerful forces opposing us whenever we try and swim to freedom.

We have been trapped into a zone of capture, by those who have control of our media.

If you talk to most Americans today, they think that they are still free. They feel that they have freedom of action and freedom of speech. However, it is merely the freedom to swim from side to side, and towards their own destruction, but not the ability to swim away to freedom and survival. As long as they accept the PC doctrine as valid and live lives that are compatible with the media's agenda, they are free to do whatever they want. Just like Henry Ford said about his customers, they are free to choose whatever color Ford car they want, as long as they want the color black. As long as you want diversity, and you want multiculturalism, you can have whatever you want. As long as you want to end the existence of all White nations on earth, through unlimited non-White immigration, and you are willing for your children to marry out of your own race, you can have your heart's desire. You can swim this way and that, appearing to be totally free, while you are ruthlessly being drawn into the boat for your own destruction.

For anyone who cares to test out his own hook, and to see how deeply it is set, try thinking about how you, and those about you, would react if you, or anyone you know, openly expressed any one of the following items, from this severely abbreviated list of true but Politically Incorrect ideas:

1. The White race created the United States of America, and brought it to its current level of development.

2. Diversity of race played no significant part in making America great.

3. What racial diversity there has been in the USA, has led to a great many problems. The Civil War, the Civil Rights movement, and the racial riots, as well as all of the hate that is running rampant in non-White America today, are all things that could not have existed without racial diversity.

4. There has NEVER been a truly racially diverse nation that rose to greatness. Any that was already great, and then became racially diverse, fell to never rise again. (E.g. Egypt, Rome, Greece, etc.)

5. American heritage is White heritage.

6. American law is based upon White concepts from White European thought.

7. The American all-White neighborhoods of the past were demonstrably safer, and freer of crime of all sorts than integrated neighborhoods of today, and their associated all-White schools were clearly superior to any integrated school of today.

8. September 11, was predictable. The Arabs only started hating the USA after the USA placed the interests of Israel ahead of its own. All of the problems that we have had in the Middle East have stemmed from our support of Israel, which is a nation that stands against everything that America claims to be in support of. Israel, which has no legal claim to any part of Palestine, is the only nation in the Middle East with a stockpile of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons (thanks to the USA). Israel is the only Middle Eastern nation that has terrorism, torture, slavery, and ethnic cleansing all supported as official policies of its government.

9. Even if all races were exactly the same, if there were no racial differences whatsoever, the fact that Whites created the United States of America, means that we are completely within our honorable rights to restrict entrance into our country. We may honorably allow only White immigrants, or no immigrants at all.

10. The number of Whites, as a percentage of world population, is now down into the single digits and falling fast, while nearly all of the White nations on earth are now accepting large numbers of Nonwhite immigrants. The only one of the three major races of earth, that is in real danger of falling into a minority status in its own racial home, is the White race. This could easily lead to extermination of the White race.

Recently, I was reading a description of my web page, where it was stated that my page was a "hate page" for no other reason than it was in support of racial separation. There was no claim that I was advocating harm to anyone, or that I even wished harm to come to anyone. And yet, the fisherman has the hook set deeply into so many mouths that just stating absurdities like that actually carries weight with many normal White folks. The fact is that racial problems cannot exist within a racially homogenous society. Why is it that anyone who promotes a society where racial problems cannot exist, is automatically considered a hater? For only one reason: we are being reeled in.

A simple rule of thumb hook identification test, is for you to think of how things were in the 1950s, with 90% of the US population being White, and nearly all of the predominately White neighborhoods being close to 100% White. Think of the White schools, with the excellent scholastic achievements, and the non-existence of a drug problem. Think of the nation where divorce was uncommon, and marriages that lasted for a lifetime were the norm. Now, for the test. Think of any step that you can take to return America to a similar state of existence as it was in the 1950s. There! Feel the hook? You bet you do.

You can't even express that as an idea without being attacked right and left. The Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Socialists and any other party you can think of that actually has candidates on the ballot, will all as an orchestrated unit, castigate you, and call you a hater. You are yanked back immediately. You have hit the end of the line. You can swim no farther in that direction, and you will be turned around by your masters.

Does that frighten you? Just think about it. All that you want to do, is to recreate your heritage from your history. You just want to shape America, using the form of its past as a mold. And for that, you are treated as if you were Benedict Arnold! But who is the real traitor here? Who is it that is intent on destroying the America that was handed down by our forefathers? It is not I, or those, who like myself, are crying out for a sanity check on what is going on in America today. It is those who are manning the fishing lines who are bringing America to destruction, as they falsely proclaim that you have freedom. They point out that you can easily swim from side to side, and even swim towards your own destruction. They then claim this "freedom of motion" proves that you are free. But they are vicious in their attack if you should attempt to slip the hook, and to swim to real freedom away from the diversity boat.

It is time that Americans discovered that they are hooked, and they had better do something about it soon!

Only you can prevent extinction!

Wednesday, June 26, 2002


Dear HC,

The world stock markets are plunging today. NASDAQ could drop to a two year low today. There has been a continuing trend of massive accounting fraud in major corporations. Investor confidence is falling apart. The scandal causing the stock plunge today is Worldcom's 3.8 billion dollar accounting deception.

Capitalism is inherently corrupt and dishonest. Wouldn't it be fitting if exposing corporate dishonesty caused the Second Great Depression?


Sunday, June 23, 2002


Hi Harold,

I think some commentary mentioning these types of news items, might be helpful in encouraging more white people to opt for relocation to the Northwest. If the southwest is going to be given to the mestizos, whites should be able to claim the Northwest.


"Several professors at the University of New Mexico and a prominent local Hispanic activist were contacted for comment on UNM Professor Charles Truxillo's (a guest on Hannity & Colmbs just yesterday) concept for a new Hispanic nation called the Republic of the North. The professors were asked in particular about Truxillo's contention that U.S. states retain the right to secede. Truxillo said the states had that right under the Articles of Confederation of 1777, in which each state retained its own "sovereignty, freedom and independence." He said the Articles of Confederation were not superseded in that regard by the U.S. Constitution of 1787 and added that, although the North's victory settled the question of secession militarily, it was never resolved by court ruling.

"The bottom line: What's possible is what people want to be possible. If five states wanted to secede and the rest of the country wanted to let them go, it could happen." ( Daniel Feller, professor of history)

But Charles could very well be right. It could happen. There are any number of political scenarios that could make it happen. But it would take Mexican-Americans getting organized enough to do it. "I've studied lots of civilizations. The United States is just like any other empire. It's not going to live forever. Eventually it will break down because of stresses." (Juan Jose Peña, Hispanic activist and vice chairman of the Hispanic Roundtable)

The Republic of the North -- he predicts its creation as "an inevitability" -- would include all of the present U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado." (Charles Truxillo, a professor of Chicano studies at the University of New Mexico,) "

Saturday, June 22, 2002


Dear HC,

Best wishes to you on this heroic anniversary. The gutless, ineffective Republican Party failed miserably to impeach FDR for his many attempts to provoke war and his many violations of the Neutrality Act. FDR poured two billion dollars in secret illegal aid to the Soviet Union prior to Pearl Harbor (which of course was the result of an ultimatum FDR sent Japan in November 1941 demanding that they withdraw from China). FDR threatened to cut off American oil from Japan, which constituted 80 percent of their oil supply. Our recent presidents have waged wars all around the Third World over 1 or 2 percent of our oil supply being threatened. If we are justified in declaring war over oil, then Japan would have to be justified as well.

Future historians will look back with horror at the abject failure to do anything about Communism and the failure to educate people about Jewish control of Communism and the Jewish mass murders of Christian Europeans.


Today is the 61st anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the only serious attempt ever made by any major world power to put an end to the horror of Communism.

by Ian Stuart of Skrewdriver

He sat in a room, in a square the color of blood.
He'd rule the whole world, if there was a way that he could.
He'd sit and he'd stare at the minarets on top of the towers,
For he was the beast, as he hatched his new plans to gain power.

As the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals.
As the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels.
As the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival.
As the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rivals.

They took the old roads that Napoleon had taken before.
They fought as the forces of light against the darkness in a holy war.
One day they were looking out in the sunshine on the cornflowers.
The next day they were freezing to death in the snow and the ice cold showers.

As the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals.
As the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels.
As the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival.
As the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rivals.

Then came the deadly road back on the steppes of their retreat.
The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat.
And people who had hailed them once now turned and looked away.
These people now knew that the beast was on his way.

As the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals.
As the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels.
As the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival.
As the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rivals.

You finally came back to the borders of your Fatherland.
Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand.
Many people had fought and died, knowing that they had to win.
And still it sickens my heart to see the picture of the Red Flag in Berlin.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002


Fatso Sharon announces that from now on he will re-impose piecemeal occupation of Palestinian land for every bomb that goes off in Iz-ra-hell. Within hours, the Palestinians call his bluff by splattering more kosher ass over a bus stop in Jerusalem tonight.

These brave and hardy people of Palestine simply will not be defeated! Bravo and a hearty Allaha Akbar to them! They have won the admiration of the world with their steadfast refusal to live on their knees before their Jewish oppressors and occupiers.

A message to those thieving Jews who dared to lay their claw-like hands on a land that does not belong to them and to brutalize and humiliate a valiant and noble people: pack your bags and get out, kikes!

But then I believe you've heard that tune before. And something tells me you'll hear it again, one day in my own homeland.

[e-mail to:]

Monday, June 17, 2002

Covington On McVeigh (2002)

Hi, guys. I got an e-mail query giving me a long spritz on the "true facts" (supposedly) of Oklahoma City and how Timothy McVeigh is a bona fide and glorious Aryan hero. I am going to try like the devil to keep reposting of my old material to a minumum, but the following is my official "canned answer" to the McVeigh question.

Regarding Timothy McVeigh, here is my position:

1. We know a few details, but in the overall sense, we do not know what happened in Oklahoma City on April 19th, 1995. We therefore need to be extremely cautious in our approach to those events.

2. There was a John Doe Number Two. So many people saw him, and their accounts have been so widely reported in the regular media, that I believe we can accept this as a given. My personal opinion is that there were several other "John Does" involved and that Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols were, if anything, peripheral players.

3. The existence of John Doe Number Two is being deliberately covered up by the federal government. That, I think, is pretty clear.

4. The only reason why the existence of John Doe Number Two would be covered up by the government is because John Doe Number Two was either a federal agent or more likely a Federal "asset", i.e. a free lance spy and provocateur. If such a man existed who was a genuine Constitutionalist or racial nationalist of any kind, and he had participated in the blowing up of a major government installation, then the FBI and Justice Department would be tearing this whole country apart brick by brick looking for him. Or to take another example, suppose there really is something to this "Aryan Revolutionary Army" red herring? These men are already in prison serving time for bank robbery. Handy and easy fall guys. Do you think the government would hesitate to pin OKC on them as well if it were feasible? Instead, after the first week or so John Doe #2 simply vanshed from the official and media radar screen.

5. The inescapable conclusion from #4 above is that the Oklahoma City bombing was a federal sting operation of some kind, orchestrated by federal agents or asserts, with Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols set up to take the fall.

6. The only known connection of Timothy McVeigh to any racial nationalist or right wing group is his connection from around 1991 onward with the National Alliance of Dr. William L. Pierce. This connection consists of:

A) McVeigh's purchase of large bulk orders of The Turner Diaries for sale at gun shows, the book then being only available from Hillsboro. Somewhere there must exist documentary evidence of McVeigh's correspondence with Hillsboro, if only book orders. McVeigh was at one stage driving around the country with hundreds of copies in his trunk and back seat; he must have been one of Pierce's best customers. This documentation was presumably among the briefcase full of material removed by the FBI, by helicopter, from the Hillsboro compound on or about April 23, 1995.

B) The presence of Timothy McVeigh at a National Alliance meeting in Las Vegas in February of 1995 where he was seen in the company of a man holding national office in the NA.

C) The blatantly obvious patterning of the bomb attack after one of the scenes in The Turner Diaries.

D) The distribution of National Alliance literature and more Turner Diaries by McVeigh to a number of his post-military co-workers at Burns Security and elsewhere, as reported in "American Terrorist".

E) A new and tantalizing connection revealed in the book American Terrorist which states that McVeigh joined a "White supremacist organization headquartered in North Carolina" when he was at Fort Bragg and distributed copies of a publication called The White Patriot. This was the publication of Glenn Miller's highly infiltrated White Patriot Party, which had extensive cells at Bragg and the Marine base in Jacksonville.

If McVeigh was involved with the remnants of the WPP at Bragg then it is entirely possible he met the man known as Mr. X at this time, since X first made his appearance in the WPP around 1986 and maintains extensive personal contact with former WPP personnel. Unfortunately, American Terrorist is extremely skimpy on details of this association and is maddeningly vague about the time frame in which it took place. By the time McVeigh joined the military the WPP had imploded and only fragments remained. It does say that McVeigh maintained contact with the "White supremacist group in North Carolina" after he left the military and was working for Burns Security.

7. All of the above information has been forcibly suppressed by the government.

Two witnesses who saw McVeigh at the NA meeting in Las Vegas were arrested by Denver police at McVeigh's trial, held incommunicado, threatened and forcibly "deported" back to Arizona. The former Arizona NA state organizer of that time has fled into hiding and no one has seen or heard from him to this day, after receiving unspecified threats and intimidation he would not describe further to me.

A connection between McVeigh and a "White supremacist group" would have been invaluable ammunition for the prosecution at his trial, and yet the whole NA aspect has been air-brushed out of the picture except by a few media people. Dr. Pierce was not called to testify at the trial by either side and according to himself [Pierce] he was never even questioned or approached by the FBI, which in view of the atmosphere of anti-White hysteria prevailing at the time is simply incredible. (For the record, Pierce denies that the alleged FBI helicopter visit of April 23 took place. The NA has such a history of pathological lying that anything they say is worthless. The one man who was willing to speak of this, who was present at the cult's compound when the FBI whirlybird landed, has since disappeared, apparently gone into hiding in sheer terror.)

8. The attempt to construct an official alternate conspiracy theory by the mysterious "free lance reporter" using the name "J. D. Cash" is completely and utterly bogus and without a grain of truth to it. Sometimes called the Strassmeir Scenario, the general effect of this taradiddle is to point inquiring minds at politically acceptable "neo-Nazis" and away from Washington and above all away from Hillsboro. I know Dennis Mahon personally, I have discussed this with him, and I do not believe he would ever get involved in anything this hare-brained. The poor man has been driven nearly up the wall with seven years of merciless persecution by the media over nothing. He tells me that BATF informant Carol Howe's brain was so fried with drugs and psychiatric medications she would have accused him of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and you will recall that she was evaluated by both sides at McVeigh's trial and considered too flakey to testify. The Strassmeir Scenario is horse shit.

9. Repeated efforts to create a "Middle East connection" to OKC are equally bogus and probably Israeli Mossad disinformation in an attempt to blame the bombing on Arabs. [NB. This was written prior to 9/11. - HAC]

10. Finally - let us assume for the sake of argument that Timothy McVeigh was exactly what he has been portrayed to be, a lone individual who decided to avenge the butchery at Waco. Regardless of his motives, because of what he did, "our" cause, and by extension virtually every idea to the right of center in this country for the next fifty years, is now irrevocably associated in the public mind with the killing of children. I find it very difficult to believe, given the apparently careful planning, that whoever was in charge was unaware of the fact that there was a day care center in the Alfred Murrah Building.

Timothy McVeigh's epitaph is---and must remain---five simple words.


Someday, maybe we will. But for now I recommend that we quietly shelve McVeigh and concentrate on obtaining state power for ourselves in our own country in the Pacific Northwest. If McVeigh is genuinely "one of ours", then that is the best way to honor his memory.


Sunday, June 16, 2002


Dear Comrade Covington:

I agree unreservedly with your thoughts on the need for action, rather than words, to do something about our situation.

To digress, if anyone can tell me how to circumvent the hurdles that have been placed in the way of educated white professionals who want to get into the USA? I would be grateful. I am a senior journalist, but because I am white, intelligent and productive I cannot get into the USA. My chances would be better if I painted myself and my family brown and we swam the Rio Grande.

The staff at the US consulate in the city where I live made it clear (by quoting the book of rules to which they are bound) that there was no way that my blonde children and I could get into the USA, unless I had millions of dollars and undertook to start a business and employ a certain number of US citizens. Racial quotas would, of course, apply to those who were employed.

Back to the main point.

The need for direct action has been apparent since the beginning of this century.The problem is that our people have been brainwashed into thinking that night is day and day is night. They perceive friends as enemies and truth to be a despicable lie. They have brainwashed our people to the point that our people are now active participants in their own extermination.

The concept of a white homeland (shades of South Africa) is appealing, but whenever I think of it I also remember what happened at Waco (amongst other incidents). Direct armed action is needed, because we cannot match Jewish money power or media power.We cannot, however, match the firepower of the armed forces that the Jews control through their control of governments.

The greatest tragedy of that situation would be that the white soldiers whom we would face in the field would be the very people we were trying to save. As one who has been trained in military tactics (former officer of 2/14 Light Horse, Australian Army) I agree with Comrade Covington that a white people's equivalent of the Provisional IRA is the only option.

Tactical appreciation involves a simple formula. It is: specify the goal; assess the situation; take inventory of the resources on hand; devise every conceivable way to achieve the goal; then pick the plan that (on logic) is most likely to succeed. In this case, a head-on confrontation with the armed forces of any nation (let alone those of the USA) would result in our brief, but glorious, defeat and extermination. Our race has already played out Gotterdamerung once this century (Berlin, 1945). I cannot see any profit in doing it again.

Educating the masses to the point that a large number of them will see
the truth and be motivated enough to get off their obese arses and man the
barricades has been tried. It failed. The Jewish system will also
assassinate any leader who is charismatic enough to appear likely to succeed
at such an endeavour. I cite the fate of G. L. Rockwell to support my

The situation is this: we want to seize power, but military action cannot work, the ballot box cannot work and we have been locked out of the courts. There remain only two options. We can lay down and die, or we can explore the terrorist option. I do not suggest an Osama Bin Laden option. Rather, I suggest what I call the Oswald Option. Armed action . . . yes . . . but only against specific targets. These would be the race traitors, the Jews themselves and the various subhumans who assist them. If the politicians got the message that anyone who spoke or voted against the interests of white people would be assassinated, they would pull their cowardly heads in.

Of course, there would also be an unprecedented persecution of our people and many of us would die. This, I believe, is a small price to pay. Unless we act in a grand and decisive way we will all suffer a greater death through the process of mongrelisation that is already underway. To put this in a way that the most simple minded will understand: unless you want your grand daughter to f**k a nigger and push out his dirty little nigger babies, you had better get off your arse today and be prepared to make whatever sacrifice is necessary for the greater good of our race.

Sitting in darkened rooms writing emails to each other (in between visiting the porn sites that make up 60% plus of Internet traffic) about how terrible the situation is will not solve anything. We need to be careful to distinguish between activity and progress. Today there is a great deal of Internet activity, but nothing (to the best of my knowledge) is being done to advance the cause of white people. People who wish to salve their consciences, because they do not want to face the fact that they are too cowardly to actually do any work or take a risk, will work themselves into a frenzy by the light of their Asian-made computer monitors. These people are drones in the hive and security risks, because they will spill their guts the moment that an FBI squad kicks in their door.

What we need are people who are prepared to take risks, make the big decisions and be the sort of hard-hearted logic-driven cold bastards who fight and win wars. We need an elite who are prepared to form an underground of white patriots who will kill and are willing to die for our race. Passion, however, is not enough. We need people who are trained and disciplined. Those who were involved in the white race's version of the IRA would have to be few in number, highly trained and so committed to the cause that they would commit suicide to avoid capture. These people would have to have military training (preferably as snipers and in deep-penetration reconnaissance); be educated in police forensic and investigation techniques; and the techniques of the various government intelligence agencies around the world.

Such a group would have to maintain absolute secrecy and be ruthless in the way that it dealt with breaches in secrecy. The group would have to be formed into cells in which nobody knew the identity of anyone other than the members of their own cell. Communication of all forms would have to be encrypted in a way that was unbreakable. That is possible, but I will not go into that here (for an obvious reason).

By the selective application of force, according to a plan orchestrated by a central leadership, it may be possible to bring down our enemies and halt the destruction of our race. If our enemies have been given 30.06 lobotomies it will not be difficult to reverse the process of decay. Our enemies are ruthless, but they are also cowards and they are unable to appreciate the self-evident logic of their situation, which is that they are a parasite that is determined to destroy the host. If they succeed in the destruction of our race (their host), they will also be destroyed because the mongrelised retards who remain will be unable to sustain the infrastructure of the civilisation upon which they (the Jewish parasite) depend for their survival and prosperity.

I am amazed that a race as cunning and clever as the Jews has not realised this self-evident truth. Therefore, as well as a plan of action to stop the destruction of our race, we must also have a plan to replace the current order with a new order. This new order must not be a democracy. Democracy is the election of the corrupt and unprincipled by the incompetent and unworthy. I propose a one-party totalitarian state of National Socialists. If we allow democracy to remain it will leave an open door for the cancer of Judaism to reinfect white civilisation.

- howlingdog